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- * Wein
- Felsenkeller.SH [ Weinhandlung zum Felsenkeller, Schaffhausen ]
- Candrian Catering AG - Il Baretto - il Baretto
- Kopfweh durch Wein
- Biowein aus Deutschland, aus Österreich und Bioweine aus Südeuropa
- :: Wein und Kopfschmerzen
Honig / Imker
- VDRB - Verein deutschschweizerischer und rätoromanischer Bienenfreunde: 1401 Schaffhausen
- Swisshoney - Die Honig-Information der Schweizer Imkervereine: Siegelimker
- VDRB - Verein deutschschweizerischer und rätoromanischer Bienenfreunde: Home
- Erika Zumbühl | metabolic balance TM
- Restaurant Altschwand
- Lebensküche - Andrea Pistorius | Begleitende ganzheitliche Ernährungs- und Lebensberatung, Time-Therapie, Rezepte, gesunde Alternativen, gesund Essen, Allergien, Unverträglichkeit, Zöliakie, ADS, Neurodermitis, Säre-Base-Haushalt
- Saisonküche - Home
- Chäs Marili, Schaffhausen - Ihr Käse-Fachgeschäft und Spezialist in Sachen Käse
- Coopzeitung
- Coop - Foodprofil
- V.I.P. Party-Pizzaservice
- Bürgi Spezialitäten AG : Confiserie, Cafe, Restaurant : Pfyn
- ~ Alte Rheinmühle ~
- Swissmilk - Schweizer Milch, Milchprodukte und SMP - Ernährungsvorträge
- ALCOTEC IRISH CREAM TOP-UP LIQUEUR EXTRACT - £2.99 : Whytes Home Wine Equipment
- | Leichter abnehmen.
Auto / Automobile
- Autoindex - Strassenverkehrsamt - Direktion für Soziales und Sicherheit - Internet Kanton Zürich
- AutoScout24 : Auto-Datenbank für Neuwagen und Gebrauchtwagen
- 70e Salon de l'Auto, Genève - 70th Motor Show, Geneva - 70. Automobil-Salon, Genf
Motorrad / Motorräder
- Zweiradsport
- Hauptseite Harzenmoser
- MotoScout24 : Die Motorrad-Datenbank
- Car.Schaffhausen - Willkommen bei
Ferien / Holiday
- Karte Wanderland Schweiz
- MapPlus by TYDAC
Thyon 2000
- Agentur IMALP - Verwaltung-Vermietung-Verkauf
- - making maps smarter
- Welcome to the Town of Clarksville
- - Reisen - Travelguide - Reiseziele
- GVA Airport
- Glacier Express Bernina-Express Bahnreisen
- Hirvipirtit Lapland | Ferien- und Blockhäuser in Finnland | Cottages in Finland | Mökit Lapissa
- Hirvipirtit Lapland | Ferien- und Blockhäuser in Finnland | Cottages in Finland | Mökit Lapissa
- La vida que historia!!!: El Peñol
- Alexandra Korner in Südamerika: Bolivien, ...
- Restaurant StafelALP, Zermatt
Film / Movie
- DVD Verleih (Schweiz) - DVDONE.CH Online Videothek - DVD mieten Filme ausleihen
- CD DVD Games Software Shop cdversand Musikversand Musik Filme DVDs Movies sacd portofrei - Schweiz
- > Software > Ant Movie Catalog
- Karma - Ich komme wieder:
- The Internet Movie Database (IMDb)
- - Filme anders sehen
- - Archiv: Die Flucht
- Die Flucht (2007) – Wikipedia
- Die Flucht (Film) – Wikipedia
- Zärtliche Cousinen - Special Edition DVD auf
- Tendres cousines (1980)
- Zärtliche Cousinen - Special Edition (Marketing Film) - DVD - Erotik - EAN 4038637159309 (DVD)
- :: Zärtliche Cousinen (Special Edition)
- Zärtliche Cousinen (1980) :-:NetMovies:-:
- Bilitis (1977)
- Sie tanzte nur einen Sommer (1951)
- Sie tanzte nur einen Sommer - Über diesen Film - Film -
- C A S T A W A Y
- 9 1/2 Wochen (1986)
- DVD Review "9 1/2 Wochen" --- - Das DVD & Heimkino Magazin im Internet mit DVD Reviews, DVD News und DVD Specials
- kinoweb: 9 1/2 Wochen in Paris
- Matrixse
- Lust auf Seitensprünge - Seeing Other People (2004)
Forschung / Research
- Das HAARP-Projekt
- HAARP - ELF-Wellen - Bewusstseinsmanipulation
Games / Spiele
- Billardclub Schaffhausen
Rubik's Cube Würfel
- Zauberwürfel-Anleitung - Lösung für den Rubik's Cube
- Rubik's Cube - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Rubik's Cube Weltrekordliste
- System for solving Rubik's cube
- Lancaster - Queen Games
- Jeu de Marienbad - Wikipédia
- Marienbad
- Sudoku - Wissenswertes und Lösungsstrategien
- ATMachine's House of LucasArts and Sierra Oddities
- T E X T F I L E S
Xbox 360
- Free60 Project
- Free60Wiki - Free60 Wiki
- v³ - Die deutsche Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Seite
- Blitzkrieg - CDV Software Entertainment AG
- Wolfenstein Files - Enemy Territory (Windows) Info
- - Online Gaming - Clan Server Rental - WOLF
- Bundesamt für Gesundheit - Catch The Sperm
- Bundesamt für Gesundheit - Spacebar
- Bundesamt für Gesundheit - Smoke Attack
- The New Portal for ZETA, BeOS and Haiku Games - Home
- Games Online (Игры онлайн)
- Browsergames und MMORPG
- Desert Blitz kostenloses Strategie Browsergame
- Start | playnik - Kostenlose Browsergames
- Flash games - Index of /games
- OpenTTD
- Geschenke
- Lego - Robots - Wiki
- Mobile Crane | TECHNIC | LEGO Shop
- Samla - gemeinsam sammeln und schenken...
- The Official Web Site of LEGO ® products!
- Edelweiss Shop Schweiz: die offizielle Homepage
- - Geschenke und Geschenkideen. Geschenk zum Geburtstag: Parfum & Pflegeartikel
- Die Himmelsstürmer von Franz Zumstein
- Willkommen - Fink Medien AG
- Schweizerisches Bundesgericht
- Buchter Sorg Onnen Thoma - Anwalt Schaffhausen Rechtsanwalt
- Legifrance - Le service public de l'accès au droit
- - Beobachter
Arbeitsrecht und -sicherheit
- EKAS - Eidgenössischen Koordinationskommission für Arbeitssicherheit
- EDÖB - Überwachung am Arbeitsplatz
- Jobs Stellen Karriere Bewerbung Kader Job Teilzeit - auf Jobwinner
- Jobs Stellen Karriere Bewerbung Kader Job Teilzeit - auf Jobwinner
Rechtliche Bestimmungen: Spam
- EDÖB - Spam
- EDÖB - Unerwünschte E-Mail-Werbung (Spam)
- SR 241 Art. 3 Unlautere Werbe- und Verkaufsmethoden und anderes widerrechtliches Verhalten (Bundesgesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb)
Steuerrecht / Steuern
- Schweizer Steuerrecht (Steuern Schweiz, Schweizerische Steuer, Steuerberater, Steuerberatung, Switzerland Taxes, Swiss Tax, swisstax easy)
- FIVE Informatik AG. Steuerberechnungssoftware TaxWare®
Informatik Richtlinien
- Rechtssammlung ETH Zürich
- Rechtssammlung ETH Zürich
- Rechtssammlung ETH Zürich - Standards für Verantwortlichkeiten und Systempflege [PDF]
- Swico - Willkommen!
- SWICO Portal
- Systemadministrator - Nutzungsrichtlinien
- Apple - Legal
- Apple - Apple Strategie zum Schutz der Persönlichkeitsrechte
Zentraler Firmenindex
- zefix
- Powerneting: Handelsregisteramt des Kantons Schaffhausen.
- Handelsregister des Kantons Schaffhausen
- - Willkommen - Startseite
- - Startseite
- Systematische Sammlung des Bundesrechts
- MELANI - Melde- und Analysestelle Informationssicherung MELANI
- Inhaltsverzeichnis des Landesrechts
- Eidgenössische Gerichte
- Verwaltungspraxis der Bundesbehörden (VPB) Bundeskanzlei
- Das Schweizer Parlament
- eCH - eCH fördert, entwickelt und verabschiedet eGovernment-Standards.
- Juristische Datenbank JUDAT
- zefix - Handelsregister
- SHAB - Schweizerisches Handelsamtsblatt
- Schaffhauser Rechtsbuch
- Inhalt Schweizer Gesetzestexte
- Eidgenössische Gerichte
- juris BMJ - Startseite
- EDÖB - Musterbriefe Auskunftsbegehren
- Klassifikation der Krankheiten und verwandter Gesundheitsprobleme - DIMDI - ICD-10-WHO Version 2011
- Neutralisiert Melatonin Quecksilber im Gehirn -
- PharmaWiki - Melatonin
- Eradication of Helicobacter pylori: A Clinical Update
- Krankheiten A-Z
- Heilpflanzen von A bis Z
- Krankheit - Index
- List of Symptoms -
- Roche Lexikon Medizin - Medizin-Lexikon -
- Open Drug Database | Medikamente | Home
- Histo I - Anatomie
- Enzyklopädie - ChemgaPedia
- Das Medizinlexikon zum Mitmachen - DocCheck Flexikon
- Gib Diabetes ein Gesicht: fischer
- Sauerstoff - Bedeutung, Ursachen und Folgen von Mangel - Sauerstofftherapie
- Peroralen Sauerstoff-Therapie (POT)
- Diabetes Ratgeber – alles was bei Diabetes hilft
- CFS-Chronisches Erschöpfungssyndrom, index
- Chronisches Erschöpfungssyndrom – Wikipedia
- Epstein-Barr-Virus – Wikipedia
- Schilddrüsenkrankheiten von Gerhard Leibold - Buch portofrei bei kaufen
- Was sind Aften bzw. Aphten? »
- Gesundheit, Medizin, Wellness, Krankheit - Symptome, Diagnose, Therapie, Behandlung
- Schweizerischer Patientenschutz - SPO
- Patientenstellen der Schweiz
- Patientenvollmacht: Herr Doktor, wie geht es ihr? - Beobachter
Ärzte / Therapeuten / Tarmed
- Paracelsus Klinik - Therapien
- Alternatyves.Info
- Das Ärzteverzeichnis der FMH -
- TARMED Suisse - Tarif-Browser
- TARMED Suisse - Tarif als PDF-Datei
- TARMED Suisse - Offline-Browser
- Kopfweh Zentrum
- jameda - Ärzteverzeichnis | Arztbewertung | Ärzte, Heilpraktiker suchen und bewerten
- Home - Bayer Contour®USB Blutzucker-Messgeraet
- Willkommen bei Accu-Chek
Ionisierende Strahlung
- Strahlung: Krebs wegen Atomkraftwerk? - Beobachter
- Tschernobyl: «Sie wichen vor uns zurück» - Beobachter
- Wie wirken ionisierende Strahlen auf den Menschen
- Strahlung auf den Menschen
- atombombe
- Was ist Radioaktivität, was ist schädlich daran?
- ineffektive Erythropoese
- Spielzeug: Riskantes Spiel mit der Gesundheit der Kinder - Beobachter
- Schadstoffe: Da ist Gift im Spiel - Beobachter
- Electrical Sensitivity (ES) & Electrical Hypersensitivity (EHS)
- Wireless Precautions
- SR 814.710 Verordnung vom 23. Dezember 1999 über den Schutz vor nichtionisierender Strahlung (NISV)
- Nationalrat - Binder-Maier: Bienensterben nicht auf die leichte Schulter nehmen
- Wasseradern - Schlafstörungen - Elektrosmog - Burnout Syndrom |
- Schweizerischen Interessengemeinschaft Baubiologie SIB | bildungsstelle
- Fachgruppe Hausuntersuchung
- AUSBILDUNG Elektrosmog
- Adressen von Baubiologen - kostenlose Datenbank, bundesweit nach Postleitzahlen und Regionen - baubiologische Informationen
- Baubiologie Organisationen
- Institut für Erdstrahlen und Elektrosmog seit 1992
- Daniel Fahrni-Regli - Elektrosmogmessungen, Hausuntersuchungen
- - Elektrosmog und Geologische Störungen
- Urs Raschle
Elektrosmog-Analysen & Lebensraum-Energetik
Amselstrasse 7
Postfach 418
CH - 9113 Degersheim
Telefon +41 (0)71 370 02 90
- Elektrosmog Lassen Sie einen Profi messen
- Institut für Erdstrahlen und Elektrosmog seit 1992
- Baubiologen
- emvu GmbH: Elektrosmog Gesundheit, EMV Abschirmung, nachhaltiges Bauen, Schimmelbefall, Schlafstörung, Strahlenbelastung
- Alfred Gertsch Kentron Baubiologie
- Willkommen bei der Schweizerischen Interessengemeinschaft Baubiologie.
- Karl Rosenberger Heilung mitästhesie, Rutengehen, Erdstrahlen & Gesundheit - Schön, daß Sie hier sind.
- Mobilfunkantennen und ihre werbeeinflussenden Faktoren auf Wohnimmobilien - Micro-ondes
- Magnetische Wechselfelder und was dagegen zu tun ist
- Michael Thiesen | Baubiologische Beratungsstelle IBN
- Elektromagnetische Felder > Hochfrequente Felder > Grundlagen
- e-smog messung: Grundlagen
- Mobilfunkstandard – Wikipedia
- ALLUM : Mobilfunk
- Feldstärke, EMF - Messgerät, Frequenzbereich, Tonsignal, Geigenzählereffekt | Messtechnik
- Messgerätevermietung
- Mieten HF+NF / Messgerätekoffer MK15
- Messungen - Video-Deutsch « Micro-ondes
- EME Spy 121 | EMF Measurement & Simulation Tools
- SATIMO | Fast Antenna Measurement, Radome Test and Scanners Systems
- Strahlenbelastung durch Mobilfunk und andere Quellen - Lufthygiene - AWEL - Baudirektion - Internet Kanton Zürich
- RF Field Strength power meter (1MHz-8GHz) - Category1 - Product Catalog - Cornet Microsystems (Taiwan)
- cornetmicro- webpage
- RF Field Strength power meter (1MHz-8GHz) | TomsGadgets
- Log-periodic Antenna for ED85EX | TomsGadgets
- TENMARS -- TM-195 ... 3-Axis, RF Field Strength Meter
- TENMARS -- RF Field Strenght Meter
- RF Test Instruments - B&K Precision
- Gigahertz Solutions » Messtechnik » Hochfrequenz » Messgeräte » HFE35C
- Elektrosmog - Hochfrequenz Strahlungsmessgerät-HFR-4 (250 MHz - 10 GHz) / Spektrumanalyser für PC
- Chauvin Arnoux - Product Form
- Narda Safety Test Solutions
- Microwave Oven Leakage Meters
- Feldstärkemesstechnik - Gigahertz Solutions » Online Shop » Messtechnik
- HF- Messgeräte
- Electrosmog Detector, Breitband- Empfänger
- Electrosmog Detector, Sounds, Bilder und Dokumente
- Electrosmog Detector bei 007SpyShop
- Products - CORNET Microsystems (Taiwan) (Taiwan Manufacturer) - Company Profile - DIYTrade China manufacturers suppliers directory
- Electrosmog WiFi spectrum analyzer RF field strength/power meter - ED15SA - CORNET (Taiwan Manufacturer) - Wireless Equipment -
- RF Field Strength power meter (1MHz-8GHz) - ED85EX - CORNET (Taiwan Manufacturer) - Wireless Equipment - Telecommunication & Broadcasting
- PSA2701T portable RF spectrum analyzer
- TRENDnet | Products | Wireless G Adapters | TEW-429UB
- TRENDnet | Products | Wireless G Adapters | TEW-429UB
- ZyXEL AG-225H - Studerus AG
- ZyXEL AG-225H V2 WLAN-Adapter, WiFi Finder - PCP.CH
- ZyXEL AG-225H WiFi Finder and 802.11a/b/g USB 2.0 Adapter — The Gadgeteer
- Spectrum Analyzer der Serie SPECTRAN bis 9,4GHz (Handheld) » Aaronia AG Spectrum Analyzer, Antennen, Abschirmungen, EMV
- Spectrum Analyzer. Handheld Analyzer bis 9,4GHz / Weltrekord: -170dBm(Hz) DANL
- Elektrosmog - Mensch und Technik - Andy Schmidiger Emmenbrücke - Messgerät Niederfrequenz Elektroschutz Elektrische MagnetischeWechselfelder Elektrobiologische Installation Messung Planung
- Index of
- Wanzenspürgeräte - Preisvergleich & Erfahrungsberichte
- USB- Kugelschreiber Kamera bei 007SpyShop
- Abschirmung / Messgeräte / ...
- Messungen bei Mobilfunk-Basisstationen: Einführung und Messgeräte - Elektrosmoginfo von Ralf Dieter Wölfle
- Emf Protection
- *** ROM Elektronik Umweltmesstechnik
- HF- Messgeräte
- ESM-1 Messgerät zum Messen von Elektrosmog in der Merkur Apotheke - Leipzig
- ESM-1T, Elektrostress- Messgerät
- Elektrostress - Messgeräte
- Elektrostressmessgerät (ESM-1) ONESUN - Gesundheit und Wohlgefühl mit dem Zapper nach Dr. Beck. Blut-zapper Beck-zapper Magnet-pulser
- Einfachmessgeräte: Übersicht
- AlphaLab Gauss Meter and EMF Detectors
- Enertech EMDEX II
- Messverfahren - Endotronic
- Antennas Catalog directional sector omnidirectional MIMO : INTERLINE - 2.4GHz, 5GHz antennas, MIMO, wlan, wifi
- Circuit Design GmbH, funktechnisches Entwicklungshandbuch
- Lexikon
- Tabellenübersicht - Langzeitwirkung von Sendestrahlen
- Elektrostatik – Wikipedia
- Technische Informationen - Was sind Funkwellen?
- Decibel conversion online calculation
- Calculation of Electric Field Intensity & Received Power over flat terrain - Calculation
- Calculation of the Electric Field Intensity & Received Power in free-space - Calculation
- Calculation of the Electric Field Intensity & Received Power
- Calculation of wavelength - Calculation of free space basic propagation loss
- Okumura - Hata Curve - Calculation
- Okumura - Hata Curve
- Radio wave propagation characteristics - Calculation
- Radio wave propagation characteristics
- Channel plan to avoid third-order intermodulation interference
- Elektrisches Feld (E-Feld Feldstärke Durchschlagsfestigkeit Influenz Abschirmung)
- Cellular Radiation Overview - tawkon Technology
- vzbv | Presse | Mitteilungen | 02.12.2010 - vzbv fordert Aussetzung des Glühbirnen-Verbots
- YouTube - Radiation of a Horn Antenna
- Inside-IT: Schrumpfen Mobilfunkmasten auf Handygrösse?
- Hochfrequenz-Belastungen / Elektrosmog in unserem Alltag
- Warum Mobilfunkstrahlung schädlich ist
- Photon – Wikipedia
- HPA - Wi-Fi
- Mobilfunk- Alternativen und Konzepte
- Datenübertragung per EMF - 10d Projekt2001
- File:Electromagnetic spectrum c.svg - Wikimedia Commons
- Frequenzpläne » Aaronia AG
- BAFU - Publikationen - Leitfaden Mobilfunk für Gemeinden und Städte
- BAFU - Elektrosmog - Mobil telefonieren - Wie funktioniert das?
- ganzheitlich gesünder leben - Mobilfunk
- Antennen-Übersicht
- 20 Minuten Online - Sogar Gartenzwerge als Störquellen - Kreuz und Quer
- Distance and the Inverse Square Law
- Drehfunkfeuer – Wikipedia
- Drehfunkfeuer bei Hallau -
- Bundesamt für Gesundheit - Schnurlostelefon (DECT-Telefon)
- Elektrosmog Schnurlose Telefone - DECT
- DECT-Schnurlostelefone
- DECT-Schnurlostelefonsignal hörbar machen
- Auf einen Blick: DECT-Schnurlostelefone
- Siemens M34 DECT-USB-Adapter im Detail : Siemens M34 DECT: Mit Telefon und Skype ins Internet
- Alinco Welcome Page
- ALINCO - Handscanner by maas elektronik
- Vertraulichkeit bei Gesprächen mit DECT-Telefonen nicht länger gewährleistet
- - SNV Trunk
- ListOfPhones –
- DOSCH&AMAND Company - DECT CAT-iq™ - DA1220-B2 Air Sniffer
- Frage: Sind DECT-Telefone abhörbar?
- YouTube - DECT Schnurlos Telefon: Abhören leicht gemacht
- YouTube - Abhören von Dect-Telefonen
- DVB Mobile TV : Services, Trials & Pilots
- Gesundheitsgefahr durch LTE – Betreiber geben Defizite zu
- Panikmache oder echte Gefahr – Warnung vor LTE-Elektrosmog
- Warnung vor dem neuen Funksystem | MAIN-POST Nachrichten für Franken, Bayern und die Welt
- GdP: Gesundheitliche Risiken nicht ausgeschlossen
- Neue Funktechnik als gesundheitsschädlich kritisiert - Kreis Freudenstadt - Neckar Chronik
- In wenigen Sekunden zum WLAN-Hotspot |
- 5 GHz als Treiber für zukünftige WLAN-Netze |
- Inside-IT: Hohe WLAN-Dichte in der Schweiz
- Elektrosmog - Schutz vor WLAN - Sendeleistung reduzieren
- Wi-Fi Alliance: Home
WLAN Ersatz
- Fritz!Box: WLAN-Reichweite reduzieren, um Elektrosmog und Hacker-Radius zu minimieren | Tipps, Tricks & Kniffe
- LED-Lampen als WLAN-Ersatz
- Smart Lighting Engineering Research Center » Boston University
WLAN-Sniffer / Stumbler
- Aircrack-ng
- AirSnort Homepage
- Kismet
- MagicMap | Download
- WLAN-Sniffer – Wikipedia
- 3D-HD-Videos drahtlos streamen-Computerworld online-News
- Wimax von Swisscom unter Beschuss-Computerworld online-News
- Swisscom beschreibt krankmachende Funktechnik
- Patentente für strahlungsarme DECT-Telefone und WLAN-Anlagen - Bürgerwelle Schweiz: Internet WLAN, PLC...
Röntgen / MRT
- Durchsichtige Füße: Na, Sohnemann, da strahlst du! - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Netzwelt
- Radiologie? Alles bei
- Radiologie? Alles bei
Kabellose Stromzähler - Smart Meter
- Smart Metering - das Zählerkonzept der Zukunft
- MES/200-F - Das System zur mobilen Datenerfassung - ITF-EDV Fröschl
- STOP SMART METERS ,Refuse SMART METERS,SAY NO TO SMART METERS, smart meter signs, smart meter labels, smart meter stickers,
- YouTube - The Dark Side of 'Smart' Meters
- Stop Smart Meters! | Website of the Scotts Valley Neighbors Against Smart Meters
- 2009_12_11: ein Album in Flickr
- Kurioses
- Zubehör Antennen
Nortel WLAN Products
- Nortel: Products: W
- Nortel: Products: WLAN Handset 2212: Overview
- Nortel: Products: WLAN Handset 6120: Overview
- Nortel: Products: WLAN Access Point 2332: Overview
Elektrosmog soll Akkus aufladen
- Nokia: Elektrosmog soll Handy-Akkus aufladen @
- OhGizmo! » Archive » [CES 2010] RCA Airnergy Charger Harvests Electricity From WiFi Signals
- Airnergy wandelt WLAN-Signale in Strom um | Basic Thinking Blog
- Strahlenschutz am Bodensee - Veranstaltungen
- BAFU - Gesundheitliche Auswirkungen von Hochfrequenz-Strahlung
- Dass es nicht-thermische Wirkungen gibt, ist also unbestritten.
- BAFU - Krebs durch niederfrequente Magnetfelder: Verdacht bleibt bestehen
- BAFU - Was ist Elektrosmog?
- BAFU - Zahlungsbereitschaft für eine verbesserte Umweltqualität am Wohnort
- BAKOM - Elektromagnetische Wellen
- BAFU - Publikationen Elektrosmog
- BAKOM - Rundfunk
- Durch das BAG unterstützte Forschung und Projekte im Bereich EMF
- BAKOM - Ausschreibung von Frequenzblöcken für die Erbringung von Mobilfunkdiensten in der Schweiz
Mobilfunk und Gesetze
- SR 814.01 Bundesgesetz vom 7. Oktober 1983 über den Umweltschutz (Umweltschutzgesetz, USG)
- SR 210 Art. 684 B. Beschränkungen / III. Nachbarrecht / 1. Übermässige Einwirkungen (Schweizerisches Zivilgesetzbuch)
- SR 210 Art. 679 A. Inhalt / 1. Bei Überschreitung des Eigentumsrechts (Schweizerisches Zivilgesetzbuch)
- Gigaherz - Schweizerische Interessengemeinschaft Elektrosmog-Betroffener - Home
- Wie gefährlich ist elektromagnetische Strahlung? - Schweiz - Tagesschau - Schweizer Fernsehen
- Elektrosmog und Handystrahlung - Gesundheit - SF Wissen
- Elektrosmog: Kritik an Wireless LAN in Städten - 10vor10 - Schweizer Fernsehen: SF Videoportal
- Neues vom Elektrosmog: Studie an Bahnmitarbeitern ueberrascht - Puls - Schweizer Fernsehen: SF Videoportal
- Babyphones: Elektrosmog im Kinderzimmer - Kassensturz - Schweizer Fernsehen: SF Videoportal
Ärzte / Therapeuten
- Dr. George Carlo - Video and Radio Interviews
- Detect & Protect | Guidance for Doctors
- Naturheiler-Verzeichnis der Schweiz
- Gerda Schwaer, Heilpraktikerin, Photonen-Therapie
- AEFU - Elektrosmog -Ärztinnen und Ärzte für Umweltschutz
- Index of /pdf - AEFU
- Ärzte und Mobilfunk - Wer Wir sind
- Deutsche Borreliose-Gesellschaft e.V. - Vorstand & Beirat - Kurt E. Müller
- Dr. med. Kurt E. Müller, Kempten - Naturheilmagazin für Naturheilkunde
- Dr. med. Kurt E. Müller, Waltenhofen, Arzt für Allergologie, Arzt
- Praxis Im Brühl - Dr. med. Heike Grossmann
- Kontakt - Praxis Im Brühl
- Heike Grossmann
- Cranio Suisse - Therapeutinnenliste
- Wir begrüssen Sie auf der Webseite der Cranio Suisse, der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Craniosacral Therapie.
- Ärzteschaft
- Ganzheitsmedizinische Behandlung elektrosensibler Menschen
- Ganzheitsmedizinische Behandlung elektrosensibler Menschen ...
- Testung der Elektrosensibilität
- Elektrosmoginfo
Studien und Forschung
- EMF-Portal - Literatursuche
- EMF-Portal - Epidemiologische Arbeiten im Mobilfunk-Bereich
- Studien, die öffentliches Interesse geweckt haben
- IARC (WHO) classifies Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans
- VI
- Forum Mobil - frequentia, medizinische Faktenblattreihe
Leukämie - Mobilfunk und Hochspannungsleitungen
- Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia - Adult mortality from leukemia, brain cancer, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and magnetic fields from power lines: a case-control study in Brazil
- Elektrosmog: Stromleitungen sind ein Leukämie-Risiko
- Leukämie - ich dachte, die Welt bricht zusammen
- Leukämie um Radiosender in Süd-Korea erhöht
- Blutuntersuchung im Dunkelfeld und ihre Glaubwürdigkeit - Dr. Hilbert Seeger, MD PhD Sydney / Australia
- Naturheiler-Verzeichnis der Schweiz
- Dunkelfeldmikroskopie
- Malaria Hilfe Weltweit e.V., Twinoxide, Chlordioxid, MMS, Sauberes Wasser
- Videofilm Dunkelfeldmikroskopie
- Konzerne schiessen nicht – Konzerne kaufen - Gigaherz
- BAFU - Dokumentation - Elektrosmog: Entwarnung, aber kein grünes Licht
- Wissenschaftliche Begleitstudie UMBN Schlussbericht
- NFP57: Mobilfunk-Strahlungsmessung mit dem Zufallsgenerator - Gigaherz
- NFP57 – Der Skandal ist perfekt - Gigaherz
- NFP57
- NFP 57 «Nichtionisierende Strahlung – Umwelt und Gesundheit» - Schweiz. Nationalfonds SNF
- Environmental Health Perspectives: UMTS Base Station-like Exposure, Well-Being, and Cognitive Performance
- Qualifex: Kontakt/Sitemap
- Qualifex: Kontakt/Sitemap
- Qualifex: Projektbeschreibung
- Scientific Commons: Martin Röösli
- Scientific Commons: Patrizia Frei
- COST 0704 - Document Details | WG1 Presentation Patrizia Frei Paris 09
- ebea 2011 → invited speakers
Prof. K. Hecht
- Hecht-Studie Übersetzung und Zusammenfassung russischen Studienmaterials aus 1.500 Arbeiten von 1960 bis 1996 im Auftrag des Bundesministerium für Telekommunikation (Regulierungsbehörde) von 1997 von Prof. em. Prof. Dr. med. habil. Karl Hecht
- h.e.s.e. - EMF/Mobilfunk
- Biologische Wirkungen Elektromagnetischer Felder - profhecht
- EMF Database - EMF Health Effects and Products - Information Ventures, Inc. - Subject Expertise
- Scientific Studies Linking Low-level Microwave Radiation and Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) with Health Impacts
- Schlaflabor - Klinik für Schlafmedizin
- Der Melatonin-Check
- Startseite - Melatonincheck
- Unfruchtbar wegen Handy
- E-Smog Beruhigen statt forschen
- FSM .. Forschungsstiftung Mobilkommunikation .. Home
- Elektrosmog erhöht Asthma-Risiko bei Babys
- Effects of Microwaves and Radio Frequency Energy on the Central Nervous System
- Elektrosmog-Studie: 5 % der Schweizer elektrosensibel
- Liste der Elektrosmog-Wirkungen – Wikipedia
- Frey-Effekt – Wikipedia
- Elektrosensibilität – Wikipedia
- WHO Erhoehtes Krebsrisiko durch Handys -
- Radiation effect must be checked before 4G system is okayed
- Erkrankung der elastischen und kollagenen Fasern bei Lyme-Borreliose (umg) - SCHATTENBLICK - UMWELT/194
- Epigenetik und funktionelle Teratologie (umg) - SCHATTENBLICK - UMWELT/203
- An interview to Adamantia Fragopoulou on EMF risks -
- Biotechnologie / Life Sciences in Baden-WürttembergIonenkanäle und der Nobelpreis von Sakmann und Neher
- Sakmann and Neher: the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1991
- Physiology or Medicine 1991 - Press Release
- Gilman, Rodbell - the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1994
- Physiology or Medicine 1994 - Press Release
- Wi-Fi Radiation Is Killing Trees, New Study Finds | Popular Science
- Max-Planck-Institut für medizinische Forschung, Heidelberg - Curriculum Vitae Prof. Dr. Bert Sakmann
- Biological effects from exposure to electromagnetic radiation emitted by cell tower base stations and other antenna arrays - Environ. Rev. 18: 369-395 (2010)
- List of studies reporting biological effects at low intensities of radiofrequency radiation (RFR)
- Are We Listening to Doctors’ Warnings? | Stop Smart Meters!
- Chinese Put Cancer of the Parotid Gland on Center Stage
- Cell Phones Affect Brain Activity - Microwave News
- Warum Mobilfunkstrahlung schädlich ist - Michigan State University Studie
- Warum Mobilfunkstrahlung schädlich ist - Indische Studie
- Association between number of cell phone contracts... [J Neurooncol. 2010] - PubMed result
- Klinik für Strahlenheilkunde
- die Informationsplattform zum Thema elektromagnetische Felder
- Startseite
- ElektroHYPERsensibilität: Bestätigung durch Studie
- Krebsgefahr: EUA mahnt zur Vorsorgepolitik
- Informationsmaterialien
- Diagnose-Funk Studienliste -
- Mobilfunk Diskussion
- Umweltmedizinisches Beratungsnetz - Gigaherz
- Zentrum für Elektrobiologie - Spini
- :: Umweltphysikalische Messungen ::
- Gemeinde Wiesenthal --- Startseite ---
- Gemeinde Wiesenthal --- Ferienhaus in der Pfarrgasse ---
- Das REFLEX-Projekt - Elektrosmoginfo
- Studien zur Elektrosensibilität - Elektrosmoginfo
- Elektrosensibilität - Wie erkennen? Wie behandeln?
- Effekte bei Pflanzen
- Mikrowellen und Pflanzenwachstum
- Kälber wegen Handyantennen erblindet
- EHS Encéphaloscans
- Questionnaire
- grenz|wissenschaft-aktuell: Neue Studie bestätigt athermische Wirkung von Mobilfunkstrahlung
- Fragebogen für Mobilfunkgeschädigte - human ecological social economical project
- Antennebureau - Eerste indruk Kennisplatform op onderzoek bomen en WIFI-zendsignalen
- Holländische Forscher wollen negative Auswirkungen von WLAN-Strahlung auf Bäume festgestellt haben » Community 36
- Elektrosmog greift offenbar auch Bäume an -
- Studie: Handystrahlung stört unseren tiefen Schlaf -
- Erforschung und Therapie der Elektrosensibilität e.V., Wiesenthal - Der Verein
- Health risks from mobile phone radiation – why the experts disagree - News — EEA
- Radiation risk from everyday devices assessed - Highlights — EEA
- Nicht-thermische Effekte durch Studie bestätigt
- - Informationen zum Schutz vor Elektrosmog. - Elektrosensibilität - ein Stress-Syndrom
- Mobile phone mast effects on common frog (Rana tem... [Electromagn Biol Med. 2010] - PubMed result
- Cosmos: cohort study of mobile phone use and health
- Risk of Parotid Malignant Tumors in Israel (1970–2006) : Epidemiology
- Health and Environment Alliance - Mobile phone use may cause long term brain damage
- Langzeitstudie belegt: Handynutzung verursacht Krebs und verändert das Gehirn - Digital -
- Testen von Elektrosensitive
- Elektrosmog BMW erlässt für DECT Vorsorgewert
- Der verschwiegene Durchbruch in der Medizin - - WIR NUTZEN ES!
- WHO EHS Fact sheet 296 german.pdf
Vorstösse / Petitionen / Vereine / IG / Verordnungen
- Frau Zumtaugwald
- Academic Website of Dr. Magda Havas, PhD
- Dr. Magda Havas, PhD
- Appelle und Resolutionen
- Spanien: Reduktion der Strahlung um das 4000 fache - 0,6 V/m BioInitiative Roger Santini
- Addiction ados Téléphone Portable
- PULS-SCHLAG - Gesundheitsgefahren durch mobile Kommunikation
- milieuziektes
- het bitje
- Next-up Organisation
- / UMTS - Een kritische kijk op de gezondheidsaspecten van mobiele communicatiemiddelen
- WEEP Initiative | The Canadian and International Initiative to stop Wireless, Electric, and Electromagnetic Pollution
- EMR Australia
- VGM - Verein für gesundheitsverträglichen Mobilfunk
- Mobilfunk Bürgerforum - gemeinsam sind wir stark ! - Handy, mobile Telefone, Funk, Strahlung, Elektrosmog, DECT, WLAN, Bluetooth, Bürgerinitiativen, GPRS, UMTS
- Radiation Research Trust
- Petition "Weniger Elektrosmog!"
- chris haderer - eco.log: Elektrosmog: BÜRGERBEWEGUNG URLKOGEL - Heinz Korrenn
- Bürgeriniativen gegen Handymasten & Mobilfunkstrahlung - Heinz Korrenn
- Postulat Elektromagnetische Felder Gilli Yvonne (Monitoring) - Amtliches Bulletin (Internet export)
- Grüne :: Risiko Mobilfunk
- - Beitrag Detail - Sich wehren geht ins Geld
- | EMF and Health Protection
- human ecological social economical project
- Petition für weniger
- Bürgerwelle Schweiz: Strahlung allgemein
- Petition für weniger
- Mobilfunk-Initiativen Ostallgäu
- Bürgerwelle e.V. - Herzlich willkommen...
- Mobilfunk mit Mass in Herrliberg
- IGEW - Interessengemeinschaft Elektrosmog Witikon
- VGM - Verein für gesundheitsverträglichen Mobilfunk Liechtenstein
- Petition gegen den Antennen-Wildwuchs in Kreuzlingen 2006
- IG Strahlungsfreies Kreuzlingen
- IG Stopp Eektrosmog Graubünden
- – kritisch, unabhängig, informativ
- Verein Risiko Elektrosmog Kärnten: Home
- Interessen-Gemeinschaft Antennenstop in 6283 Baldegg - Antenne, Elektrosmog, Natel, Mobilfunk, EMF, UMTS, GSM, Gesundheit, Nichtionisierende Strahlung, Risiko, Elektromagnetische Felder, Umwelt, Umweltschutz, Orange, Sunrise, Swisscom
- ARA - Association Romande pour la non prolifération d'Antennes émettrices, dont de téléphonie mobile
- actiegroepzendmastenheemskerk
- Danger téléphone portable et antenne relais, danger wifi - risques santé et dangers de la téléphonie mobile (portables, antennes, wi-fi)
- AB StrahL - Willkommen bei AB-Strahl -
- Elettrosensibili
- Chronic Exposure
- AKUT asbl
- Elektrosmog
- Biirgerfrequenz asbl - Luxembourg
- - Elektrosmog
- alerte
- Ortsgruppe SUMM
- Electrical Sensitivity/Hypersensitivity - The Environmental Illness Resource Forums
- Next-up Organisation
- Next-up - Informations sur les irradiations des ondes électromagnétiques
- Symptome, Ursachen von Krankheiten - Forum, Hilfe, Tipps zu Gesundheit
- Elektrosmog
- Forum MELODIE : MEtaux LOurds Detoxication Information Entraide
- Magnetfeldabschirmung, Powershield, Flächenabschirmung, Raumabschirmung f. Trafostationen - SYSTRON EMV GmbH
- Mu-Metall Bleche, Mu-Folien selbstklebend, Mu-Metall Klein-Gehäuse
- MuMetall Folien
- Elektrosmog -Umdenken erforderlich | Haga
- Rettungsdecke - HARTMANN Produktkatalog
- Elektrosmog-Info / Schutzmöglichkeiten
- Elektrosmog hochfrequente Strahlung
- Baldachinvermietung
- YSHIELD EMR-Protection
- HF+NF / Abschirmgewirke CURTAIN / Breite 145 cm / 1 Laufmeter-
- HF+LF / YSHIELD shielding paint HSF54 / 5 liter-
- A - Z gesund - Abschirm Gewebe - AZG A-Z Gesund
- Schutz vor Elektrosmog. Abschirmgewirke Dali
- EHS EMF Schutz Mobilfunkbasisstationen
- Next-up - Protections CEM EMF
- EHS Badge mobile OFF
- YouTube - Strahlenschutzfolie Typ LX-70 h.c.
- YouTube - FOSTAC Chip (Handy Chip)
- Strahlenschutz vor Elektrosmog mittels Folien - Folien vom Fachmann - Folien – Sonnenschutz, Mattierungs-, Sicht- u. Blendschutz sowie Beamer- und einbruchhemmende Folien …
- Folienarten
- Schutz vor Elektrosmog: Abschirmungsprodukte
- Elektrosmog - EMV-Abschirmgardine zur Abschirmung von hochfrequenter Strahlung wie z.B. Mobilfunk
- aluMATTER | Aluminium | Elektromagnetische Abschirmung | Elektromagnetische Abschirmung Überblick
- Welcome to Dirty Electricity | Could Dirty Electricity Be Making Your Family Sick?
- Elektrosmog Textil: Elektrosmog TEX
- Zink überzeugt durch sehr gute Abschirmeigenschaften
- Zink überzeugt durch sehr gute Abschirmeigenschaften | Deaf News Magazin
- Dünne Zinkschicht stoppt Datentransfer -
- Telefon Transformer memon®
- Telefon Transformer memon®
- Grundlagen zu Aaronia Hochfrequenz- und Niederfrequenz EMV Abschirmung (Gewebe und Vlies)
- ASMT - Die Elektrosmog-Messprofis
- Spectrum Analyzer, EMV Messgeräte, EMV Antennen & Abschirmungen für Industrie, Behörden und Labor.
- Hochleistungs EMV Abschirmstoff mit 50dB, extrem lichtdurchlässig, gegen HF und NF E-Feld
- Spectrum Analyzer. Handheld Analyzer bis 9,4GHz / Weltrekord: -170dBm(Hz) DANL
- YSHIELD EMR-Protection
- IBES - Leben ohne Elektrosmog - Elektrosensibilität - das Test-Resultat
- MPA Engineering AG | Messen – Planen – Abschirmen
- Abschirmung - SAR Wert
- Umweltschutz in Theorie und Praxis - envisco
- EmUv - Startseite - Ing.-Büro für Elektrosmog-Prävention
- Swissschield + Swiss Shield
- Die Harmony Technologie Produkte
- How does the EMF-Bioshield® Protection System work?
- Harmony United - Rückgaberecht und Garantie
- Avantgarde Energetic - Intelligenter Sticker schützt vor Elektrosmog
- Bioprotect - Elektrosmog; Handy-, Schnurlostelefon- und Netz-Entstörung; Wasserbelebung
Beschwerden / Erkrankungen / Auswirkungen
- ALLUM : Elektrosensibilität - Elektrosensitivität
- Electromagnetic hypersensitivity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Wasseradern - Schlafstörungen - Elektrosmog - Burnout Syndrom | - Symptome
- Handystrahlung - Studien & Videos
- The Emergence of Electrohypersensitivity
- Seborrhoisches Ekzem
- Tinnitus und Ohrgeräusche: Ursache Elektrosmog | Elektrosmog-Protect
- Schlafstörungen mit Chemie umgangen
- IBES - Leben ohne Elektrosmog - Schlafstörungen durch Strahlung
- Schlafstörung: «Ich liege die ganze Nacht wach» - Beobachter
- Schlaflosigkeit: Ein ganz normaler Alptraum - Beobachter
- Editorial: Wenn Schlafen zum Luxus wird - Beobachter
- Schlaflosigkeit: Schlaf, wo bleibst du? - Beobachter
- Umwelteinflüsse: Die unsichtbaren Feinde des Schlafs - Beobachter
- Wir können keine Nacht mehr schlafen
- Elektrosmog-Messungen: Hohe Ausschläge beim Breitband
- Der Protest gegen Stromleitungen waechst
- Schlafstörungen | Elektrosmog-Protect
- TURBOSCHLAF — Schäfrig? Sofort anhalten und turboschlafen!
- Geldrollenbildung unter dem Dunkelfeldmikroskop - Praxis Harzenmoser Gesundheit
- Elektrosmog-Forum des IZgMF - Geldrolleneffekt: Auf ein neues
- YouTube - Elektrosmog memon RTL Beitrag
- RTL Punkt 12 u.a. Geldrolleneffekt & Isabelle Berger
- RTL Punkt 12: Thema Handystrahlung / Geldrollenbildung (Thorsten Sleegers)
- Die Geldrollenbildung der Erythrozyten
- Die Geldrollenbildung der Erythrozyten
- Die Geldrollenbildung der Erythrozyten
- cluster.jpg (JPEG Image, 1700x2339 pixels) - Scaled (28%)
- » Live Blood & Electrosmog видео
- Live Blood & Electrosmog
- Live Blood Analysis and Electrosmog
- Blutbildveränderungen
- Dunkelfeldmikroskope
- Naturarztpraxis Silvia Mundschin: Den Menschen in seiner Ganzheit und Einzigartigkeit betrachten und gemeinsam Wege finden um Gesundheit zu erlangen oder zu erhalten, ist mein Anliegen. Dafür stelle ich Wissen und Erfahrung in meiner naturheilkundlichen P
- Sauerstoffmangel - Sauerstoff-Kur
- AkuRy Australasia
- Beispielbilder - vitalblutbilder
- Handynutzung und Tinnitus
- Tinnitus: Pfeifen im Ohr durch Handy-Telefonate - News - FOCUS Online
- - Zapper und Pulser nach Dr. Beck. Original Beck Geräte (Blutzapper, Magnetpulser) seit 2000. - Blutzapper Zapper nach Dr Beck
- ~ Alternative Heilung und Medizin ~ Blutzapper, Krebs Heilung, Aids, Hepatitis, Viren, Virus, Krankheiten, gesundheit, Wellness.
- Beck-Zapper, Blutelektrifizierung, Niederstrom-Wirkungen
- miniZAP® - Beck Zapper - Blutzapper - Blut Zapper - Unterschied zwischen Beckzapper und Clark Zapper - Beck Pulser
Prof von Klitzing
- L. v. Klitzing: Ist Elektrosensibilität messbar?
- Interview mit Lebrecht von Klitzing
- Orthomolekulare Ernährung bei Elektrosmog und Umweltbelastung -
- Swiss Hot-Water-Bottles - Gigaherz
- » électrosmog видео
- Internet WLAN, PLC... - Bürgerwelle Schweiz
- Bronchialsystem – Wikipedia
- BAFU - Elektrosmog - Elektrosmog: Gesundheitliche Auswirkungen
- Tetra
- WLAN, Wimax, WiFi ...
- Marin Project: Are wireless technologies making us sick?
- Schilddrüse und Stoffwechsel: Auswirkung von Elektrosmog | Elektrosmog-Protect
- Elektrosmog kann Krebs und Tumoren verursachen | Elektrosmog-Protect
- Krebs bei Spitalangestellten
- Handynutzung und Kinder - Kopfschmerzen, ADHS
- Chemie des Sonnenbrands
- WEEP Initiative Living with EHS Electro sensitivity a survival guide
- Ruefenacht, Mobilfunkantenne
- Neue Anklagen gegen Radio Vatikan wegen Elektrosmog
- Niederfrequente Magnetfelder: Elektrosmog erhöht das Asthmarisiko bei Babys - Nachrichten Wissenschaft - WELT ONLINE
- Studie entdeckt Elektrosmog als Risikofaktor für Asthma » Medical Observer
- Andreas Nitschke - Gepulste Hochfrequenz - schnurlose DECT-Telefone und GSM-Mobilfunk- und ihre Folgen
- Peter Jennrich - Hätte ich gewußt, dass.....
- Armin Furrer - Mir wurde schwindlig -
- Atemnot und was es sonst noch so gibt :: Gigaherz
- Dokumentierte Gesundheitsschäden - 32 Kasuistiken
- Wireless technology made me sick| News | This is London
- Stories -
- Weitere Betroffenenberichte
- Wahnsinn Mobilfunk: Betroffene berichten
- Briefe gegen Mobilfunk und Mobilfunksendemasten, letters,Primum non nocere, Wi-Fi radiation, How to develop cancer
- Briefe der Buergerinitiativen gegen UMTS, Mobilfunk und Mobilfunksendemasten, Protestbriefe, letters, Archivseite
Berger Isabelle
- memon®: Aktuelles im TV
Ulrich Weiner
- Ulrich Weiner
- AZK Schulterschluss gegen Zensur!
- YouTube - Elektrosensibilität - Ein Leben in der Isolation (Funkloch)
- YouTube - Leben im Funkloch - Auf der Flucht vor Handystrahlen
- YouTube - Beitrag RAI Handy-Strahlung ulrich weiner
- YouTube - SWR BW Spätnachrichten Ulrich Weiner Handy Strahlen
Per Segerbäck
- The Man Who Was Allergic to Radio Waves - EMFacts Consultancy
- The Man Who Was Allergic to Radio Waves | Popular Science
DJ Steve Miller
- AFTERLIFE (OFFICIAL MYSPACE SITE) bei MySpace Music - Kostenlos MP3s anhören, Bilder & Musikvideos ansehen
- Powerwatch - Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity
- Wi-fi waves make top DJ Steve Miller sick | Steve Miller aka Afterlife | Allergic to wifi | Wifi allergy | | The Sun |Features
- 20 Minuten Online - Vom WLAN in den Wahn getrieben - News
- 20 Minuten Online - Vom WLAN in den Wahn getrieben - News
- Pointless and Vapid Bits - Wi-fi waves make top DJ Steve Miller sick
Franz Fellner
- -- Gedanken zu Politik, Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Gesundheit
- -- Gedanken zu Politik, Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Gesundheit
- Wahnsinn Mobilfunk - Betroffene berichten - raum&zeit 2006-139-10
- Nahrungsergänzung für Elektrosensible - raum&zeit 2006-141-7
- Omega-News: Wahnsinn Mobilfunk, Betroffene berichten
- Verein Risiko Elektrosmog Kärnten - Die Gefahren von Mobilfunk und Wireless LAN (WLAN)
- Impulsiv: Franz Fellner
- Impulsiv 81: Die Gefahren von Mobilfunk und Wireless LAN
Marc Tappert
- Düsseldorf: "Handy hat mich krankgemacht" | RP ONLINE
- Berliner Marc T. (44) - Erschütternde Diagnose - Hirn-Tumor durch Handy-Strahlen | Fotostrecken Gesundheit - Berliner Kurier
- Leben mit Hirntumor: Die "tickende Zeitbombe" im Kopf |
Ricky Gardiner Guitarist
- Electro-sensitivity | Beggars Opera Official Website.
- Ricky Gardiner Guitarist
- - estv
- Electrosensitives Talk Part One - YouTube
- Electrosensitives Talk Part Two - YouTube
Christine Aschermann
- Dr. med. Christine Aschermann, Nervenärztin – Psychotherapie, Eichenstr. 6, 88299 Leutkirch
- Fallbericht: Verbrennungsartige Hautänderungen
- elektrosensibilität: ein Patient mit verbrennungsartigen ...
- Christine Aschermann
- EMR-Freier Arbeitsplatz
- Elektrosensibilität: Sind das jetzt die Webers, die mich grillen? - Gesundheit - Gesellschaft - FAZ.NET
- Frau ist gegen Elekrizität allergisch -
- - Ein Erfahrungsbericht nicht nur für Elektrosensible
- Eva Brunner - bekijk testimonial
- Lehrerin am Rand ihrer Kräfte - bekijk testimonial
- Vater und Sohn durch WLAN geschwächt - bekijk testimonial
- WLAN und DECT-Telefon verursachen "Burnout" - bekijk testimonial
- Erfahrungsbericht über Elektrosmog am Arbeitsplatz
- Erfahrungsberichte - A - Z gesund
- So gefährlich ist Handystrahlung (2) | Gesundheitliche Aufklärung
- Bauexpertenforum - Einzelnen Beitrag anzeigen - Elektrosmog und Schlafstörungen
- Interview mit Wigald Boning - Planet Interview
- YouTube - Funkfreies Dorf für Elektro Hyper Sensible Menschen (EHS)
- Catherine Emilie Magnin
- YouTube - AB-Strahl Bericht zur Handymastverhüllung vom 11.12.2009
- Mobilfunk: Bamberger Ärzte sammeln Krankheitsgeschichten
- Die Erfahrung mit unserem DECT-Telefon (Arzt - kind_kempten_dect.pdf)
- Erfahrungen mit dem DECT-Telefon
- „Burnout“ durch Elektrosmog – ein Erlebnisbericht
- Bürgerwelle Schweiz: • Betroffene
- Der Mast muss weg! Bürgerinitiative Bismarckstraße 57, Stuttgart West. Kinder und Jugendliche
- - Diskussion - WLAN
- Die legalisierte Schädigung der Kinder
- Die häufigsten Ursachen gesundheitlicher Beschwerden durch Elektrosmog
- The Electrosensitive Society » ABC TV – Allergic to Electromagnetism
- 32 Kasuistiken: Dokumentierte Gesundheitsschäden
- Die häufigsten Ursachen gesundheitlicher Beschwerden durch Elektrosmog
- 02. Antennen als Karrierebremse?
- 07. Müdigkeit auf Dauer
- 11. Elektrosensibilität
- 29. Stehen Sie unter Strom?
- 38. Elektrosmog im Computer
- 39. Grundlos Krank
- 41. Mikrowellen
- 52. Elektrosmog an Arbeitsplätzen
- 55. Auffällige Müdigkeit
- 56. Von Beruf Richter
- - Elektrosmog messen, analysieren, beraten, sanieren... kompetent, professionell, seriös für Private, Firmen, Mieter, Liegenschaftsbesitzer, Institutionelle.....
- Kinderwunsch Osteopathie Heuschnupfen Bioresonanz Amalgamausleitung gsund-bliibe
- EHS: Anne-Laure Tellement vrais | decembre 2011
- Ein Land für die EHS
- Belastung in der Großstadt und Baldachin
- Kann einfach nicht mehr
- Krank durch Elektrosmog -
- Mobilfunkantennen - Beobachter
- WOZ - Das Handy - Rueckblick auf ein Geraet - Falsche Fälschungen: Ob Mobilfunkstrahlung
krank macht, hängt davon ab, wer die Studie finanziert
- WLAN auf der Autobahn: Funk-Netz gegen den Stau -
- Pure Verzweiflung - Gigaherz Forum
- Erfahrungsberichte von Elektrosmog-Erkrankten - Gigaherz Forum
- Schweizer Vorsorgewerte sind und bleiben ein Riesenschwindel - Gigaherz
- Anleitung für Einsprachen gegen Baugesuche von Mobilfunkantennen - Gigaherz
- Mobilfunk-Auswirkungen auf eine Schweinezucht
- Mobilfunkmasten vom „Tower of doom“ entfernt
- Krebs bei Spitalangestellten
- Krebsinzidenz im Umkreis eines Mobilfunksenders
- WiMax-Schäden an der Elfenbeinküste
- Handystrahlung verursacht Schlafstörungen
- - Blind durch Handy-Strahlung?
- Re: Wie lange dauert es denn nun? Bitte Rechung zu Ende führen.... | Kommentar: Airnergys Fischen im Trüben | News-Foren
- Elektro-Flüchtlingsdrama Schweiz
- Handy schuld an Hirntumor -
- Sos Rocco | Facebook
- Wounded By Wireless Smart Meters – More People Are Succombing To The Effects |
- Rocco Panzavolta - Lettere dalla Germania
- Hug Me, Don't Hassle Me: The Hypersensitive Workplace : IMT Industry Market Trends
- Wired, connected and giving us a headache - The China Post
- World Allergy Organization | Allergic Diseases Resource Center
- My war on electrosmog: Julia Stephenson sets out to clear the airwaves - Green Living, Environment - The Independent
- Electrosensitivity - IN A SPECIAL TAXI and AN IRON-CLAD ROOM
- Dect Phones and Microwave Radiation on the Electrosensitive
- WiFi in schools and health effects of microwave radiation
- Blutbildveränderung nach 3 min. Telefonat
- Krank durch Elektrosmog
- Mobile Phone Jamming: Belgische Soldaten krank
- Mobilfunkstrahlen: Frau flieht vor Elektrosmog ins Funkloch nach Frebershausen - Korbach/ Waldeck - Lokales - Nachrichten - HNA Online
- WEEP Initiative Living with EHS Electro sensitivity a survival guide
- Gigaherz Forum :: Thema anzeigen - Es ist eine absolute Frechheit ... es ist meine Gesundheit !
- Probleme mit Elektrosmog - - Diskussion
- Elektrosmog Muss der Chef handeln - - Beratung
- CSN Blog » Umweltkrankheiten: Ein Leben auf der Flucht
- Der Fluch der Handys | MDR.DE
- Saint Papoul Abbey South Of France
- Orange Antenna: Pictures the french police do not want you to see
- Seewlialp Uri
- Berghütten ohne Internet und Handyempfang - Schweiz Tourismus
- Touristiker locken mit garantiert offline - Stories
- Willkommen im Hotel Steinbock! - Hotel Steinbock, Gasterntal, Kandersteg, Berner Oberland
- Hotel Gasterntal-Selden
- Walserhuus Davos Sertig
- Sporthotel Clavadel Davos, Ferien in der schönsten Natur
- Alpenblick Touristik GmbH
- Sennis-Alp
- Gasthaus Richisau
- Casa Andrea Cristoforo, Ascona, Schweiz
- Kandersteg Tourismus - Gastronomie
- Sankt Martin im Calfeisental
- Gast- und Kulturhaus Piz Tschütta - Reservation
- Wellness Hotel Chasa Montana Samnaun Engadin Graubünden Urlaub Schweiz Zegg
- Seehof-Valbella Hotel, Restaurant
- Haus für Allergiker - Gerhardtsgereuth / Hildburghausen - Thüringen
- Sensotel - ESR-Maßnahmen
- YouTube - Elektrosmog freie Zone in Italien
- Une terre pour les EHS
- Tagesklinik Dr. Volz & Dr. Scholz
- Microwave News ~ Spin, Spin, Spin
- Soubey
- Ein Zufluchtsort für Elektrosensible - Schweiz: Standard -
- Familienferien - Aletschgletscher - Bettmeralp - Aletsch Arena - Wallis - Schweiz
- Urlaub vom Elektrosmog: baubiologische Ferienwohnung: Strahlungsfreie und elektrosmogfreie Ferienwohnung
- 15 neue Wohnungen für Menschen mit starken Allergien - News Zürich: Stadt Zürich -
- Frage: Gibt es eine Europakarte mit Funklöchern?
- BAFU - Elektrosmog - Elektrosmog: Die Grenzwerte im Überblick
- Grenzwerte
- Mobilfunk
- Grenzwerte sollten neu definiert werden
- Grenzwerte für Hochfrequenzbelastung
- EMF Umrechnung- Tabelle
- DAS SAR Nokia Sagem Sony Ericsson Vodafone SAR Mobil phones Bruce Armstrong Zone Sécurité
- Economiesuisse verlangt Abschaffung der Strahlungsgrenzwerte
- 1P.68/2007 (17.08.2007)
Publikationen und Bücher
- Elektrosmog, Strahlung, Strahlenschutz und ich? ›, denn Gesundheit geht vor!
- Sorgen wegen Elektrosmog | SÜDKURIER Online
- Sorgen wegen Elektrosmog
- Stärkerer Elektrosmog durch neue Stromzähler |
- Infografik Elektrosmog: Handys überstrahlen alles - Beobachter
- Strahlung: Feige Mobilfunkanbieter - Beobachter
- Gesundheitsschäden durch militärische Radaranlagen – Wikipedia
- Handys könnten Hirntumore verursachen | Schweizer Radio DRS
- Gesundheit: Mobilfunk möglicherweise doch gefährlich - News -
- Weltgesundheitsorganisation - Krebsrisiko bei intensiver Handy-Nutzung - Wissen -
- Elektrosmog: Wirklich verstrahlt oder bloss eingebildet?
- Seltene Krankheiten - Hyperelektrosensibilität
- SF Puls - Wirklich verstrahlt oder bloss eingebildet?
- Elektrosmog und Handystrahlung - SF Wissen
- Elektrosmog: Neues Messverfahren - Einstein - Schweizer Fernsehen: SF Videoportal
- Nachttischlämpchen für Ahnungslose - Home
- Generali: Einschränkung des Deckungsumfanges - Gigaherz - Schweizerische Interessengemeinschaft Elektrosmog-Betroffener - Home
- Der Handykrieg - DVD's bestellen :: Gigaherz Forum
- die_Verkehrssicherheit Clip_Handy_und_fahren
- Risikopotenzial drahtloser Netzwerke - Evi Allemann
- Bücher - Gesundheitsrisiko Elektrosmog -
- Mit ein bisschen Papier gegen Handy-Strahlen -
- Handys lassen die Ohren klingeln -
- Elektrosmog: Schutz für Gesetzeshüter - Beobachter
- Elektrosmog: Schutz für Gesetzeshüter - Beobachter
- Elektrosmog: Sturm auf die Antennen - Beobachter
- Elektrosmog-Forum des IZgMF - Staatsanwaltschaft Luzern: Das Rätsel um den Metallsaal
- Elektrosmog: Schutz für Gesetzeshüter - Abteilung Pressesprecher: Hoher Puls « Otto Hostettler beobachtet
- Peter Kühnis Blog | Staatsanwälte muss man schützen - gegen Elektrosmog
- Elektrosmog: Schutz für Gesetzeshüter - Gigaherz
- 20 Minuten Online - Schädlichheit nicht nachweisbar - News
- Portable, wi-fi... Les technologies sans fils sont-elles sans danger? -
- Elektrosmog-Belastung steigt wieder an - Neue Zuger Zeitung Online
- Für die Betroffenen ist WLAN schrecklich -
- Elektrosmog - Senkung der Grenzwerte gefordert -
- Lernen unter Strahlen -
- Strahlend vernetzt
- So gefährlich ist Handystrahlung - News Digital: Mobil -
- - Beitrag Detail - Elektrosmog im Auto Kopfweh und
- Nebenwirkung Handy von Erik Huber - Buch portofrei bei kaufen
- Offenburg: "Die Schädigung geschieht schleichend" -
- Handy und Mobilfunk
- Handy und Mobilfunk - Themenseite Mobilfunk und elektromagnetische Felder - Publikationsshop des Bayerisches Staatsministeriums fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit
- Mobilfunk - Ein Gesundheitsrisiko? Studien - kontrovers diskutiert
- Mobilfunk - Ein Gesundheitsrisiko? Studien - kontrovers diskutiert - Themenseite Mobilfunk und elektromagnetische Felder - Publikationsshop des Bayerisches Staatsministeriums fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit
- Elektrosmog
- Krankheitssymptome
- Wie empfindlich reagieren die Gene?
- Ist Elektrosmog ungefährlich? — Extremnews — Die etwas anderen Nachrichten
- Jeder dritte Deutsche hat Angst vor Elektrosmog — Extremnews — Die etwas anderen Nachrichten
- Mobilfunk - ein Gesundheitsrisiko? (Nachrichten, NZZ Online)
- initiative vernunft: Elektromagnetische Verstrahlung aller Lebensbereiche
- Elektrosmog -
- Richard Forget Art et Ondes Albaret Richard Forget DrAlbaret Rufus Klaus Scheidsteger Santé publique édition
- Next-up Books
- Next-up Video: Das Erste Report Maintz Handy Krebs 29 10 2007
- Next-up Video: France2 Portable Mouchard 29 11 2009
- Visualisation 2D WiFi
- Dr. Magda Havas: WiFi in Schools is Safe. True or False? - YouTube
- Elektrosmog: Mit dem neuen Mobilfunk kommen auch neue Qualitätsstandards - YouTube
- WiFi in schools proven dangerous. - YouTube
- Wylde On Health CP24 Talk Shows CP24 4 - YouTube
- Magda Havas Wylde On Health - YouTube
- YouTube - Elektrosmog ist messbar - Detecting E-smog
- YouTube - Long term, low level Wi-Fi exposure a concern: expert
- YouTube - Alberta Parents concerned about WIFI in Schools
- YouTube - Kanal von martinwea
- YouTube - Die Bandbreite: Handyphob
- YouTube - Wie gefährlich ist Mobilfunk?
- YouTube - Gesundheitsgefahr Risiko Mobilfunk
- YouTube - Handy - die Mikrowelle am Ohr (1/5)
- YouTube - Handy - die Mikrowelle am Ohr (2/5)
- YouTube - Handy - die Mikrowelle am Ohr (3/5)
- YouTube - Handy - die Mikrowelle am Ohr (4/5)
- YouTube - Handy - die Mikrowelle am Ohr (5/5)
- YouTube - ACHTUNG !!! Blut verklumpt unter Handyeinfluss !!! handy gefahr strahlung antenne risiko
- YouTube - Schäden durch Handy Strahlung
- YouTube - Spiegel TV - Handystrahlung
- YouTube - Wenn das Telefon krank macht ( Ulrich Weiner ) - NDR 1/3
- YouTube - Wenn das Telefon krank macht ( Ulrich Weiner ) - NDR 2/3
- YouTube - Wenn das Telefon krank macht ( Ulrich Weiner ) - NDR 3/3
- YouTube - Strahlung eines DECT Telefons
- YouTube - Mobilfunk - Risiken und Nebenwirkungen (1/5)
- YouTube - Mobilfunk - Risiken und Nebenwirkungen (2/5)
- YouTube - Mobilfunk - Risiken und Nebenwirkungen (3/5)
- YouTube - Mobilfunk - Risiken und Nebenwirkungen (4/5)
- YouTube - Mobilfunk - Risiken und Nebenwirkungen (5/5)
- The Real Stories
- YouTube - Der Handykrieg Popstars Handyterror Pro 7 1/3
- YouTube - Der Handykrieg Popstars Handyterror Pro 7 2/3
- YouTube - Der Handykrieg Popstars Handyterror Pro 7 3/3
- YouTube - WAKE UP CALL from electrosmog expert Olle Johansson
- YouTube - Glaubenskrieg ums Handy Teil1
- YouTube - ORF Report, Handystrahlung, Elektrosmog
- YouTube - Das Handy macht krank !
- YouTube - Radiation From BlueTooth headset and cellphone
- YouTube - Diabetes and Electrosensitivity
- YouTube - Live Blood & Electrosmog
- YouTube - tende schermanti Elettrosmog Tex (R)
- YouTube - Schutz gegen Elektrosmog
- YouTube - live blood cell analysis dr. Robert Young
- The BioInitiative Report - Biological Standards for Wireless
- dr. george carlo EMS
Tatort - Strahlende Zukunft
- Tatort - Strahlende Zukunft (RB/WDR) -
- Tatort - fernsehtipp für den 8.8. um 20.15
- Tatort - Strahlende Zukunft
- EMFs: Invisible Jackhammers attacking your Body and how you can protect yourself from being cooked
- Elektrosmog - Problem und Lösung
- Video: Cell phones and your brain – Anderson Cooper 360 - Blogs
- Publications - International EMF Alliance IEMFA
- IEMFA - Video's
- SB*: Wireless Pollution - How Electromagnetic Communications Affects You 02-16-2011
- NEWSLETTER: Allan Frey and the Inconvenient Truth About Radio Frequency Radiation | Environmental Health Trust
- reportage grenoble france 3 voir l invisible anglais.avi - MEGAUPLOAD
- Worst Offenders: 24x7 Wireless Radiation Sources
- The Force - EMR Australia
- 'Electrosmog' - Fox News Video - Fox News
- Mögliche Symptome bei Belastung durch Elektrosmog > MPA Engineering AG | Messen – Planen – Abschirmen | Elektrosmog - Elektrobiologie
- Urteil des Bayerischen Verwaltungsgerichtshofes stärkt die Rechte der Kommunen in Mobilfunkangelegenheiten - Baubiologie Regional - Netzwerk für gesundes Bauen und Wohnen mit Adressenverzeichnis von Baubiologen"
- Risiken und Nebenwirkungen des Mobilfunkes nach aktuellem Stand | Gesundheitliche Aufklärung
- Mobilfunk: Umweltschützer warnen vor heftigem Elektrosmog - Nachrichten Wirtschaft - Webwelt & Technik - WELT ONLINE
- ERGO Verbrauchertipps "Volkskrankheit Schlafstörung" | Gesundheit & Prävention - Nachrichten
- | Netzpolitik | Europarat will Handy- und WLAN-Verbot an Schulen
- fuldainfo - News / Region / ''Funkgestütztes Internet'' interessierte Bürger staunten über Strahlenbelastung
- h.e.s.e. - EMF/Mobilfunk - Prevalence of Headache among Hand-Held Cellular Telephone Users in Singapore: A Community Study
- h.e.s.e. - EMF/Mobilfunk - Headaches from Cellular Telephones: Are They Real and What Are the Implications?
- Krank durch Elektrostrahlen -
- Study charts links between mobile phones, tumors | Reuters
- Study charts links between mobile phones, tumors | Reuters
- Wiener Verleumdungsskandal: Politischer Kompromiss
- Wie wirkt Elektrosmog?
- Elektrosmog: Auch vom Kirchturm hoch, da komm ich her ... - Textatelier Hess von Biberstein
- Cloud of worry gathers over wireless health risks - The New York Times
- Cell Phone-Tumor Link Found? - CBS News
- Cancer risk in mobile phones: Official | The Sun |News
- Inside-Channels: Schlaflose IT-Profis
- Handy-Strahlung: Wenn der Schulbesuch krank macht > Kleine Zeitung
- Microondes
- EMF & Cell Phone Safety Information
- Hyla Cass, M.D.: Are Cell Phones and Wi-Fi Hazardous to Your Health?
- EUROPA - Press Releases - Kommission ändert Richtlinie zu Elektromagnetischen Feldern um MRT zu schützen
- „Wird zuviel mit der Strahlenbelastung“ - Nachrichten - Trostberg - Traunreut - Chiemgau Online
- Crave Talk: Is Wi-Fi the 21st century plague? | Crave | CNET UK
- Bad-Dürrheim: Rekordhohe Grenzwerte beim Mobilfunk - Schwarzwälder Bote
- Bad-Dürrheim: Auch in Kliniken funkt es immer mehr - Schwarzwälder Bote
- Der verschwiegene Durchbruch in der Medizin - Google-Suche
- Diabetes and Electrosensitivity - Dr. Magda Havas, PhD
- Verbraucherzentrale Sachsen : Elektrosmog
- Vernetzt und verstrahlt - WDR | WebTV |
- Microwave News ~ Home Page
- Der Bioinitiative Report
- "Bahnbrechendes" Urteil zum Mobilfunk
- W-LAN-Strahlung kann Fruchtbarkeit beeinträchtigen
- Europarat fordert Kurswechsel
- Moritz Leuenberger hat Mühe mit dem Elektrosmog
- Werden wir alle elektrosensitiv?
- Elektrosensibilität
- Wireless Stress Syndrome
- Gefährliches W-LAN?
- SPIEGEL ONLINE - Druckversion - Strahlenwaffe: US-Militär stellt Mikrowellen-Kanone vor - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Wissenschaft
- US Navy research throws up vomit ray • The Register
- Navy SBIR Award
- Handyboom,Mikrowellensyndrom,Krebs,Alzheimer,Bienensterben, Waldsterben
- Die Folgen von Mobilfunk
- Europäische Versicherer: Handystrahlung - "Das Risiko ist nicht versicherbar" - Die Zeit, 17.11.2008 [PDF]
- Französisches Gericht verbietet Handy-Mast - Der Spiegel, 05.02.2009 [PDF]
- BBC NEWS | Programmes | Panorama | Wi-Fi: A warning signal
- Chronic Exposure
- Die Sache mit dem Power-Armband: Humbug oder Wunderding? - Nachrichten - Lokales - merkur-online
- Full Signal Der Trailer (De)
- Full Signal DVD
- Strahlung und Elektrosmog - Artikeldetailansicht - Inana - Geomantie-Bücher
- Mobilfunk, Gesundheit und die Politik - Artikeldetailansicht - Inana - Geomantie-Bücher
- Der Mensch im Kraftfeld der Technik - Artikeldetailansicht - Inana - Geomantie-Bücher
Standorte und Netzabdeckung Mobilfunkantennen
- Network Map | Openwireless Überall...
- BAKOM - Standorte von Sendeanlagen - Übersichtskarte
- e-smogmessung: Belastungskarte
- e-smog messung: Übersichtskarte
- Orange :: support :: coverage :: swiss coverage
- e-geo BAKOM - Handymasten Standorte
- Schweizer Wireless-LAN Hotspot Liste
- BAKOM - Standorte von Sendeanlagen
- BAKOM - Erläuterungen zur Übersichtskarte
- Cartoradiations
- Österreichische Standorte -
- ANFR Agence Nationale des Fréquences
- Streit um Handy-Masten neu entbrannt - Weltchronik - Österreich /
- Mobilfunk Standortdatenbanken Vergleich Deutschland Österreich Schweiz Großbritannien
- Malta Emission Levels
- Area Dati
- monIT
- ANFR Agence Nationale des Frequences
- Netzabdeckung
- Bundesnetzagentur - EMF-Datenbank
- Biophotonen-Technologie als möglicher Schutz vor Elektrosmog | Gesundheitliche Aufklärung
- Elektrosmog - Gefahrenquellen und Schutzmaßnahmen
- Handytipps zum Strahlensparen - Alfred Gertsch Kentron Baubiologie
Mitgliedschaften, Newsletter, Spenden
- Gigaherz - Schweizerische Interessengemeinschaft Elektrosmog-Betroffener - Mitgliedschaft
- Gigaherz - Schweizerische Interessengemeinschaft Elektrosmog-Betroffener - Beitrittsformular
- Mitgliedschaft bei DF-Schweiz
- Newsletter abonnieren
- Ihre Spende an DF-Schweiz
Warnungen (beim Verkauf)
- Detail - BUND für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland
- Précautions d'usage de votre téléphone mobile
- San Francisco 1st City to Require Warnings of Cell Phone Radiation Risk at Point of Sale |
Bestechung und Unwahrheiten
- Wenn Fälscher Fehler machen - Prof. Lerchl ist schockiert
- Bundeskartellamt bestätigt Verdacht gegen Deutsche Telekom
- Bestechungsaffäre: Neuer Verdacht gegen Telekom-Chef Obermann - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Wirtschaft
- Trotz Bestechungsaffäre: Telekom hält an Obermann fest - News
- Telekom: Bestechungsverdacht und Provisionsbetrug
- Elektrosmog - Ursachen
- Ablesegeräte: Neue Dimension von Funkbelastungen
- Elektrosmog-Info / Hochfrequenz
- Elektrosmog – Symptome, Ursachen von Krankheiten - Forum, Hilfe, Tipps zu Gesundheit
- Visible Light Communications
- Strahlenwerte (SAR) von Nokia Handys
- Swisscom Forum: SMS an E-Mail Adresse
- Swisscom: SMS - Email or FAX via SMS
- Swisscom: ETV Directories - Retrieval by SMS (Connect 1144)
- Swisscom Mobile - ETV Infos
- Swisscom Mobile - SBB Infos
- The Home Of Dismantle Instructions For Mobile Phones
- Disassembly Mobiles, Handy zerlegen, Reparaturvideos, Repair video film
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- GPS TrackMaker
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Wasseradern und Pendel
- RGS-Verein für Radiästhesie
- RayCover Strahlenschutz, Informationen über Rutengänger / Wasserschmecker
- Radiästhesie: Rutengänger und Wasseradern thera online Schweiz - Ganzheitliche Heilmethoden
- Radiästhesie: Wasseradern / Rutengehen
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- Elektrosmog Elektrobiologie Geobiologie und Geopathologie Schweiz - Erdstrahlen Wasseradern Verwerfungen
- RGS-Verein für Radiästhesie
- Aktuelle Bücher Radiästhesie
- Die Wasserschmöcker · Kontakt
- Mit der Rute Wasseradern aufspüren - Wünschelrute
- Rute und Pendel(Gertrud Hürlimann)
- Bücher zum Thema Radiästhesie
- RGS-Verein für Radiästhesie
- Spezialisten in der Radiästhesie
- Erdstrahlen, Wasseradern und Elektrosmog (Radiästhesie)
- APRICUS AG - Wasseradern
- Krebs: Die Kranke weiss von nichts - Beobachter
- Naturheiler-Verzeichnis der Schweiz
- Homepage Manfred Heggli
- Nanotechnologie: Menschen als Versuchstiere - Beobachter
- Gesundheitstests: Alles zu seiner Zeit - Beobachter
- Stiftung Pandora
- Gedanken aus der Anderwelt: Elektrosmog im Handybereich
- RITALIN (Methylphenidat) im Kanton Neuenburg (1996 bis 2000), Entwicklung der Anzahl Verschreibungen - swissmedic - Schweizerisches Heilmittelinstitut
- Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe finden Sie auf
- Bundesamt für Gesundheit - Überwachung Saisonale Grippe
- Naturarztpraxis Silvia Mundschin: Den Menschen in seiner Ganzheit und Einzigartigkeit betrachten und gemeinsam Wege finden um Gesundheit zu erlangen oder zu erhalten, ist mein Anliegen. Dafür stelle ich Wissen und Erfahrung in meiner naturheilkundlichen P
- Erfahrungsberichte - Health Balance - Gesundheit ist alles
- Neue Diagnosemöglichkeiten für Hirnerkrankungen mittels SPECT?
- Adressen von Baubiologen - kostenlose Datenbank, bundesweit nach Postleitzahlen und Regionen - baubiologische Informationen
- Gesund ohne Milch
- Dr. Schnitzer's Health Secrets Service - Geheimnisse der Gesundheit
- Allergie- und Naturheilpraxis Müller-Burzler -
- DNA-Schädigungen durch polyzyklische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe PAK
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Motorräder (Töff)
- VCS Verkehrs-Club der Schweiz
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- Das Blocher-Prinzip
- Natalie Rickli - Kantonsrätin SVP Winterthur - Home
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Schaffhausen und Umgebung
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Sound / Musik
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- Linkin Park - What I've Done -
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- Phil Collins - Wikipedia
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Sport und Fitness
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- - Claudia Wälchli
Triathlon Schaffhausen
- Willkommen am Schaffhauser-Triathlon
- Schaffhauser Triathlon 2006 - Rangliste
- Schaffhauser Triathlon 2006 - (72) Team Mixed
- Schaffhauser Triathlon 2005 - Rangliste
- Schaffhauser Triathlon 2005 - (72) Team Mixed
- Schaffhauser Triathlon 2004 - Rangliste
- Schaffhauser Triathlon 2004 - (72) Team Mixed
- Shotokan Karate Club Schaffhausen - Gästebuch - Eintragen ins Gästebuch
- Shotokan Grundlagen - Hauptseite
- Detailseite: Swiss Youthhostels
- Golfparks
- Golfreisen | Travelhouse | Der Schweizer Spezialist für individuelle Reisen
- Links (Golf-Club Riederalp)
- Golf im Golfpark Waldkirch - Golf spielen auf dem Golfplatz in Waldkirch
- Golfkurse Übersicht
- Kursbeschreibung
- Citymed - der Gesundheitsfinder - Physiotherapie, Physiotherapie, Schaffhausen, Schaffhausen
- FdH: Christina Natascha Weber - Gesundheit Sprechstunde Beilage
- FISIOFIT, Therapie und Training,Rehabilitation, Sport und Fitness - Schallberger Schaffhausen
- Dugong Dive Center Tauchen, Tauchzubehör, Tauchschule
- Actilife, das gesunde Plus der Migros - home/
- SlowUp Schaffhausen-Hegau: Home
- Rangliste Gesamt - Steinbichl Simone
- LWS Langlaufwandergruppe Schaffhausen
- 19. Transrandenlauf 2008
- Schaffhauser Laufcup
- GZ Schaffhausen
- Crawl-Schwimmkurse für Erwachsene
- Aquafun :: News
- Homepage von Fabienne Heinzmann - Willkommen
- VBC Schaffhausen
- VBG Klettgau - Der Volleyballclub in der Region Schaffhausen
- Homepage des VC Kanti Schaffhausen
- 2005 PAINTBALL - CD-sportz / Consilium Dei, Paintball, Gotcha, Events, Shop, Fun: Marktführer Schweiz
- LWS Langlaufwandergruppe Schaffhausen
Tanzen / Ausgang
- Uusgang
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- Tanzzentrum - im Tonwerk / Tanz Bewegung und Begegnungsgenossenschaft
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- ITC - Hauptseite
- - Dance Movies, Tanzfilme, Musicals
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Umwelt / Umweltschutz
- An Inconvenient Truth
- Der Grüne Punkt - Duales System Deutschland GmbH: Fragen zur Mülltrennung
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- Swiss WebCams, Webcams Schweiz, das Schweizer Internetportal für Webcams aus der Schweiz
- PC Direkt Systems AG. Webmail - Login
- GMX - Mail · Message · More
- Welcome to Eudora Web-Mail!
- Webmail on
- Google Accounts
Währungsumrechner / Currency converter
- Contents
Wohnung und Haus
- HEV Schaffhausen: Aktuell
- Arbeitsheim Wangen - Wohnheim
- Novotrade Reimann GmbH, Ihr Fachhändler für Büromöbel, Bürostühle und Büromaterial mit 50 - 100 % WIR, WIR-Depot, Wetzikon
- ELK Schweiz: Häuser fürs Leben : Fertighaus Fertigteilhaus : Blockhaus Holzhaus : Kingsize
- ELK Schweiz: Häuser fürs Leben : Fertighaus Fertigteilhaus : Blockhaus Holzhaus : Individuelle Blockhäuser
- ELK Schweiz: Häuser fürs Leben : Fertighaus Fertigteilhaus : Blockhaus Holzhaus : Prestige
- Geschäftsbereiche Bau- & Umweltanalytik und Beratung & Entwicklung der Firma ECENGINEER M.DURRER
Holz und Lehm - Blockhaus
- Blockhaus - Familienhaus oder Waldhütte aus Rundholz
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- Massiv-Holz-Mauer | Portalseite
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- Immobilien, Wohnung, Haus, Schweiz, Suchen, Inserieren - ImmoScout24
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- Immo.Schaffhausen - Immo Angebote
- Immo Elsig - Immobilien, Wohnung, Haus, Schweiz, Suchen, Inserieren - ImmoScout24
- Schaffhauser Kantonalbank - SH-Immomarkt - Home
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- SBB: Immobilien
- Dienststellenverzeichnis
- Inserieren in der TZ - Service -
- Karte: Steinebrunn []
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- Recycling-Code – Wikipedia
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- Righi Licht AG - Standard. Standard
- Keller Fahnen AG
- Mieterschäden, Beratung und Hilfe im Fachgebiet -
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- Steuerverwalung Schaffhausen
- - Merkblatt - Wohnraumbewertung Fragebogen
- Kündigung
- Mieterkündigung
- Kanton Schaffhausen: Koordinationsstelle für Umweltschutz
- HEV Schweiz: Steuerrechner
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- Foto Flückiger, Schaffhausen - Firmenindex - - Das Schaffhauser Internetportal
- Kontakt Heidi Sutter | Gesundheits praxis
- Keller Landtechnik GmbH - Landtechnik - Neuheiten
- thethermo Bau AG - Europa und Stilhaus Programm - Finden Sie Ihr Stilhaus
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- Kontakt « Heft & Abo « Linux-Magazin Online
- Linux-Magazin ist das Portal mit den Schwerpunkten Linux und Open Source im professionellen Einsatz. Neben Artikeln, Videos, Schulungen und Tests finden Sie hier auch Ihren neuen Job oder qualifizierte Dienstleister.
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- Persönlich | «Persönlich» aus Basel | Schweizer Radio DRS
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Abkürzungen / Akronyme / Fremdwörter / Zitate / Bücher
- - Ihre Adresse für Abkürzungen im Internet
- OpenThesaurus - Deutscher Thesaurus
Bücher / Books
- Wikibooks portal - Wikibooks
- Lingoworld IT-Bücher - Sascha Kersken
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- Abkürzungen & Fachbegriffe
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- Abkürzungen und Akronyme
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Deutsche Sprache
- Kasus – Wikipedia
- Subjekt-Verb-Objekt - Wikipedia
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- Verb-Subjekt-Objekt - Wikipedia
- Online Lexikon - Wörterbuch - Übersetzung
- Synonym | Synonyme, Fremdwörter und Antonyme (Gegenteil)
- Wikipedia:Allgemeine FAQ - Wikipedia
- Wikisource
- Encyclopeadia
Kreuzworträtsel / Rätseldatenbank
- Kreuzworträtsel Datenbank
- Wiktionary, das freie Wikiwörterbuch
- Wikiquote
- Abbreviations used in the LEO Dictionary
- ODLIS: Online Dictionary
- Englische Begriffe und Abkürzungen
- Deutsche Grammatik, Online Wörterbuch zur Rechtschreibung, Flexion und Wortbildung für die Sprache Deutsch
- Lexika & Co.
Eindrucksvolle / Interessante Artikel
Solar Energie
- Teenager entwickelt «Todesstrahl» - 20 Minuten Online
- Eric Jacqmain's Page - DIY Solar Network
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- Grafische Benutzeroberfläche - Wikipedia
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- What's So Bad About Microsoft? - SillyDog701
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- InformationWeek Weblog: 7 Lessons From IT Security Trial
- InformationWeek | Security, UBS | UBS Trial Aftermath: Five Things UBS Did Right, And Five Things To Improve On | July 20, 2006
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History / Geschichte / Museum
- The History of Programming Languages - O'Reilly Media
- DOSHistory
- Winhistory-Forum
- Die Windows History
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- The Xerox "Star": A Retrospective
- Graphical User Interface Gallery
- My Experience in Computing
- GUIdebook > Screenshots
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- Windows Products and Technologies History: Windows Overview & History
- Microsoft - Wikipedia
- heise online - 20 Jahre Windows: Der Tag, an dem die Kommandozeile verschwinden sollte
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- PCP.CH - Computer Online Shop
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- ARP DATACON - PC Onlineshop für Computer, Computerbedarf und Software
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Date and Time
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- Date and Time Gateway
- The World Clock - Time Zones
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Weather - Wetter
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- ISO 216 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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- UTF-8 and Unicode FAQ: UTF-8/UCS-2
- Re: New FAQ: Removing UTF-8 BOM from Martin Duerst on 2003-11-05 ( from November 2003)
- UTF-8 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- UTF-8 - Wikipedia
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- Category:Coats of arms of municipalities of the canton of Schaffhausen - Wikimedia Commons
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Holiday / Ferien
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Privacy and Security / Sicherheit
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Internet und Sicherheit
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- Internet: Kriminelle missbrauchen Namen unbescholtener Bürger - Sendung vom 15.03.2005, Kassensturz, SF 1
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Packet Capture and Network Monitoring
TCP Stream Sniffer und Connection Tracker
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- Cain & Abel is a password recovery tool for Microsoft Operating Systems
Privacy - Privatsphäre, (Anit) Spy - Spionage Abwehr, Phonehome - Heimweh
- - Dereferrer Service
- US Patent and Trademark Office
- YouTube - Dead Drops: When US Cyber Command Pulls the Net
- Dead Drops | Un-cloud your files in cement! 'Dead Drops’ is an anonymous, offline, peer to peer file-sharing network in public space.
- Dead Drops Database
Tor Project: Anonymity Online
- Tor Project: Anonymity Online
- Arm Arm - The anonymizing relay monitor is a terminal status monitor for Tor relays
- YouTube - Kanal von TheTorProject
EDSB - Eidgenössischer Datenschutzbeauftragter
- EDSB - Themen - Internet-/E-Mail-Überwachung am Arbeitsplatz
- EDSB - Publikationen - Musterbriefe
Microsoft vs. Linux
- NOVELL: Die reine Wahrheit
- NOVELL: Things Microsoft Failed to Mention
MS Windows
- Discussing: Windows 2000 telefoniert nach hause.
- - Computing - PC-Testcenter
- Home of the XP-AntiSpy
- CHIP Online - Datenschleuder Windows XP: Sicherheitsrisiko Microsoft
Clean up the MRU listings
- Clean up the MRU listings using MRU Blaster
- PC-Experience User Tipps und Tricks : | Windows XP aufräumen für Fortgeschrittene
- Registry MRU Locations
- Names of Previously Opened and Saved Files Appear in Typical Windows Explorer-Style Dialog Boxes in Windows XP
- Kein Vertrauen in Trusted Computing
- Trusted Computing FAQ TC / TCG / LaGrande / NGSCB / Longhorn / Palladium
- [LAFKON] - A movie about Trusted Computing.
- Forum, Illuminaten, Freimaurer und mehr
- - kostenlose Hilfe aus einer Hand
Printer Privacy
- heise online - Bürgerrechtler entschlüsseln Punktmarkierungen auf Farblaser-Ausdrucken
- EFF: DocuColor Tracking Dot Decoding Guide
- Phonehome - Wenn Software heimweh bekommt
- Phonehome - wenn Software Heimweh bekommt
- Greatis Startup Application Database
- Mit Hacker-Methoden gegen Kriminelle - Polizeifahnder wenden in Strafverfahren eine neue und äusserst umstrittene Ermittlungstechnik an (Schweiz , NZZ Online, 7. 9. 2003)
- Das GNU-Handbuch zum Schutze der Privatsphäre
- Auf Kosten anderer Einkaufen - MyVideo
- Wir wollen keine Softwarepatente!
Security, Updates, Virus, Malware, ...
- Exploits Database by Offensive Security
- SecurityFocus - Vulnerabilities
Anti- (Hack, Crack, ...)
- HoneyNet Project
Hack, Crack, Phishing, Bruteforce attacks, ...
- WPA2 Hole196 Vulnerability
- Inside-IT: Auch WPA2-WLAN-Verschlüsselung unsicher
IKE-Scan, VPN Gateway scanner
- ike-scan
- IKE-Scan - Computerworld Online: Computerworld Online CW-Blog-Theme
Layer-2 Attacks (STP/CDP/DTP/DHCP/HSRP/ISL/VTP/802.1p/802.1x)
- Yersinia is a network tool designed to take advantage of some weakeness in different network protocols
- Layer-2 Attack Framework Yersinia - Computerworld Online: Computerworld Online CW-Blog-Theme
Man in the middle attacks
- ettercap - man in the middle attacks
- arprelay
- Packetwatch Research
- Chris's blog - ARP security
OS fingerprinting sniiffer
- Nmap -- Free Stealth Port Scanner For Network Exploration & Security Audits. Runs on Linux/Windows/UNIX/Solaris/FreeBSD/OpenBSD
- Nmap - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- SinFP
- SinFP - Patrice Auffret -
- OS Fingerprinting sniffer - Computerworld Online: Computerworld Online CW-Blog-Theme
Web Application Hacking
- WebScarab - analysing applications that communicate using the HTTP and HTTPS protocols
- Main Page - Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)
- WebScarab - Web Application Hacking - Computerworld Online: Computerworld Online CW-Blog-Theme
- Main [Aircrack-ng]
- aircrack - a set of tools for auditing wireless networks
- Aircrack - Wikipedia
- Jimmy’s weblog » Orinoco drivers and monitor mode
- heise online - WEP-Verschlüsselung von WLANs in unter einer Minute geknackt
- ssldump home page - ssldump - analyze SSL protocol
- The Jargon File
- .:[packet storm]:. -
- amanda-hackers : The Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver
- Amanda, The Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver
- Hackertools - Computerworld Online
- CrackStore'99----------[tutorials]
- L0pht Heavy Industries
- ZapTheDingbat
- Wiretapped - Computer Security Software etc.
- The Web Application Security Consortium / Web-Hacking-Incident-Database
IDS - Intrusion Detection System
Snort / AirSnort - WLAN scanner / sniffer
- SnortSam - Home - a plugin for Snort allows for automated blocking of IP addresses
- Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases (ACID)
- - SnortCenter - Snort management console
- Installation of SnortCenter
- HOWTO Build Snort with ACID
- AirSnort Homepage
- Project Info - AirSnort
- Nessus
- Nessus: Update scripts and plugins
- XArp - Advanced ARP Spoofing Detection
- The Metasploit Project - useful information to people who perform penetration testing, IDS signature development, and exploit research
- Scapy - a packet manipulation program
- Linux/Documentation/networking/pktgen.txt
- Tiger - The UNIX Security audit and intrusion detection tool
- Retina Network Security Scanner
- Unicornscan
- xfocus official website::programs x-scan
- /PestPatrolSBE/#TOP
- Angry IP scanner - program for analyzing networks
- LBNL's Network Research Group
- Network Security Audit Tools and Vulnerability Scanner
MS Windows
- Why you shouldn't run as admin...
- Baseline Security Analyzer 2.2 – Download Häufig gestellte Fragen (FAQs) Ressourcen | TechNet
BITS - Background Intelligent Transfer Service
- Background Intelligent Transfer Service
- BitsAdmin Tool
- BitsAdmin Tool - Examples
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Security
- heise Security - Praxis - Kleiner Lauschangriff gegen Windows-Fernwartung
- Configuring authentication and encryption: Terminal Services
Security Updates
Office Update
- Office Update Inventory Tool Checks Installations for Updated Status
- Office XP Software Updates Now Support Previous Service Packs
- Applying Full-file Updates to Client Computers
- Updating Office By Using Client Updates
- Deploying a Service Release
- Including Additional Packages in the Office Installation
- Installing Client Update Files with OHotFix
SUS - Software Update Service
- Critical Updates
- Software Update Services
- Software Update Services, Part 1
- Software Update Services, Part 2
- Download details: Software Update Services 1.0 ADM File for Service Pack 1
- Patch Management Using Microsoft Software Update Services
- Download details: Patch Management Using Microsoft Software Update Services
- Microsoft Software Update Services: Frequently Asked Questions
- Welcome to the SUS Section
- Welcome to the SUS Section
- 298444 - A Description of the Group Policy Update Utility
- 326693 - How to Force Automatic Updates 2.2 to Perform a Detection Cycle
- RZ Windows Update Service
- Automatic updates may not be successfully downloaded from a computer that is running Software Update Services
- Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 Installation and Deployment Guide
- Windows 2000 SP3 Support Tools
- 322271 - Service Pack 3 Adds Updates to Several Windows 2000 Support Tools
- Computing.Net - Windows 2000 SP4 reboot loop
- Force Windows Update reinstallation - Tek-Tips
- SecurityFocus HOME Infocus: Automating Windows Patch Mngt: Part I
- SecurityFocus HOME Infocus: Automating Windows Patch Mngt: Part II
akamai problems
- Google Suche: deploy akamaitechnologies
- Re: resolving to
- Akamai - Delivering a better Internet
- Akamai: Press room
- Wired 11.07: Slammed!
- ERROR: The requested URL could not be retrieved
- Strange Connection/activity using svchost.exe -k bitsgroup
- Intentos de conexión de SVCHOST.EXE. -
- Attempts of SVCHOST.EXE connection. -
- Symantec Security Response - Backdoor.Socksbot
- 250320 - Beschreibung von Svchost.exe unter Windows 2000
- 250320 - Beschreibung von Svchost.exe unter Windows 2000
WSUS - Windows Server Update Services
- WSUS - Windows Server Update Services
- Shavlik Security Products - HFNetChkPro
- Sicherheitsupdates für Office-Anwendungen
- Windows Update Fails - Error 0x800A138F - Fix It!
- Windows patch management tools
- Slipsteaming Service Pack 4 in to your install WIN2K CD (Windows 2000) - TACKtech Corp.
- Security Solutions
- Download details: Security At Microsoft: IT Showcase Technical White Paper
- TechNet Security Home Page
- Microsoft TechNet - Security Management: Column Archive
- HotFix and Security Bulletin Service
- Zone Labs - Home
- Sind Schutzfunktionen wie DEP und ASLR überflüssig? - Dipl.-Inform. Carsten Eilers
- Asterisk Logger: Reveal/recover/monitor password behind asterisks (***)
- Reveal/unmask the passwords stored behind the bullets in Windows / IE
- Windows 2000 Installation Security Checklist
Patches and updates
- PatchLink : #1 Patch Management Software for Securing The Enterprise
P2P: edonkey, emule, WinMX, KaZaA, Grokster, Gnutella, Morpheus, LimeWire, BearShare ...
- Cable Modem Troubleshooting Tips: Peer-to-Peer issues
- | | SME Server Howto's
- Configuration BINTEC X1200 pour emule/edonkey
- zap! - the Mozilla SIP Client
Root kit
- GMER - Rootkit Detector and Remover
- BSI OSS Security Suite
- - Protect your machine
- Rootkit Hunter
- chkrootkit -- locally checks for signs of a rootkit
- NT RootKit
- Pedestal Software > Products > Intact > Trials & Downloads > Free Downloads
- LIDS Project - Secure Linux System
- - Home of the Tripwire Open Source Project
Security tools
- John the Ripper password cracker
- Enterprise Multi-User Password Manager
- GeodSoft How-To: Cracking Passwords Techniques
- Passwort Check - Datenschutz
- Wahl von guten Passwörtern - Datenschutz
- Proxy List by Type
- Proxy through SSH - Kimmo Suominen
- PhpShell
- PHP Shell
- Debian -- Package Search Results -- proxy
- CGIProxy-- HTTP/FTP Proxy in a CGI Script
- Proxytunnel Project Homepage
- sshproxy
- Tunnelling over SSH proxy
- corkscrew - tunneling SSH through HTTP proxies
- HTTP Tunnel
- Tunneling SSH over an HTTP-Proxy Server
- SSH Over Proxy
- SSH Proxy Project
Recovery (Passwords, ...)
- CRACK PASSWORD - Password and System Recovery Software
- Passwort Wiederherstellen
- Cmos, LILO, NT passwords - Data recovery
- heise Security - Produkte - Desaster beim Recovery
- Offline NT Password & Registry Editor
- LinuxTutorialRecoveryAndBootDisk.html
- TrueCrypt - Free Open-Source On-The-Fly Disk Encryption Software for Windows XP/2000 and Linux
- The Portable Freeware Collection - TrueCrypt
- Schütze Deine Dateien mit TrueCrypt 5.1a auf Debian Etch (GNOME) | HowtoForge
- Secunia - Vulnerability and Virus Information
- Security - Peter Keel
- Fail2Ban - Bans IP that makes too many password failures
- Network Security Audit & Remote Network Monitoring Software
- Free Port Scanner for Scan Ports on Predefined Port Ranges
- Traffic Emulator - Network Tools
- Top 75 Network Security Tools
- Security Mailing List Archive
- Actual Title Buttons: Add the Minimize To Tray, Make Transparent, Rollup\Unroll and Stay On Top buttons to any windows title bar next to Minimize/Maximize/Close.
- eComStation :: welcome to the homepage
- DVD Shrink: Shrink your DVDs to fit DVDR! Backup your DVD movies with few clicks!
- Network Security Audit & Remote Network Monitoring Software
- 31337h4x0r - Has your credit card number been STOLEN on the Internet?
SSL - Zertifikate, Registrierung, ...
- ChainedSSL Certificates and $199 Wildcard SSL Certificates
- SSL Secure Site Seal - Secured by ChainedSSL
- OpenPGP Public Key Server Commands
- Firesheep - Mozilla Firefox extension to demonstrates HTTP session hijacking attacks
- Firesheep - codebutler
- SpywareInfo :· Spyware and hijackware Removal Specialists
- Spyware Warrior: Anti-Spyware Testing (Guide)
Virus / Viruskiller
- Common Malware Enumeration (CME)
- W32.Blaster.Worm
- What You Should Know About the Blaster Worm and Its Variants
- Buffer Overrun In RPC Interface Could Allow Code Execution
- SWI Forums > How do I fix this? A file named brontok keeps on showing up.
- Truth About Computer Virus Myths & Hoaxes
- F-Secure Welcomes You
- Computer Hoaxes
- Kurzbeschreibung zu Hoaxes
- W32.Sobig.F@mm
Code Red
- The Code Red Worm
- Nimda Worm Shows You Can't Always Patch Fast Enough
- W32.Beagle.AU@mm
- W32.Beagle.Z@mm
- - Email-Worm.Win32.NetSky.x
- Symantec Security Response - W32.Netsky.W@mm
- Symantec Security Response - W32.Netsky.N@mm
- Gefahrenabwehr per Browser-Add-On |
Security Response - Newsletter
- Symantec Security Response - Newsletter Page
Anti Virus Software
Rescue CD
- Anti-Botnet-Beratungszentrum
- Analyst's View: Antivirus Rescue CDs | Neil J. Rubenking |
- Kaspersky - Index of /devbuilds/RescueDisk/
- Panda Security - Index of /
- BitDefender - Index of /rescue_cd
- Avira AntiVir Rescue System - Download
- How can I get an Avira Rescue CD?
- Bootable Rescue Image for SafeGuard Easy 4.50.3
- Rescue CD F-Secure
- F-Secure Linux weblog » Blog Archive » Rescue CD 3.11
- Windows Reparatur mit Hilfe der BitDefender RESCUE CD
- GData Download, G Data Testversion - G Data Software AG
- AVG - AVG Rescue CD
- avast! BART CD - Bootable Antivirus and Recovery Tool
- PC Tools - Alternate Operating System Scanner
- Norton Recovery Tools
- Notfalldisketten - Trend Micro Deutschland
Removal Tools
- Kostenlos Viren entfernen
- Kostenloser Virenentfernungsschutz | Virenentfernungs-Tools | McAfee
- OpenAntiVirus Project - Mission Statement
- AV-Comparatives - Anti Virus comparison
AMaVis - A Mail Virus Scanner
- AMaViS - A Mail Virus Scanner
- AMaViS - User Contributed Software
Perl: AVP Update
- Ralf Hildebrandt: /~hildeb/postfix/Welcome.shtml
- Avcheck
- The Avcheck 2001-September Archive by Thread
- [Avcheck] Avp update hourly
- Index of
- Senna Spy - Engenharia Reversa no Anti-vírus AVP
- Kaspersky Lab - antivirus protection - download antivirus, antispam and product updates
Kaspersky Anti Virus (KAV) - keepup2date
- Free Virus Scan - Kaspersky Lab
- Kaspersky Lab - antivirus protection - download antivirus, antispam and product updates
- KAV For Unix Mail Servers v.5.0: le module KeepUp2Date pour mettre à jour les bases antivirales
- Kaspersky Lab - antivirus protection - download antivirus, antispam and product updates
- Пошаговая установка Kaspersky Anti-Virus 5.x for Linux/FreeBSD
- Пошаговая установка Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Sendmail with Milter API for Linux/FreeBSD
- Anti-Virus S.O.S. - Kaspersky misstraut Konkurrenz - pressetext.schweiz
- Avira IT-Sicherheitslösungen für Windows und UNIX
- Sophos Anti-Virus
- Frisk Software International - f-prot
- - Computing - Downloads
- TREND MICRO Antivirus - und Content Security-Software
- Trend Micro HouseCall - Start
- Rokop Security
- SAC - Slovak Antivirus Center
- Truth About Computer Virus Myths & Hoaxes
- Clanfield Information - Sophie: daemonising the Sophos virus engine
Test files
- eicar - Anti-Virus test file
- · Tests of Anti-Virus Software
- c't - Anti-Virus Links
- Sun Security Bulletins Article 191
- Microsoft Security Bulletin (MS00-078)
- c't 21/2001, S. 140: Sicherheit
- Grisoft Freeweb: AVG Free Edition
- AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic - Mehr als Sicherheit
- 10vor10 - SF 1 - Archiv Sendung 02.12.2010
Artikel / Berichte
- Inside-IT: Unsicheres iPhone bedroht (auch) Sicherheit des Firmennetzwerks
- Lost_iPhone – Fraunhofer-Institut für Sichere Informationstechnologie
- YouTube - Lost iPhone? - Lost passwords!
- Billig-Abhörtechnik für Handys: Lauschangriff für jedermann - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Netzwelt
- MELANI - Melde- und Analysestelle Informationssicherung MELANI
- Man-In-The-Middle-Angriff - Wikipedia
- c't 14/2002, S. 72: Webserver-Sicherheit - Offen wie Scheunentore
- heise Security - Praxis
- heise online - CIA verliert technologischen Anschluss
- TP: Mit Sicherheit unsicher
- Studies in Intelligence
- Intelink
- The IT Security Cookbook: Welcome
- The Solaris Security FAQ
- Swiss Security Day - Empfehlungen für KMU
- Symantec B-Roll and Films
- ISSS - Information Security Society Switzerland : Publikationen
- Swiss Security Day - Sicherer Umgang mit e-Mails
- UBS - Archiv - Phishing-E-Mails
- Bluewin Services - Phishing-Attacke
- Swiss Security Day - Sicherheits-Tipps
- Swiss Security Day - Filme zu Malware
- A short history of Malware / Phishing / Development of Malware / Mobility Threats
Eine kurze Geschichte der Schadprogramme / Phishing / Wie sich Schad-Software im Laufe der Zeit entwickelt hat / Bedrohungen in der Mobilwelt
- Filme zu Malware - Symantec B-Roll and Films
- UBS - Sicherheit
- Online-Sicherheit für Kinder und Jugendliche
- Bluewin Services - Sicherheit
- .:[packet storm]:. -
- Lincoln Stein's Home Page
- Rokop Security
- Analyze Your Internet Privacy
- Verschlüsselungsverfahren - Wikipedia
- MELANI - Glossar - Melde- und Analysestelle Informationssicherung
- cablecom - Internet - hispeed Security
- How Long Does It Take to Crack Passwords
- BackTrack Linux - Penetration Testing Distribution
- BackTrack German Community
- Secunia - Products - Complete List
- Schutz vor Phishing |
Softwareentwicklung / Softwaredevelopment
- How to Deploy HTTPS Correctly | Electronic Frontier Foundation
- Videos | Access
ssl certificates / GPG
- Pretty Good Privacy -
- How to create a self-signed Certificate
- OpenSSL Command-Line HOWTO
- How to generate self-signed SSL certificates - AOLserver Wiki
- Hewlett-Packard Co.
- Creating a Self-Signed Certificate using OpenSSL for use with Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 5
- SwissSign Certificate Services -
- Extended-Validation-Zertifikat – Wikipedia
- Importing keys
- Submitting your GPG key to a keyserver
- GPG Quick Start
- Using multiple subkeys in GPG
- A Beginners Guide to using GnuPG (gpg) Encryption on the Unix/Linux OS
- The GNU Privacy Handbook
- Secure Storage and Email - PGP, OpenPGP, GNUGP and Truecrypt
- PHP Scripts and an Ubuntu Server
- Gpg4win - Secure email and file encryption with GnuPG for Windows
- Tutorial: Online Banking - aber sicher! |
- c't 17/2008, S. 94: Sicheres Online-Banking
- c't Bankix Deutsch, Download im heise Software-Verzeichnis
- c't 11/2008, S. 82: Cybercrime: Bedrohungen
- Man-in-the-middle-Angriff – Wikipedia
- How To Break Web Software - A look at security vulnerabilities in web software
- Brute-Force-Attacke und Passwortlänge
- - Crack, serial and keygens...
- Lest We Remember: Cold Boot Attacks on Encryption Keys | Uwe Hermann
- newport news - Google Maps
---- Development & Programming ----
Bug Tracking
- Home
- Bug Tracking, Issue Tracking & Project Management Software - JIRA
- Calculators - toolbox and utilities
- Network address calculator and ip address calculator, javascript based
- Javascript hex/dec/bin converter
- Units converter, metric/imperial
- calendar with week numbers
- gsrpn -- javascript RPN Calculator
- Homepage von Katja Bauer und Walter Schweizer, Feuerthalen
- CGI - Simple Common Gateway Interface Class -
Books / Bücher
- Orell Füssli Buchhandlungs AG - Damian Conway, Curtis Poe: Perl Hacks
Captcha - Dynamicly generated images
- Authen::Captcha - Perl extension for creating captcha's to verify the human element in transactions. -
- PHP-Captcha-Class :: DEMO :: normal use
- Simple Machines - CAPTCHA (Code Verification)
- PHP Classes - Class: CAPTCHA
- PHP Classes - Class: VeriWord
- Expiresessions
- Logfile::Rotate - Perl module to rotate logfiles
- Practical mod_perl
- mod_perl: Perl Reference
- mod_perl: A Reference to mod_perl 1.0 to mod_perl 2.0 Migration.
- mod_perl: mod_perl 2.0 Server Configuration
- The CPAN Frequently Asked Questions
- avimanager
- Perl/XML Web Event Calendar - by Eric Dombroski
- Knock-based commands for your Linux laptop
- Demosten's perl distribution main page
- FrontPage -
Unix Shell
- The GNU Awk User's Guide
- An Awk Primer
- Awk – Wikibooks, Sammlung freier Lehr-, Sach- und Fachbücher
- Is it possible to grep with a newline in the middle of an expression? - The UNIX and Linux Forums
- Shellscripte -
- Unix Shell-Programmierung
- OpenSSL Tricks
- base64
- Bash Guide for Beginners
- Linux Befehlsbeispiele (PDF)
- [bug #17264] In grep -P patterns s will match a newline
- The UNIX and Linux Forums - Is it possible to grep with a newline in the middle of an expression?
- Free php and perl scripts
- JavaScript Port Scanner | GNUCITIZEN
- :: Using the find command
- Linux Counter: Client scripts
- reCAPTCHA Resources
- Using Rsync and SSH
- Customizing the Look and Feel of reCAPTCHA - reCAPTCHA - Google Code
- Webmaster Guidelines
- FotoPlayer User guide
- StyleAssistant-Homepage
- HTML Kit for more than editing HTML
- Evrsoft 1st Page 2000. The world's free HTML editor.
- slayeroffice | code | cross-browser gradient backgrounds without images
- Webdesign Düsseldorf Lipfert u. Malik
- Lightbox JS
Enable/Disable Network Connection
- Netsh
- TechArena Community - Powershell Script to Enable/Disable Network Connection
- The DevCon command-line utility functions as an alternative to Device Manager
- Enable/Disable Network connection at once - Server Scripting
Windows Batch
%~dp0 variable
- %~dp0 variable
- Silly batch file tricks, redirecting stdout into an evironment variable and %~dp0 - Loren Halvorson's Blog
- %~dp0 vs %cd%
- Microsoft Windows XP - Using batch parameters
- fpschultze - Howto - Batch Howto
- DOS Command Index
- Per Batch Dateien löschen die älter als 2 Tage sind - administrator
- Hallo möchte
- Command-line reference A-Z
- Testing for a Specific Error Level in Batch Files
- Batch Scripts - string parsing
- NT Batch: Variables in FOR DO loop
- Using command redirection operators
- K&H NT Script Page
- NT Batch files: examples using DATE and TIME
- Short command line tips
- Batch files - DATE and TIME in NT batch
- Batch files - DATE and TIME
- DATE and TIME in NT batch files - Parsing Date and Time
- DATE and TIME in NT batch files - Advanced Date Math
- Batch File Scripting Techniques
- DOS-Software - Tricks + Tips
- For schleife im Batch - nur Dateinamen ohne Suffix | aus Forum Windows 2000 & XP | wer-weiss-was
- If - Conditionaly perform command
- Command Redirection, Pipes
- Quotes, Escape Chars, Delimiters
- Dequote - remove quotes
- Batch file variables initialized in a for loop - Stack Overflow
- [ Batchfiles FAQ ]
- - Die Deutsche QBasic-Seite
- Detect first free drive letter
AD - Microsoft Active Directory
- Quickly Search Active Directory from the Desktop
- VBScripts - Cis131
- Scripting Active Directory Users using VBScript
- MSXFAQ.DE - WSH - Active Directory auslesen
WMI - Windows Management Instrumentation
- WMI - Windows Management Instrumentation
VBS - Visual Basic Script
- Collection of different VBScript sample scripts
- List the Attributes of the organizationalUnit Class - VBScript sample
- List the OU a User is located at (supports wildcards).
- List All Computer Accounts in Active Directory - VBScript sample
- List the Properties of an OU Object
- VBScript Walking Active Directory Tree .Filter = Array(OrganizationalUnit)
- Scripting
- Scripting Center Webcasts, Podcasts and more | TechNet
- Download details: The Hey, Scripting Guy! Archive
- Download details: Scriptomatic 2.0
- Microsoft Windows 2000 Scripting Guide - Converting WMI Dates to a Standard Date-Time Format
- Script to determine windows uptime - forums by Daniel Petri
- Hey, Scripting Guy! How Can I Determine the Uptime for a Server?
- Uptime.exe Tool Allows You to Estimate Server Availability with Windows NT 4.0 SP4 or Higher
- Enumerate Newtwork Wide Uptime
- How Can I Determine the Uptime for a Server?
- Last Reboot Time ! - forums by Daniel Petri
- Agile Testing: Running a Python script as a Windows service
- mksrv -- run program or script as service
- VBA-Programmierbeispiele für Outlook aus der Praxis -
- Enumerate Active Directory Users
- How Can I Count the Number of Users in a Group?
Group Policy / Gruppenrichtlinien
- Group Policy Search
- Policy settings for the Start menu in Windows XP
Windows Registry
- Windows Registry Guide - Registry tweaks and fixes for Windows systems
- Norberts XP Ressource - Registry Tweaks
Microsoft Excel
- SVerweis funktioniert nicht !?
- Online - Excel: SVerweis
- Kanton TG Thurgau - PLZ Postleitzahl - Verzeichnis - ZIP-Directory
- Die Post - Adressservices
- Definition: Certified TYPO3 integrator
- Help - Host On-Demand
Development / Programming / Programmierung / Programmiersprachen
- ASCII-Tabelle – Wikipedia
- Regular Expressions - Quick Reference Guide
- Regular Expressions - a Simple User Guide
Code browsing
- Linux Cross-Reference
Code Validation
- HTML/XML Validator
- HttpUnit Home
- HTTP HEAD service
Web Application Security Scanner
- Chorizo! Secure your webapplications on the fly!
- Web application security - Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner
- GNU Free Documentation License - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)
IDE - Integrated development environment
- tswebeditor is an editor for HTML, PHP, Perl, JavaScript, CSS and many other languages
- Quanta Plus - a highly stable and feature rich web development environment
GeoIP to locate / country
- Geolocation API: OpenLayers, OpenStreetMap, GeoNames
- | 'Cause every I.P has a Home...
- Demo |
- Geo Visitors
- : The Nature of Things : How can I determine the location of user by their IP, or validate the identity of a user based on his IP?
- IP Lookup
- Query the RIPE Whois Database
- IP Address Locator - Enter an IP address to find its location - Lookup Country Region City etc
- Open Directory - Computers: Software: Internet: Site Management: Log Analysis: Related Utilities
- Create a IP-Country Database using PERL and MySQL
- The CPAN Search Site
- Nigel Wetters Gourlay / IP-Country
- Manuel Valente / Net-IP-1.20
- Luis Muñoz / NetAddr-IP-3.20
- Jay Bonci / IP-Unique-0.03
- T.J. Mather / Geo-IP-1.21
- Wie ist meine IP-Adresse?
- GeoIP Free Country
- MaxMind GeoIP Country
- MaxMind GeoIP Perl API
- MaxMind - Location Verification Service
- Index of /download/geoip/database
- Index of /download/geoip/api/GeoIP_php-1.3
- Geolocation IP Address to Country City Region Latitude Longitude ZIP Code ISP Domain Name Database for Developers | IP2Location™
- Country Name and ISO 3166 Code MySQL Import File
- FTP Directory:
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1
- SELFHTML: Diverse technische Ergänzungen / HTTP-Statuscodes
- RF.Cx /
- RFCs in HTML Format
- Reading Email Headers
- Request for Comments (RFC) Editor Homepage
- / The Hyperlinked RFC Archive - A comprehensive overview of all RFCs, Internet protocols, standards, and procedures
Planing - Planung
- Main Page - FreeMind - free mind mapping software
- Mindjet: Mindmap MindManager
- Perlensee: Softwareentwicklung
Setup installers
- Inno Setup
Source code formater / beautifuler
- HTML Tidy Project Page
- Charlie's Tidy Add-ons
- Polystyle - Multi-Language Source Code Formatter - PHP beautifier, C/C++ beautifier, ASP beautifier, Actionscript beautifier, Visual Basic beautifier, C# beautifier, CSS beautifier, HTML beautifier, Java beautifier, Javascript beautifier, JSP beautifier, ascal beautifier, Delphi beautifier, Perl beautifier, Python beautifier, CMAC beautifier
- - HTMLTrim
- Source code formatter / beautifier
- Expression Web: Reformat HTML
- SQCBW Quellcode Strukturierer/Formatierer/Einrücker für C/C++/C# und Java/J#
coole / schöne Webseiten
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- Technische Dokumentation TANNER AG
- prime time: Just say NO to Berkeley DB for your MT database - PLEASE
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- malanser-weine
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- Professor Windows - January 2002
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- Country Name and ISO 3166 Code MySQL Import File
- Speedometer 2.5 -
- SpamAssassin Rules - Howto |
- Star Publishing
- : phplist is an open-source newsletter manager
Clean HTML code
- HTML::Clean Perl Module
- HTML::WebMake Perl Module
- Active DHTML Drop Down Menu in Java Script, by
- Badrinath Chebbi's Home page.
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Development software
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.NET / .NET Ports
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- DotNetNuke® (4.8.0) is a free, Open Source Framework ideal for creating Enterprise Web Applications
Search engines
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Web Design
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- Stu Nicholls | CSS play | Vertical five deep menu builder
- A CSS-based Form Template
- Stu Nicholls | CSSplay | A lego house
format ul and li elements
- A List Apart: Articles: CSS Design: Taming Lists
CSS Testpages
- David Baron's CSS Playground
- CSS Tests
- Results of my CSS tests
- Stu Nicholls | CSSplay | A simple photograph gallery
- CSS Gradients Demo
- The Man in Blue > Experiments > Resolution Dependent Layout
CSS Browser bugs
- IE7 - css-discuss
Conditional comments: special instructions for IE (Internet Explorer) - CSS
- CSS - Conditional comments
- Hack-free CSS for IE - Arve Bersvendsen
position:fixed with css in / Box Model Hack
- Learn CSS Positioning in Ten Steps: position static relative absolute float
- stu nicholls | CSS PLaY | emulating position fixed for Internet Explorer
- Making Internet Explorer use position: fixed;
- CSS tests - The position declaration
- Fixing position:fixed for Windows Internet Explorer
- Position:Fixed in IE6
- Box Model Hack
- Minimal XHTML 1.0 Document Tests
- Boxmodell-Hack (Tantek Çelik) – Übersetzung von Jens Meiert
- CSS tests - The position declaration
- Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fourth Edition) - Prolog and Document Type Declaration
CSS Tooltips
- Pure CSS Tooltips
- CSS Tooltips - Part One
- CSS Tooltips - Part Two
- Fiji Web Design - CSS Tooltips - Floating HTML Elements
- Custom CSS Tooltips - loadaverageZero
- wg:Bubble Tooltips
- CSS Tooltip
- 10 best CSS hacks |
- CSS Hacks
- Centring using CSS (Dorward Online)
- - Cascading StyleSheets im Praxiseinsatz
- switch css - preferences
- Index
- Property index
- Document Object Model CSS
- Internet Professionell: CSS mit allen Browsern verwenden
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- Quirks Mode vs. Standards Mode - overview
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- Stichpunkt CSS
- CVA » Blog Archive » CSS Overload!
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- A List Apart: Articles: Alternative Style: Working With Alternate Style Sheets
- Front Page - css-discuss
- styling forms with css - learning php -
- Writing cascading style sheets
- Fauteuil: Homepage
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- Dynamic Drive DHTML(dynamic html) code library!
- Dynamic HTML in Communicator
- Dynamic HTML Resource
- - Das Paradies für Webmaster! Java-, CGI-, DHTML- und PHP-Scripte, Webpromotion und Webdesign, kostenlose Services und vieles mehr!
- IDM Web Development - An Introduction to DHTML
- currentStyle Object Members
- Dynamic HTML in Communicator
- Open Directory - Computers: Programming: Languages: JavaScript: W3C DOM: Sample Code
- URL list of Mozilla's DOM Sample html
- - A Dynamic HTML site - The home of freelance Webdesigner Thomas Brattli
- Interocity Development Corp.
- The DHTML Magnifier
- Richard's DHTML Page
- HTML Applications (HTA)
- Stu Nicholls | CSSplay | Menu Builder single pixel border mod
- Netscape/IE and Korean Characters under
- How to View Chinese/Japanese/Korean HTML with Netscape Communicator on US version of Windows 95 or NT
- The Secret About Browsing Chinese/Japanese/Korean HTML With Netscape Navigator 3.0 On US version of Windows 95 or Window NT 4.0
- biblint: Japanisch, Koreanisch, Chinesisch auf westlichem Windows
- How to Read Hebrew on the Web
- Eden's Page:Scripts of all of Asia
- English Reader's Helper (base frame)
- ISO 8859 Alphabet Soup
- ISO 8859-2 (Latin 2) Resources
- ISO Standards for Internationalization
- HTML 4 Specification References
- HTML Document Representation
- HTML Document Representation
- Languages, fonts and encodings
- A tutorial on character code issues
- ISO 3166 countrycodes
- Index of /charsets/
- Global Software Development: Windows codepages
- Available Character Encodings of Ruby Annotation
- i18n/l10n: languages, countries and character sets
- Checkliste zur HTML-Zeichencodierung
- Index of HTML 4.0 Character Entity References
- TITUS Is Testing Unicode Scriptmanagement
- UTF-8 Encoding / Netscape & Internet Explorer
- Diplomarbeit: Unicode in Unix
- Unicode Fonts on the Web
- UTF-8 and Unicode FAQ
- Wo kann ich den Unicode eines Zeichens finden, bzw. eine Tabelle für eine Unicode-Familie erstellen?
- Creating Multilingual Web Pages: Unicode Support in HTML, HTML Editors and Web Browsers
- ISO 8859-1 Latin 1 and Unicode characters in ampersand entities
- Index of
Multilinugal websites
- Multilanguage and Multicharset Web Server
- Multilingual Resoruces for Netscape Navigator
- International Users Basics
- Creating Multilingual Web Pages: Unicode Support in HTML, HTML Editors and Web Browsers
- Creating a multilingual site - SPIP
- SELFHTML: Stylesheets / CSS-Eigenschaften / Positionierung und Anzeige von Elementen
- SELFHTML: HTML/XHTML / Elemente zur Textstrukturierung / Logische Auszeichnungen im Text
- KOI8-R References (Russian Net Character Set)
- SELFHTML Forumsarchiv 1999/4: (JAVASCRIPT) Kyrillisch/Russisch aus separater *.js Datei
- Jennifer's Page of Links: Language Resources
- Jennifer's language page
- How to use Cyrillic with Netscape Navigator 2.0 ?
- Slovo - Osteuropaeische Schriften und Tools fuer Windows
- Wissenswertes über die Zeichensatztabellensuppe
- SELFHTML: Internationalisierung
- A tutorial on character code issues
- Using national and special characters in HTML
- BabelMap (Unicode Character Map Utility)
Check HTML
- Robots.txt syntax checker
- Mit der Datei robots.txt Seiten vor Robots schützen
- WDVL: Spiders and Robots Exclusion
- The Web Robots Pages
- A Standard for Robot Exclusion
- HTML::Clean Perl Module
- HTML::WebMake Perl Module
- Weblint Home Page
- Unix/Linux
- Clean up your Web pages with HTML TIDY
- Compware - Agile HTML Editor Overview
- NoteTab: Download
- Web Test Tools
- HTML Validation
- W3C HTML Validation Service
- Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
- Resource Description Framework (RDF) Model and Syntax Specification
- - Webdesign: Handgenäht hält besser
- The global structure of an HTML document
- Documentation: HTML
- How To Use HTML Meta Tags
- WDVL: META Tag Resources
- Metatags richtig einsetzen
- iframe
- Index
- Die Goldenen Regeln fuer schlechtes HTML.
- SELFHTML Forumsarchiv 1/1999: exe-Dateien von HTML-Seite starten?
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- SELFHTML: JavaScript / Objektreferenz / history
- The HTML Writers Guild
- W3C HTML Validation Service
- Special Edition Using HTML 4 -- Table of Contents
- XML Introduction
- html2txt
- Analog: WWW logfile analysis
- HTML 3.2 User Guide - Tables
- Cold Fusion Manual - Table of Contents
- I.S.L.A.N.D. HTML Lab
- Table of Contents
- Links to free and commercial internet marketing tools
- Access Log Analyzers
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- Site*Sleuth: Logfile Statistics Analysis: Electronic Commerce Software from WebGenie
- Managing a Web Site and Server: Scheduled Tasks
- RFCs in HTML Format
- A Standard for Robot Exclusion
- mime-types
- FTP Directory:
- SoftQuad: Welcome to
- Watchfire: 50 Common Metatags
- Index
- Document Object Model (DOM)
- index : html4 - javascript - suchdienste - suchmaschinen - download - surftipps - typographie - farben - wortwahl - ...
- Wie schreibe ich ein HTML-Dokument? Eine HTML-Anleitung
- www-doku: Writing html
- HTML 4.01 Specification
- HTML 4 Specification References
- SELFHTML Forumsarchiv 1999/2: (BROWSER) NN 5 --- und keine «layer» mehr
- Netscape Navigator Object Hierarchy
- Index
- Learning Hyper Text Markup Language - HTML
- RuleWeb Development LLC
- Examples from How to Set Up and Maintain a Web Site
- The global structure of an HTML document
- W3C Resource Description Framework
- Index of the HTML 4 Elements
- Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten im World Wide Web
- Chrome Experiments - Shaun The Sheep
HTML5 Games
- JavaScript Gaming - The best JavaScript games on the web
- Showcase of Games Developed Using HTML5 Canvas | INSIC DESIGNS
- Agent 008 Ball
- Super Mario Kart
- Sinuous - An HTML5 canvas game. Avoid the red dots!
- Bert’s Breakdown
- Tetris
- Galatic Plunder
- JQuery Racing
- Pacman
- JSLander
- Biolab Disaster
- Green Felt Arcade: Asteroids
- Spinz
AJAX - Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
Cross-browser XMLHttpRequest with JavaScript
- XML DOM - HttpRequest object
- The XMLHttpRequest Object
- Very Dynamic Web Interfaces
- Cross-browser XMLHttpRequest with JavaScript |
- Javascript HTTP Request v1.0 - JavaScript - Snipplr
- Prototype JavaScript Framework: Class-style OO, Ajax, and more
- AjaxAnywhere - Ajax Anywhere :: AJAX without JavaScript coding
- Main Page - Ajax Patterns
- Upload progress bar demo
- Prototype Javascript Windows
- ZÄHLEWENN auch für Farben? in Excel
- Mila NetWhistler Map
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- PHP upload progress
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- ECMA Script Language Binding
- Test W3C DOM compliance
Crypt with JavaScript (AES, MD4, MD5, SHA-1)
- JavaScript Base64 Encoder/Decoder
- Paj's Home: Cryptography: JavaScript MD5
- JavaScrypt: Browser-Based Cryptography Tools
- Rijndael in JavaScript
Data Types
undefined / null
- Sharky's JavaScript: undefined vs. null
- [Chapter 3] 3.9 Undefined
- Learning JavaScript: Data Types
- SELFHTML: JavaScript / Sprachelemente / Operatoren
- Tackling JavaScript strict warnings
- DOM Sample - Script Tag
- Document Object Model (DOM) Level 1 Specification
- JavaScript Guide
- Samples using DOM 1, DOM 2, CSS and JS
- JavaScript 2.0
- Traversing the HTML Table with JavaScript and DOM interfaces
- Gecko DOM Reference - MDC
Scripts - Examples
- Tool & Widgets Calendar
- The JavaScript Source: Clocks: DS Analogclock
- JS-Menü v1.4 von Rhein@Net
- Dynamic HTML Sample Code - Menu Trees Description
- Sitemap mit JavaScript und Layers
- Web Projects: JavaScript Marquee v2.1 @ The Ruins of Morning
- SmartMenus - Cool Free Scripts
- V-NewsTicker - Example 3
Script archiv
- Stefan Mintert - JavaScript
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- Doc JavaScript: Tutorials, Daily Tips, and Free Scripts -
- - Downloads - Source Code - JavaScripts
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- Internet, aber individuell
- Hattos Utilities
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- JavaScript Section - Homepage
- SELFHTML aktuell: Hatto von Hatzfeld - Javascript-Wertübergabe zwischen HTML-Dokumenten
- SELFHTML Forumsarchiv 1999/3: (JAVASCRIPT) Optimale Flasheinbindung ...
- KaosWeaver Scripts
- ganze Seiten speichern mit Netscape
- Determining Browser Type and Version with JavaScript
- Examples from How to Set Up and Maintain a Web Site
- Website Copies, menu modification
- Javascript graphical mandelbrot set
- Downloads | The Dojo Toolkit
- Memory von Markus Eichenberger
- - Jamie Zawinski
- Documentation: JavaScript
- Voodoo's Intro to JavaScript
- Voodoo's Intro to JavaScript
- JavaScript Guide
- iX 7/2003, S. 120: Webentwicklung - Javascript-Tutorial
- Webseiten mit dem W3C-DOM verändern
- Zeilen einer Tabelle hinzuzufügen mit Javascript
FAQ - Knowledge Base
- FAQTs - Knowledge Base - FAQTS : Computers : Programming : Languages : JavaScript : Forms
- FAQ de.comp.lang.javascript
- Sharky's JavaScript: Answers
JavaScripts in browser location bar
- montulli:
- mocha:window.alert('Hi!')
- javascript:eval(5<>*/+-1)
- javascript:
- Save website
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- Fading in text using the DOM
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- Javascript
- Events and Event Handlers
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- Michael Mailer´s JavaScripts
- Michael Mailer´s JavaScripts
- Michael Mailer´s JavaScripts
- Öffnen eines Fensters und Ausgeben eines Dokumentes
- screenExa
- The Joust Outliner
- Sitemap mit JavaScript und Layers
- Form Values
- Tool & Widgets
- Readonly fields in Web forms
- Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 Specification
- Resources for Mozilla's native Scalable Vector Graphics implementation
- The serverside SVG Programming portal
- SVG Examples: A cute lion
- ASCIIsvg: Homepage
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- Umbrello UML Modeller
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- allNetDevices -- The Wireless FAQ
- HTML 4.0 Guidelines for Mobile Access
- from August 2000: RE: WAP Server Help
- W* Effect Considered Harmful
- Nokia - WAP Solutions for Mobile Business
- Nokia WAP Discussion Board - Re: WML and MS IIS 4.0
- Nokia WAP Discussion Board - Re: IIS 4 MIME type setup?
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- Nokia WAP Discussion Board - Re: I need to change the default port 80 to 8080
- Nokia WAP Tool Kit
- wapdrive
- Perlscripts - Das grosse Perlarchiv
- XHTML 1.1 - Module-based XHTML
- XHTML 1.1 Document Type Definition
- XML in Mozilla
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- Top XML - There is only one thing we do well and that is XML!
- Top XML : XHTML articles, tutorials and editors
- Using XML-RPC for Web services: Getting started with XML-RPC in Perl
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- A86 assembler
C / C++
- C - Praktikum 1 + 2: Programmentwicklung unter UNIX
- Anjuta Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
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- What is
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- printf formats
C#, C Sharp
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CGI, Perl, ...
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- Web Servers and Dynamic Content
- FastCGI Home
- Apache/Perl Integration Project
- Index of /internettime/download
- The cgiemail home page
- Tips für die Homepage : Counter Gästebuch E-mail HTML CGI Java Webdesign : cool und kostenlos
- Perl tutorial: Start
- Fluid Dynamics CGI Collection
- Running perl
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- Fluid Dynamics Software
- FreeCode, Free Programming Source Code
- XWolf CGI & Webworking: CGI Security / Sichere CGI-Skripten (1)
- Counter CGI
- PageVisits: A Simple Web Page Access Counter
- (CGI) Zeilenumbrüche
- CGI Programming 101 - Learn CGI Today!
- Matt's Script Archive, Inc. :: Free Perl CGI Scripts
- The CGI Resource Index
- CGI :: CGI Applications
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- Clipper
- Clipper (programming language) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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- The Code of the Geeks v3.12
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- - The code of the geeks
- Project Info - GeekCode Decrypter
- The Perl Geek Code
- Uri Fridman V3.1
- Requested Decoded Geek Code
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- FAQ.html
- mSQL
- Real Number Check
- Integer Check
- Working With Sequences
- How to Set Up a Simple Database with mSQL and CGI Interfaces
- Lite Support Pages
- DBD::mysql - mSQL and mysql drivers for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI)
- dbi-users Archive: LISTFIELDS
- Hughes Technologies : The home of Mini SQL ( mSQL )
- Hughes Technologies Web Site
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- mSQL 2.0 User Guide
- Homepage
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- Scan95 Database
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- The mSQL FAQ
- msql interface
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- The zombie loses pieces of flesh
- mSQL help
- The Common Gateway Interface
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- The mSQL FAQ
- FTP Directory:
- Nexial Systems - Mailing list Indexes
- FTP Directory:
- Hughes Technologies Web Site
- \\Dbserv\projects\msql\index.html
- SQLCoffee - New Spatial Data Types
- Download Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express with Advanced Tools | Download Freeware Free
- Index of /manuals
- MySQL Reference Manual for version 3.21.21a-beta.
- MySQL Reference Manual for version 3.22.23b.
- MySQL Reference Manual for version 3.23.10-alpha. - 1 General Information about MySQL
- MySQL Reference Manual for version 3.23.10-alpha.
- SELFHTML Forumsarchiv 1999/4: (ZUR INFO) Gute deutsche Doku zu MySQL und PHP3
- MySQL Datenbankhandbuch
- MySQL Datenbankhandbuch 1999 (Frohe Weihnachten und guten Rutsch !)
- MySQL Database System
- Datenbank, mySQL und PHP
- Inhalt
- MySQL Reference Manual for version 3.21.33. - Table of Contents
MySQL Replication
- MySQL Manual | 6 Replication in MySQL
- MySQL Manual | 6.4 How to Set Up Replication
- How To Set Up Database Replication In MySQL | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
- DevShed - MySQL Administration
- Index of /pub/mirrors/mysql/Downloads/Contrib
- An admin tool for MySQL:
- MySQL Developer Tools for MySQL Development: Toad for MySQL
- SQLite home page
- 7 Datenbankzugriff
- Databases
- EDM-2 - mSQL Revisited
- EDM-2 - June 1998 - Volume 6 Issue 6
- ADOdb Database Abstraction Library for PHP (and Python) for MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Firebird, Interbase, LDAP, Access, VFP, DB2 and many other databases
- SQLstream - Streaming Analytics for Real-Time Service Agility
- World Wide Web FAQ
Flash devices programming / Data recovery / Datenwiederherstellung
- JTAG Tools
- Projects - JTAG
- NSLU2-Linux - Info / PinoutOfJTAGPort
- SimpleViewer
- Homepage FAQs - hp flash zusammenfassung
Flash (Shockwave)
- Flash Uhren 01 bis 10
- - Die Net(te)-Community
- Newsgate.CH Web Server: Deutschland
- S2000Online Forums
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- Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.0
- RFC2616
- Tips - HTML Error Codes
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- View HTTP Request and Response Header
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- glassfish: GlassFish Community
- Java Programming
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- Willkommen.
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MS Excel
- Excel - Zeilenduplikate zählen - TechnikTeam Forum
- excel gruppiert zählen - Google-Suche
- Pascal
Perl Courses
- OETIKER+PARTNER AG, Olten - Event Schedule
- OETIKER+PARTNER AG, Olten - Perl Courses with Damian Conway
- Thoughtstream | Courses | Perl Best Practice
Perl 5
- Apacompile - HOWTO compile your Apache Webserver ... (mod_ssl mod_perl mod_php mod_auth_ldap mod_auth_mysql
- Mod_perl_cgi - running CGI scripts under mod_perl
- mod_perl guide: mod_perl Installation
- Installation von Apache 1.3.14 mit mod_perl 1.24_01
- perlbase
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- Advanced Perl Programming
- Perl in a Nutshell
- Perl Cookbook
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- perlbuch - Die Liste deutschdprachiger Bücher zum Thema Perl
- mod_perl - kurz & gut
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- buying info: Introduction to CGI/Perl : Getting Started With Web Scripts
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- Perl for System Administration Chapter 03 - User/Password
Perl Aliasing Feature to Share Global Variables
- The Perl You Need To Know
- The Perl You Need To Know - Part 2
- PERL - Special Variables
- Perl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- CGI - Simple Common Gateway Interface Class
- Diagnosemeldungen
- [Chapter 3] 3.2 Perl Functions in Alphabetical Order
- Digiweb France - PERL - perldsc
- Perl Tutorial
- Special Edition, Using Perl for Web Programming, TOC
- Perl - Index
- Perl: Einführung, Anwendungen, Referenz. 2. Auflage
- Apacompile - HOWTO compile your Apache Webserver ... (mod_ssl mod_perl mod_php mod_auth_ldap mod_auth_mysql
- iX 1/2000, S. 156: Perl-Know-how
- Perl in 90 Minuten
- Perl: Einführung, Anwendungen, Referenz (2/e)
- Perl-Funktions-Dokumentation
- perlref - Perl references and nested data structures
- Perl Hash Howto
- How to read command-line arguments with Perl | Perl command line args |
- perlvar -
Effiziente / schnelle Programme
- Perl: Call by reference and Call by value |
- Perl making an array unique |
- - Michael Schilli (iX und Linux Magazin)
- (iX und Linux Magazin)
- Michael Peppler's Home Page - Sybperl
- Recipe 19.5. Making CGI Scripts Efficient
- CGI / PERL Scripts portable machen
- Recipe 10.9. Returning More Than One Array or Hash
- Programmieren in PERL (Roland Bernert)
- Can't use string - Subroutines and References in PERL
- PERLDIAG - various Perl diagnostics
- Install Crypt::IDEA on Solaris 8 (
FAQ - Frequency Ask Question
- FAQ in de.comp.lang.perl.cgi
- PerlfaqPrime
Modules / OOP
- SELFHTML: CGI/Perl / Perl-Sprachelemente / Objektorientiertes Programmieren
- Perl Resource Kit -- Programming with Perl Modules
- The Perl You Need To Know - Share Global Variables
- use perl::tutor qw(. de); bless
Ajax - Asynchronous web applications
- CGI::Ajax - a perl-specific system for writing Asynchronous web applications -
- - Using Perl to do AJAX
- Apache-Session documentation
- Apache::Session::Store::MySQL - Store persistent data in a MySQL database
- Session management from Perl Session module
- - a Perl5 CGI Library
- CGIProxy-- HTTP/FTP Proxy in a CGI Script
- Kontrollstrukturen
- SELFHTML Forumsarchiv / 2001 / November / GIbt es in Perl sowas wie urlencode in PHP(GET-Problem)
- Using CGI::Application
Connect to Microsoft Access Database by ODBC
- WDVL: The Perl You Need to Know: Part 6 "Dabbling in Live Databases: Microsoft Access"
- WDVL: Preparing Microsoft Access
- WDVL: Perl Module Mania: DBI and DBD
- WDVL: A Simple Query
- WDVL: Query Know How
Persistente Datenbankverbindungen
- Farid Hajji: Perl: Einführung, Anwendungen, Referenz (2/e) [Kapitel 18: Persistenz und Datenbanken]
- Farid Hajji: Perl: Einführung, Anwendungen, Referenz (2/e) [Zustandserhaltung mit Apache::Session]
- Farid Hajji: Perl: Einführung, Anwendungen, Referenz (2/e) []
- Perl DBI Spezifikation
- DBI - A Database Interface Module for perl5
- Problems Using the Perl DBI/DBD Interface
File upload
perl cgi upload file permission module root 0 bytes empty
- perl cgi upload file permission module root 0 bytes empty - Google Search
- Miscellaneous cgi and php questions and answers
- efileman FAQ
- CGI upload creates empty file on server? - Perl
- » Asynchronous file upload with AJAX progress bar in PHP
- FileUpload - Module for HTTP File Uploading.
- Tag -4- Tag
- Tag -4- Tag
- Tag -4- Tag
-! We offer CGI / Perl Scripts, A Message Forum, DVD's and PS2 Games.
- The Code Project - Perl Script for uploading modified files to a FTP-Server - Perl
- rfc1867
- Perl CGI to upload files via web browser
- Red Antigua - Upload files with CGI::Application
- Finance::Quote Homepage
Images generating using perl
- Human Verification (CAPTCHA) Perl Script - Generate a verification image for validating forms
- PWNtcha - captcha decoder
- GD Graphics Library
- LibGD - Main page
- GD::SecurityImage - Security image (captcha) generator. -
- WWW FAQs: How do I output images from a Perl/CGI or PHP script?
- Graphics -
- Imager - Perl extension for Generating 24 bit Images -
- Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA
- Escape from CAPTCHA - Slide list
- CAPTCHA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- String::Random - Perl module to generate random strings based on a pattern -
- Crypt::Random - Cryptographically Secure, True Random Number Generator. -
- Message Image - Web Site Design - Andrew Gregory's Web Pages
- How to Protect Online Forms
- Graphics Programming with Perl
- Simple HTTP GET -- Newbie dot Org
- ! Aware to Perl: TCP Clients with IO::Socket
- Perl, Sockets and TCP/IP Networking.
- SAGE - Perl Practicum - Network Wiles (Part I)
- Socket programming
- libwww-perl Mailing List Archive for 1994: Re: "connection refused" and mo
- spa v.1.0.1 Simple Port Alarm - A simple TCP Port Alarm written in Perl.
- Daytime, Sockets und Perl
TK (Graphics)
- Create fancy on-screen displays with Ghosd and Perl
- PerlCommunityWiki » Wissensbasis » PerlTkTutorialKapitel8
- PerlCommunityWiki » Wissensbasis » FaqTkDialog
- PerlCommunityWiki » Wissensbasis » PerlTkTutorialKapitel11
- Linux-Magazin - perl
- How to Win32 & Perl 5, the EventLog
- Win32::EventLog - Process Win32 Event Logs from Perl
Session management
- CGI::Session - persistent session data in CGI applications -
- CGIS - Session enabled -
- Sessions with perl over Apache
- PHP::Session - read / write PHP session files -
- Session - Object Oriented wrapper around Apache::Session to avoid its tie mechanism -
- Session management from Perl Session module
- LibWeb
- Embperl Homepage - Erstellen dynamischen Websites mit Perl
- (CGI) Sessionmanagement mit Perl
- Creating and validating Sessions in Perl CGI
- The Perl 5 Module List
- mod_perl guide: mod_perl Installation
- Installing Your Own Perl Modules
- Answers for some Perl/Cgi questions
- libwww-perl
- FTP Directory:
- Cal::Date - a simple set of calendar functions for Perl
- Wake on LAN mini HOWTO
- Net::Wake - A package to send packets to power on computers.
- Wake on LAN mini HOWTO: Wake-up frame
Perl in HTML
- ActiveState Tool Corp - Download Now
- Index of /CPAN-local/ports/win32/Standard/x86
- Apache :: ASP :: INTRO [ apache+asp+perl = perl::apache::asp ]
- Embperl - Embed Perl in Your HTML Documents
- The Apache/Perl Module List
- ecos electronic communication services gmbh
- HTML::Template
- Red Antigua - HTML::Template Tutorial
Photo Gallery
- - Image Gallery Software
- Martin Consulting Online - Scripts: emAlbum
Perl Regular Expressions (PRE)
- perlre - Perl regular expressions
- Useful Perl Scripts With Regular Expressions
- Perl Regular Expressions
Security - Sicherheit
Generate passwords
- Generate stronger random passwords in Perl - Builder UK
- How To Break Web Software - A look at security vulnerabilities in web software - Google Video
- perlsec - Perl security
- Perl CGI
- Recipe 19.4. Writing a Safe CGI Program
- CGI - Avoiding Denial of Service Attacks
- Avoiding Denial of Service Attacks
- CGI/Perl Taint Mode FAQ
-|com - Artikel: CGI Security / Sichere CGI-Skripten (3)
- aramosf::personal corner
suid / setuid
- Google Suche: suid perl setuid
- discarding root privileges in suid perl
- Re: discarding root privileges in suid perl
- Running Perl Suid
- perl setuid and running external program? : DevShed Forums
- German SuSE Linux mailinglist: Re: setuid root von cgi-scripten
- Red Antigua - Run suid Perl scripts under Apache without suidperl (using a really simple C wrapper)
Time and date in Perl (Time::HiRes)
- Alan Coopersmith's Weblog : Weblog
Unicode / UTF-8 / UTF-16 / UTF-x
- Encode - character encodings -
- reading utf8 from mysql - perl.dbi.users | Google Groups
- bjellis Perlwelt: adventures with mysql, perl and unicode
- Perl - XML
- Sablotron
- Sablotron + Perl
- Linux-Magazin - XML
- Linux-Magazin - XML
- Listing Installed Perl Modules in RSS : Ben Hammersley
- SVG::Template::Graph - Perl extension for generating template-driven graphs with SVG -
IDE - Integrated development environment
- Open Perl IDE
- Open Perl IDE
- IndigoStar Software Home Page
- TinyPerl now can create binarys for your script too
- Using from programs
echo mail
- [Mailman-Users] permission denied error on sending mails to mailinglist
- Email::AutoReply - Perl extension for writing email autoresponders -
- Mail::Internet - manipulate Internet format (RFC 822) mail messages -
- Mail::Mailer - Simple interface to electronic mailing mechanisms -
- Email::AutoReply - Perl extension for writing email autoresponders -
- Master Autoresponder
- iX 2/2005, S. 132: Perl-Know-how
- Mail::Box - manage a mailbox, a folder with messages -
Contact form
- Contact Form
- nms - web scripts written by experts
Guestbook / Gästebuch
- Cougasoft CGI Scripts - Inter Guestbook
- eXtropia | Guestbook
- Lars Ellingsen's Guestbook system: Guestserver
- Lars Ellingsen's Guestbook system: Guestserver
Navigation [Prev] 1 2 3 4 5 6 [Next] (Pagination)
- Paging / pagination / site numbering
- Data::Pageset - Page numbering and page sets
- One of the best output
- Data::Page - help when paging through sets of results
- One of the best output
- Data::Page::Pageset - change long page list to be shorter and well navigate
- HTML::Paging::SQL - HTML pagination with SQL database
- Data::Paginated - paginate a list of data
- HTML::PageIndex - Class to create HTML page index objects.
- Lutz Eymers' Sitemap-Script mit Datenbank
- perl script that generates an HTML sitemap
Perl one liners
- Perl One Liners
- Cultured Perl: One-liners 101
- Perl one-liners
- Perl one-liners
- Perl question: Test for empty directory - Topic Powered by eve community
- Find Empty directories and removing it
- YouSendIt: The Leader in File Delivery.
- PERL Tutorial - Transform Strings to Arrays
- Converting paths to absolute in Perl
- Fourmilab
- Passport Photo Maker
- TeX to GIF or PNG Converter for Web Documents
- perl Mandelbrot
- [Chapter 18] 18.2 Example: Fractals with Perl
- Perl Poetry
- Perl / CGI Snapshot - Trickkiste II
- Perl / CGI Snapshot - Trickkiste III
- Linux-Magazin - Perl-Snapshot
- Recipe 9.5. Processing All Files in a Directory
- Prüfsummen und Fingerabdrücke für Dateien erstellen
- Plattformübergreifendes Handling von Zeilenumbrüchen
- Examples from How to Set Up and Maintain a Web Site
- LinkCheck
- Click Manager
- PerlScript
- WebScripts (Perl CGI Scripts)
- Einführung in die Perl-Programmierung: Musterprogramme
- Perl - Formate
- Chapter 7: Other Request Phases
- Environment variables (ENV)
- Tag -4- Tag
- Kevin's Perl Scripts
- XWolf CGI & Webworking: Realm of CGI - CGI Skripten
- - Das Paradies für Webmaster!
- Perlscripts - Das grosse Perlarchiv
- Willkommen beim Scriptindex-Online Die Welt der Scripte
- Webster's Webmaster Archiv
- / Code Schnippsel / HTTP mit und ohne LWP
- WebServer Programming - CGI
- eXtropia | free downloads
- PERLRE - Perl regular expressions
- Perl scripts at
- Free php and perl script page
- Recursive Directory Remove
- Perl Resources
- Search results - htmlauth.html
- E-Nef / Perl / Some examples in Perl
- Perl-tutorials
- TLBMP - Tobi's Live BookMarks Presenter
- Perl: how find folder name filename and file size?
- SUMMARY: Loading perl modules bassed on Solaris uname
-|com - Realm of CGI: CGI Skripten - PrintView - Seiten komfortabel drucken
- poetic pollution
- Delete Empty Directories
- ! Aware to Perl: How do I handle circular lists?
- Formats
- [Chapter 2] 2.8 Formats
- Trailing Spaces -- Format Perl
- Perl Hash Howto
- PERL File Input, Output and Sorting
- Unix sort command
- Farid Hajji: Perl: Einführung, Anwendungen, Referenz (2/e) [Kapitel 8: Hashes]
- Perl 5.8 Documentation - keys
- PERL Hash Variables
Artikel / Articles (Publikationen / Publications)
- Linux-Magazin - Archiv
- - Articles
- - Artikel (Publikationen)
- Messdaten mit RRDtool und Perl verwalten
- Charts mit Perl
Mailing lists / Foren
- Index :
- The Perl Mailing List Database
- The Perl Foundation
- Comprehensive Perl Archive Network
- The CPAN Search Site
- Perl Reference: webadmin
- SELFHTML: CGI/Perl / Perl-Sprachelemente / CGI-typische Anweisungen in Perl
- The Home Page
- ActiveState - Online Store, ActiveState ActivePerl Detail
- Download Software
- ActivePerl Help
- SybPerl FAQ
- KnowledgeDatabase
- Index of /CPAN-local/src/5.0
- CGI Forum Schweiz: Alles rund um CGI/Perl
- Perl Bookmark Database
- | An Experience of Community, Perl, CGI and Web-Programming |
- Index of /
- windows - Perl Net::SFTP::Foreign Plink connection issue - Stack Overflow
Perl 6
- Introduction to Perl6
- This week on Perl 6 (9/9 - 9/15, 2002)
- Mega Upload :: File Upload with Progress bar (PHP, perl and JSP)
- Internet Explorer download problem
- FAQ der Newsgroups de.comp.lang.php.* - 13.3. Wie realisiere ich einen Dateidownload mit PHP?
Navigation [Prev] 1 2 3 4 5 6 [Next]
- Creating Dynamic Next / Previous Buttons with PHP and MySQL [Nov. 02, 2000]
Search Engine / Suchmaschinen
- : PhpDig
PHP Security
- Hardened-PHP Project - PHP Security - Home
- Hardened-PHP Project - PHP Security - Suhosin
- PHP: Verwendung von Register Globals - Manual
- heise Security - News - Sicherheitsspezialist verlässt resigniert PHP-Security-Team
- PHP Scripte 01 bis 10
- SELFHTML Forumsarchiv 1999/4: (ZUR INFO) Gute deutsche Doku zu MySQL und PHP3
- PHP 3.0 and MSQL 2.0 tutorial and example ..........INTRODUCTION
- - Die deutschsprachige Resource für PHP und MySQL- Startseite
- PHP Grundlagen
- Index
- Datenbank, mySQL und PHP
- Inhalt
- PX: PHP Code Exchange
- PhpDig : The smallest search engine
- iX 12/2003, S. 124: PHP-Know-how
- Free php and perl script page
- :: The net's largest PHP, CGI, Perl, JavaScript and ASP script collection and resource web portal
- PHP Code Generator - PHPMaker 4
- How to run PHP4 and PHP 5 parallel - Tobias Schlitt - a passion for php
- Secure PHP Form Mailer Script · Dagon Design
- SELFPHP 2.0 (PHP-Dateien selbst erstellen)
- PHP: PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
- PHP: Unix/Solaris Installation - Manual
- Webmaster Resource: Tutorials: PHP: Kontaktformular mit PHP
- Handbuch PHP - Wiki
- PHP Encoder, protection, installer and performance tools from ionCube: Home
- Python Language Website
Regular Expressions
- Steve Ramsay's Guide to Regular Expressions
- Etext Center: Services
- Ruby Home Page
- Ruby on Rails
- SecurePoint.COM - Search Checkpoint FireWall-1 and Other Security Archives
- IT Security Cookbook - 22 Appendix D: Sample scripts/utilities
- XWolf CGI & Webworking: CGI Security / Sichere CGI-Skripten (1)
- CGI - Avoiding Denial of Service Attacks
Shell scripting (UNIX/Linux/PowerShell)
- Die GNU-Shell Bash (Bourne Again SHell)
- Unix commands
- Unix Command Summary
- Simple Introduction to UNIX
- fpschultze - PowerShell Scripting - Windows PowerShell In Action, Second Edition - News
- PowerGUI Downloads
- PowerShell Code Repository
CGI Shell scripts
- Linux Tutorial: CGI Shell scripts
- Run shell script from web page
UNIX: find directories with white spaces
- Find files with certain extensions « Devenix’s Weblog
- Linux Find Prune Exclude Multiple Directories Folders
- Finding Files
- Delete empty directories (UNIX) « Devenix’s Weblog
- - BASH: Script fails with 'for' loops and whitespace
UNIX: screen
- BigAdmin Feature Article: Installing and Using GNU Screen
- Screen quickstart - The occasional scrivener - Gustaf Erikson's weblog
- GNU Screen: an introduction and beginner's tutorial ||
- Screen FAQ
- Screen User's Manual
Unix: command examples
- tr and sed: NEOHAPSIS - Peace of Mind Through Integrity and Insight
- Regular Expressions in grep
- find examples
- Gotchas - (miss)understandings
- file: .sh ssh && - Google Code Search
- Parameter file for a shell script
- Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide
- Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide
- Bash For Loop Examples
- How do I compare strings in Bourne Shell? - Stack Overflow
- UNIX man pages : test (1)
- dailyhealth
Shell scripting: Library of hash functions
- Advanced Bash Shell Scripting Guide - Contributed Scripts
- Advanced Bash Shell Scripting Guide - Contributed Scripts
Time / Timestamp calculation / converting
- Sébastien Wains » Bash : converting unix timestamp to date
- Shellscripte -
- Wicked Cool Shell Scripts :: shell script
- Shell Scripts sh - Kommandoprozeduren
- Unix Shell Scripts overview
- UNIX Shellskripten
- The UNIX Forums - Preventing whitespace to be a delimiter in a for loop (bash/sh)
- USEFUL ONE-LINE SCRIPTS FOR SED (Unix stream editor)
- Nützliche, einzeilige Scripts für SED (Unix Stream Editor)
- Dr Dobbs - TPJ One Liners
- einfachen awk / sed / tr Frage - Die UNIX-und Linux-Foren
- Reference Cards - Variables / Comparison / TEST Operators / String Operations / Miscellaneous Constructs
- Special Shell Variables / Binary Comparison / TEST Operators: Files / Parameter Substitution and Expansion / String Operations / Miscellaneous Constructs
- Unix / Linux Bourne / Bash Shell Scripting Tutorial [ ]
- - Free Computer Books, Tutorials & Lecture Notes - Unix KornShell Quick Reference
- Unix Shell-Programmierung
- UNIX Shell Programming
- Chris F.A. Johnson's Unix Shell Scripting
- Re: Umbenennung von Dateien durch Abschneiden einer festen Anzahl von Zeichen
- Arrays, if, while, case, for, sed, grep, reg expr ... Einfuehrung in die Shell-Programmierung
- Escaping - quoting single characters by \
- The while loop
- Arrays
- How To Find BASH Shell Array Length ( number of elements )
- How to check whether a string is number or not - The UNIX and Linux Forums
- „post-down“-Action wird in NetworkManager-Dispatcher-Skript ignoriet › Fortgeschrittene Netzwerkkonfiguration › Forum ›
Time and date
- TimeLeft - FREE countdown, reminder, clock, alarm clock, tray clock, stopwatch, timer, sticker, auction watch and time synchronization utility.
- Countdown Timer - Neues
- Internet Clocks, Counters, and Countdowns
- Today Date and Time
- JavaScript clocks, calenders, and timers.
- The JavaScript Source: Clock Scripts
- TimeTicker and the time tickers...
- The official U.S. time
- Clocks and Time: Horology site for books, magazines, organizations, museums, PC synchronization software, time standards.
- The Year 2038 Problem (32 Bit limit)
- 8: The Dating Game
- Date::Holidays::DE - Determine German holidays -
Time and date calculation
- Computing.Net - Calculation the date
- TZ=aaa24 date +%Y%m%d
- Converting UNIX Dates (Decimal and Hexadecimal)
- Summary - Date conversion script
- Epoch Converter - Unix Timestamp Converter
UTF-8 Characters -> see in World -> Internationalization
VB Script
- Visual Basic World - The leading online information source for Visual Basic developers.
- Table of Contents
- The ultimate Perl, CGI, PHP, ASP Scripts Resource Site.
- - Free Secure ASP Mail Component for an NT/IIS/ASP Environment
- ASP Examples
Windows 9x / NT / 2000 / XP / 2003
Batch programming
- NT Commands
- Commands - Acknowledgements | Changes | Commands | Environment
- DOS Batch Programming
- Missing DOS Commands
- Sample Win9x Batch Programs
- Batch files - Shutdown and Reboot
- Batch-Programmierung: Erweiterungen unter Windows NT – Wikibooks, Sammlung freier Lehr-, Sach- und Fachbücher
- for /f tokens and delims help
- Username
- JustTime
- Beep
- Sleep
- - Diskussion: Zeilenumbruch net send in Batchdatei (archiviert)
- fpschultze \ Batch Scripting
- fpschultze \ Batch Scripting \ Batch Script Collection \ SLEEP.BAT
- fpschultze : Batch Scripting Site : Batch Script Collection : PingRange.cmd
- DOS Batch
- ---=== Batch-Kurs by Horst Schaeffer ===---
- Basic batfiles Chapter 27 Smart batfiles
- EasyDOS Command Index
- FTP Directory:
- Häufig genutzte Links: DOSen-Software
- DOS Batch Language: Internal and Intrinsic Commands
- Streams-Umleitung am DOS-Prompt
- DOS Batch Programming
Creat installations
- Clickteam - Game Development Tools
- Register/Unregister ActiveX Controls Using Regsvr32.exe
- MSDN Online Web Workshop
- Befehlszeilendienstprogramm "DevCon" als Alternative zum Geräte-Manager
- Epoch Converter Functions
- Index of /~hasi/Program Batch / Javascript / Tex
- Matt's Script Archive, Inc. :: Free Perl CGI Scripts
- W3Schools Online Web Tutorials
- Ohloh
- mapping the open source world by collecting objective information on open source software
- Homepage der txtPL: (Text Parsing Language)
- YouTube - googletechtalks's Channel
- Umrechnungstabellen
OS: FAQ, Tips, Tricks, Configuration, Download, ...
- Willkommen bei der Swiss Open Systems User Group
- Linux User Group
- Portable Linux Apps
- | Your Digital Life, Anywhere™ - Protable application
- GnuWin32
Boot Builder
- Boot Land
- WinBuilder
- Roadkil.Net - Roadkil's Boot Builder Program Download
- Bootdisk.Com - Free NTFS Bootdisk, Boot Disk, Windows Bootdisk, XP Bootdisk, DOS Bootdisk
- | The web resource for bootable Media
- Nerdlabs - Boot Disk Images
- Nerdlabs - Boot Disk Images
- Windows 2000 - Creating a Bootable Disk
VM (Virual Machines)
- Vorkonfigurierte Images [Computerwoche Wiki]
- VMware is Virtual Infrastructure
- VMware Player
- VMware Converter for workstation to virtual pc and virtual machine migration - VMware
- VMware Player: Virtuelle Maschinen für jedermann -
- VMware: MAC Addresses Generation
- VMware Communities: How to Increase size of my VM Hard Disk ...
- VMware Communities: Resizing a Virtual Disk for Windows ...
- VMware Communities: vdiskmanager GUI ...
- VMware Knowledge Base - Turning Off Warning about VMware Tools Version
- Expanding A VMWare Client Disk « Technical Details
- Customer Support: Downloads
- Streamline VMware Administration with Powershell Scripts
- VMware Management and ESX Management Server Virtualization
- Win 98 nach VMWare konvertieren - Converter - VMware Forum
- VirtualBox
- - open pc server integration
- The User-mode Linux Kernel Home Page
- bochs: The Open Source IA-32 Emulation Project (Home Page)
- Computer Laboratory - Xen virtual machine monitor
- NoMachine NX - Download: NX Client for Windows
- Virtual pc, virtual machine and multiple operating system solutions by Parallels, Inc.
- Server Virtualization
- Solaris 10 Operating System for x86 Platforms
- Run IT on a Virtual Hard Disk
- Running Microsoft Windows inside Debian: qemu
- Microsoft Virtual PC 2004
USB Live System
- SARDU - Shardana Antivirus Rescue Disk Utility
- Downloads - Boot Land
- Index of
- Vba32 Rescue - Live CD Beta - Wilders Security Forums
- Vba32 Rescue - Live CD Beta - Wilders Security Forums
- Offline NT Password & Registry Editor
- Offline NT Password & Registry Editor
- Damn Small Linux - DSL information
- List of live CDs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Debian -- Details of package fluxbox in etch-backports
- Negative Zero: LINUX: Installing minimal debian with Fluxbox
- Creating a Custom Debian LiveCD with Fluxbox using live-package | LiveDistro
- BSI Internet Security Surf-CD
- Helix3 - forensics, incident response and e-discovery utility
- UNetbootin - Create bootable Live USB drives for a variety of Linux distributions
- installmodes – unetbootin
- DebianLive - Debian Wiki
- SystemRescueCd
Window manager (XDM, GDM, KDM, WDM)
- X display manager - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Comparison of X Window System desktop environments - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- XDM, GDM, KDM, WDM shootout :-)
- Comparison of X window managers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- X window manager - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Fluxbox Documentation
- FluxBox - Debian Wiki
- Gentoo Linux Documentation -- The Fluxbox Configuration HOWTO
- The perfect light Debian with Fluxbox | Linux Operating system - Debian, Fedora, Centos, Ubuntu - Linux stuff
- Debian Fluxbox probleme - RR:Board
- Howto anpassen der startup file - Fluxbox-wiki
- Editing the startup file - Fluxbox-wiki
- Fluxbox - Blog Toplist
- Motherboard Transplants, Debian, Fluxbox and Auto Starting Applications « linux n00b
- debian notebook fluxbox window manager KDM, GDM XDM - Google-Suche
- LXDE - Lightweight X11 Desktops Environment
- Conky - Home
- conky
- Conky Docs
- Conky Variables
- debian conky battery - Google Search
- Linux Inside: Set the battery in conky correctly
- EeeUser ASUS Eee PC Forum / Conky
- :: Expert's guide to configuring Conky
- When it comes to monitoring your Linux system, few tools can rival Conky. This lightweight system monitoring utility can help you to keep an eye on virtually any aspect of your system, and it offers a huge list of options to choose from. But this flexibility comes at a price: all Conky's settings are stored in the .conkyrc file, which you have to create and tweak manually. The good news is that once you understand the inner workings of the .conkyrc file, you can easily create powerful Conky configuration profiles.
- Conky - Screenshots
- This is the homepage for Conky, which is a light-weight system monitor.
- Aaron Lynch
- Red Devil's Tech Blog: May 2008
- Gentoo Linux Documentation -- The Fluxbox Configuration HOWTO
- [ubuntu] Conky: how to display calendar? - Ubuntu Forums
- [ubuntu] Conky calendar layout problem - Ubuntu Forums
- Conky calendar script help - Ubuntu Forums
- compare KDM, GDM XDM - Google-Suche
- ArchWiki :: Adding a login manager (KDM, GDM, or XDM) to automatically boot on startup - ArchWiki
- ArchWiki :: Einen Anmeldungsmanager hinzufügen (KDM, GDM, oder XDM), der sich automatisch beim Systemstart öffnet (Deutsch) - ArchWiki
- kubuntu, x und die fluxbox - -- User helfen Usern
- X Scripts
- Software bloat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- pSeries and AIX Information Center
Apple: Macintosh
- mac and win •|• ueber die Firma Apple
- Macintosh ShortCuts
- ISG.EE About the Integration of MacOSX into a Centrally Managed UNIX Environment
- Amiga, Inc.
- AROS: Amiga® Research Operating System
- Amiga OS 4.1 - Hyperion Entertainment
- German Amiga Emu Board - Startseite
- MorphOS Home Page
- AMIGA-Magazin
- Welcome to Be Incorporated!
- yellowTAB - Makers of ZETA (New Generation BeOS Solutions)
- BeBits - The Best Source of BeOS Software!
C64 - Commodore 64
- The portal
- Adam Dunkels' homepage
- The Final Ethernet - C64 Ethernet Cartridge
- Heise News-Ticker: Browsen mit dem Commodore 64
- Projekt 64'er: Willkommen zum Projekt 64'er online!
- - Downloads, Links, Tips & Tricks für Windows 3.1x
- FreeDOS | The FreeDOS Project
- FreeDOS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- FreeDOS: FDOS site
- The FreeDOS Project
- FreeDOS-32
- WPUs Power-MsDOS/4DOS
- Anaconda/Kickstart - FedoraProject
- Linuxconf home
- mail howto : - Documentation - Cfg2Html_linux Version 1.10
- The Linux Documentation Project: Guides
- Debian Linux Kernel Handbook
Crash recovery kits
- FrozenTech's LiveCD List
- Crash Recovery Kit for Linux
- SYSLINUX - The Easy-to-use Linux Bootloader
Windows Freigaben unter Linux mounten
- Pro-Linux News: Kurztipp: Windows-Freigaben unter Linux mounten
- Wer kennt das nicht.
- > How to mount a Windows share with smbmount
- Use smbmount and smbclient to access Windows resources from Linux
- Get the command options and syntax you need to make smbmount and smbclient access a Windows system from a Linux workstation.
- LinNeighborhood-Readme
- fli4l: A small linux router
- Gentoo Sudo(ers) Anleitung
- Debian -- Debian besorgen
- start []
- Debian GNU/Linux Anwenderhandbuch
- Debian GNU/Linux System Administration Resources
Debian packages
- Debian -- Packages
- Debian -- Debian-Installer
- Index of /debian/dists/etch/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot
- APT HOWTO - Working with source packages
- Debian --
- How to make deb packages
- APT Howto - Paketverwaltung
- apt-get(8): APT package handling utility -- ... - Linux man page
- Index of /debian-pure64
- Debian testing security team
- Index of /debian-secure-testing
Debian updates
- APT HOWTO - Basic Configuration
- Debian Administration :: Getting Debian Security Updates
- Debian Administration :: Using the GPG signature checking with apt 0.6
- Debian -- Security Information
Boot floppies
- Index of /debian/dists/woody/main/disks-i386/3.0.23-2002-05-21/
- Index of /debian/pool/main/b/boot-floppies
- Debian-Referenz - Debian-Grundlagen
- Debian -- boot-floppies
- Arricc » Debian on ancient hardware
- Make boot floppies
- Timo's Rescue Cd Set - Ver. 0.9.8
- how to make a boot disk (part I)
- 4.3. Creating Floppies from Disk Images
- Hacking the debian-installer ISO image - Before hacking debian-installer
- Making Diskette Images without Diskettes
Debian In VMware
- Debian Etch with VMware Tools - VMTN Virtual Appliances
- Debian testing Etch VMware Appliance with VMware Tools
- The Debian GNU/Linux FAQ: Hardware Requirements
- Arricc » Debian on ancient hardware
- [TYPO3-debian] typo3 installation on apache2, PHP4 parallel to PHP5
- Debian Administration :: Monitoring your hardware's temperature
- Debian -- Mailing Lists
- Opera - Debian Wiki
- BootFloppy - Debian Wiki
- Debian Multimedia Packages::Home
- Mount NTFS unter Debian Gnome
Knoppix / Gnoppix / Ubuntu
- KNOPPIX Linux Live CD
- Knoppix STD
- Ubuntu - Linux for Human Beings
Red Hat
- Red Hat -- Linux, Embedded Linux and Open Source Solutions
- Fedora Project, sponsored by Red Hat
- Index of
- LTS - Ubuntu Wiki
- Damn Small Linux (DSL), 50 megabytes of penguin power
- - The Community ENTerprise Operating System
- Gentoo Linux -- Gentoo Linux News
- Hauptseite - Gentoo Linux Wiki
- The Slackware Linux Project
- Mirrors - Linux From Scratch
- icepack linux - Home
- The Official ROCK Linux Distribution
- Welcome to the Corel LINUX Community
- WinLinux2000
- Lycoris
- Immunix
- OpenPKG: Cross-Platform Unix Software Packaging
- Cooperative Linux - coLinux
- The MINIX 3 Operating System
- - he Linux Terminal Server Project adds thin-client support to Linux servers.
- Home Page | Puppy Linux
GUI / Window manager
- Openbox - News
Linux / Microsoft
- Wine Development HQ
- WinLinux 2001
Linux on Laptops
- Linux on Laptops
- How to save memory - ThinkWiki
- Minimalism (computing) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Desktop memory usage
- Installation/LowMemorySystems - Community Ubuntu Documentation
Linux on PlayStation 2
- Linux for PlayStation 2 Community: Home
- GKrellM
- Google Desktop Plug-in: System Monitor
- xlockmore's Home Page - X Window System Lock Screen
- 3rd annual Atlanta Linux Showcase
- Web and File Server Comparison: Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 and Red Hat Linux 5.2 Updated
- Linux Befehlsuebersicht
- KnowledgeDatabase
- -- User helfen Usern - Wie sieht eure Arbeitsoberfläche aus?
- Ximian : Products : Ximian Evolution
- Linux and Open Source Screenshots - Linux Distribution Screenshots
- Linux Counter: Home Page
- Fragen an den Kundendienst
Windows ...
Windows blue screen of death (BSOD)
- Praxis : Bluescreen-Analyse
- You receive a Stop 0x0000007B error after you move the Windows XP system disk to another computer
- Google Groups:
- Fehlermeldungen: IRQL_not_less_or_equal
- How to install and use the Recovery Console in Windows XP
- Datei fehlt oder ist beschädigt \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEM - Winhelpline Forum
- WinTotal - Tipparchiv: Windows Fehler-Codes
- FAQ Datenbank - Windows-Fehlercodes
- Errors in MS Windows: answers
- Stop-Fehler
- 8-Bit-Nirvana: Microsoft
- FTP Directory:
- Helsingin yliopisto
- delorie software
- DJGPP - a complete 32-bit C/C++ development system for Intel 80386 (and higher) PCs running DOS
Beta versions
- - Where unprofessional journalism looks better
9x / ME
Autostart ...
- Startups - full list
- Autostart
- FTP Directory:
- Windows 9x
- WinTips (MSDOS.SYS)
- Tips zu Windows 95
- Windows 98 SE Service Pack
- Troubleshooting and Configuring Windows 98 Index
- Probleme beim Herunterfahren von Windows 98 Second Edition
NT 4.0
- Windows NT Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Eventlog / Errors
- Windows 2000 Stop Messages
- Enter the event ID
- Errors by Number
- 285923 - Error Messages Every 5 Minutes Report Events 1000, 1001, and 13508, Citing Replication Trouble
- 247482 - Error Message: Security Policies Are Propagated with Warning. 0x534
- 285903 - At Startup, Error 1332 Occurs, Message Reports Lack of Mapping Between Account Names and Security IDs, Inability to Find Power Users
- 290647 - Event ID 1000, 1001 Is Logged Every Five Minutes in the Application Event Log
- 271213 - Event ID 1000 and 1001 Repeat Every 5 Minutes in the Event Log
- 285923 - Error Messages Every 5 Minutes Report Events 1000, 1001, and 13508, Citing Replication Trouble
- 258296 - Cannot Access Group Policy Objects--Event ID 1000 and Event ID 1001 Logged
- 258960 - More Than 15 IP Addresses Assigned to Server Causes Active Directory-Related Problems
- 305837 - DNS, Intersite Messaging, Global Catalog, NTFRS, and "Invalid Credentials" Error Messages on Domain Controller
- Google Search: Failed to open Group Policy Object. You may not have appropriate rights. The network path was not found (Userenv 1000, SecCli 1001, Userenv 1000)
- Using the Net command in Windows 2000 Feb 20, 2001Brien M
- Herzlich Willkommen auf der WinHelpline !! Die ultimative Hilfeseite für Windows 2000 / XP
- Windows 2000: Boot.ini
- Die Sicherheit von Windows 2000
- HelpService - Works 4.x/2000-Rechtschreibprüfung
- Index - HelpService
- Default Windows 2000 Server Services
- 48-Bit LBA Support for ATAPI Disk Drives in Windows 2000
- CompletionChar
- How to Enable Automatic Complete for the Command Prompt (Cmd.exe)
- Tab-completion in Windows 2000 (Anders Jacobsen's blog)
- Tab completion in Windows 2000
- Herzlich Willkommen auf der WinHelpline !! Die ultimative Hilfeseite für Windows 2000 / XP
- Windows XP from A-Z
- - Tips und Tricks für Windows XP
- Modifying your Windows XP Boot logo
- Windows XP Professional: Take the Tour
- Disk Cleanup: deleting unnecessary files.
- Deaktivieren oder Deinstallieren der Pilotversion von Microsoft Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications für Windows XP
Vista activation
- slmgr.vbs -rearm
- Tipps, Tricks & Kniffe » Blog Archiv » Vista-Aktivierung aushebeln - ganz legal (Update)
- Tipps, Tricks & Kniffe » Blog Archiv » Windows-Vista Aktivierung unendlich verlängern?
- Microsoft allows bypass of Vista activation
Server 2003
- The computer description appears before the computer name in Windows XP
- WinUpdatesList - View Windows Updates (Service Packs and Hotfixes)
- Change Default Installation Directory In Windows 7 & Vista
- Microsoft Solution Finder
Boot / Boot disk / boot.ini / msdos.sys / win.ini / system.ini
- How to create a Windows NT 4.0, 2000 or XP boot floppy disk
- Fix ntldr - How can I start my computer without NTLDR?
- Informationen über die BOOT.INI
- Anderes Betriebssystem aus Bootmanager starten (Linux/Dos usw.)
- 160899 - How to Hide Boot.ini Entries from Displaying After Multiple Installations
- Sysinternals Freeware - Information for Windows NT and Windows 2000 - Boot INI Reference
- Purpose of the BOOT.INI File
- RawWrite
- Windows Info
- How to create a multiple-boot system in Windows XP
- How to Create an Emergency Repair Disk in Windows 2000
- Boot-Diskette für Windows-XP Notfälle
- Downloads: Downloads zu Winhistory
Diskless Windows
- Diskless Angel XP - Reviews and free Diskless Angel XP downloads at
- disklessangel
- Diskless Linux
- HOWTO set up a Network with Diskless Workstations using Debian GNU/Linux
- Creating a diskless Debian system - MythTV
- DisklessUbuntuHowto - Community Ubuntu Documentation
Mount Linux Partition on Windows
- Data Recovery and File Undelete freeware for Linux files
- Ext2Fsd Project
- Ext2fsd -
- Ext2 IFS For Windows
- Access to Ext2/Ext3 from Windows XP
Resource Kits
- Windows 2000: Resource Kit Overview
- Windows Resource Kits - Web Resources
- Windows 2000: Free Tool Downloads
- Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit Tools
- Now.exe
User Interface
- Shell Basics: Extending the Shell - Customizing Folders with Desktop.ini
- Main Page - Process and Service wiki
- eOpen - Open License
- Processes in Windows NT/2000/XP
- Snakefoot's Windows NT4/2000/XP Tips
- FixRegistry.Com
- MCSE Forum zu Windows 2000/XP/2003 Server & Windows Vista -
AD - Active Directory / Domänencontroling
- 216498 - HOW TO: Remove Data in Active Directory After an Unsuccessful Domain Controller Demotion
- 216498 - SO WIRD'S GEMACHT: Entfernen von Daten aus Active Directory nach fehlgeschlagener Domänencontroller-Herabstufung
- Tools4Net - Skripts and .NET Tools for Administration
- heise Software-Verzeichnis: Netzwerk & Server > Infrastruktur > Active Directory
- ActiveDirectoryHowto - Community Ubuntu Documentation
- Cjwdev | AD Tidy - clean up Active Directory domain by identifying unused user and computer accounts
- Gruppenrichtlinien - Übersicht, FAQ und Tutorials
- WinTotal - Artikel - Microsoft Gruppenrichtlinien nutzen - Teil 2 - Die Gruppenrichtlinien von Windows XP einsetzen
- Ctrl alt del beim anmeldebildschirm
COM / DCOM / COM+ / MTS / ActiveX
- Microsoft COM Technologies - Information and Resources for the Component Object Model-based technologies
- Component Object Model (COM)
- Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) - Downloads, Specifications, Samples, Papers, and Resources for Microsoft DCOM
- COM+ - Papers, Presentations, Media Coverage, and Resources for Microsoft COM+ Technology
- COM Technologies: Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS)
- ActiveX Controls - Microsoft Papers, Presentations, Web Sites, and Books, for ActiveX Controls
- Jahr 2000 Downloadcenter - Microsoft GmbH
OE - Outlook / Outlook Express
- 289945 - OL2002: Unable to Send Mail By Using Yahoo After Upgrading to Outlook 2002
IP network configuration change - show or change the network configuration
- Netsh (Übersicht)
- Microsoft Windows XP - Using Netsh
- Verwenden des Tools "Netsh.exe" und Befehlszeilenoptionen
- Netsh-Befehle für AAAA
- Netsh-Befehle für WINS
- Hilfe: Verwalten des Windows-Firewalls mit Netsh
- Windows-Netzwerkeinstellungen komfortabel umschalten per Batch-Skript - Netzschalter
- Mobile Net Switch - The Network Connection Manager
- IPNetSwitch: a network tool to change the IP network configuration of your computer - BOLL Engineering AG - Software Development
- IP- Profiler
- MultiNetwork Manager | GlobeSoft
- SwitchPro - Netzwerkeinstellungen einfach umschalten - Netzwerkkonfiguration automatisch übernehmen - bd-computer
- NetSwitcher, the ultimate windows network setup utility.
Multi language support
- Multi-Language Support
- 154654 - How to Enable Multilanguage Support in Internet Mail and News
- Adding Language Settings - Windows 95/98/ME
- Hebrew Language Support
- Re: Arabic support
- Arabic Language Support
- Cyrillic Language Support
- CJK Language Packs
- Viewing Web Pages With Foreign Language Support
- How to View Chinese/Japanese/Korean HTML with Netscape Communicator on US version of Windows 95 or NT
- Input Method Editors
MSDN - Microsoft Subscriber Download Network
- CodePlex
- MSDN Subscriptions - Subscriber Downloads
MS Mincho - Arial Unicode / MS Gothic
- MS Mincho font
- MS Mincho
- CJK Language Packs
- Font Empire - Letter M
- Image Preview of "fonts/"
- How can I install a font from the command line/batch file?
Life cycle
- Windows Desktop Product Life Cycle Support and Availability Policies for Businesses
- Product Lifecycle Dates - Windows Product Family
- Introducing pay-as-you-go computing
Services / Dienste
DNS Caching
- How to Disable Client-Side DNS Caching in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003
- Deaktivieren des DNS-Caching auf Clientseite in Windows
- Stop my Windows domain controllers from dynamically registering DNS names?
- How to Enable/Disable Windows 2000 Dynamic DNS Registrations
Terminal Server
- Terminal Services resource site
- Terminal Services Licensing Enhancements
- Verzögern des Ladens bestimmter Dienste
- Prozess im Hintergrund starten - SETI@home
- Dienste beenden unter Windows 2000 Professional
- Dienste beenden unter Windows XP Professional
- Technical Reference: NT IIS 5.0 and Win2K Hardening Configuration
- Sysinternals Suite
- - /
- - /Files/
- - /Tools/
- - /WindowsInternals/
- Driver Developer Resources: Debugging Tools for Windows
- Hardware Developer Debugging Tools for Windows 32-bit version
- Download Windows Symbol Packages
- 221833 - How to Enable User Environment Debug Logging in Retail Builds of Windows
- 154120 - Debugging User Profiles and System Policies in Windows NT 4.0
Edit Registry
- Real Men Don't Click -- Windows 2000 setup scripts
- X-Setup Pro
- Managing the Windows NT Registry
- Registry Console Tool (Reg.exe)
- Learn to rebuild the Windows registry from DOS - TechRepublic
- Learn to rebuild the Windows registry from DOS - TechRepublic
- everyone2user - Index of /tools/Windows
- Forgot the Administrator's Password?
- Cmos, LILO, NT passwords - Data recovery
- Offline NT Password & Registry Editor
- How to Change the Recovery Console Administrator Password on a Domain Controller
- - Setting Administrator password(The easy way)
- net user Administrator <password>
- Forgot the Administrator's Password? - Change Domain Admin Password in Windows Server 2003 AD
- Administrator and User Passwords in Windows XP
- Cygwin Information and Installation
- Cygwin
- Cygwin/X
- Sysinternals Suite
- Systemtipps :: ::
- WinTabber - Tab your terminal, shell, browser or favorite application ...
- Windows Update: Tweak UI 1.33 : [Microsoft, Windows 95, downloads, download, updates, update, user interface]
- - Turn Off the CD-ROM Autorun
- Gebührenzähler WT-Rate, der professionelle Gebührenzähler, Online-Counter
- WinTaskMan der Taskmanager für Windows 95/98
- PCForrest - ScanReg
- Dependency Walker (depends.exe) Home Page
- Resource Hacker
- Sysinternals Freeware - Utilities for Windows NT and Windows 2000
- FreeWare im Kuhniverse
- CoreUtils for Windows
- Some Apps - GPGshell (GnuPG GUI), TitleTime (shows date and/or time in the caption of the current active application window)
- TClockEx - Taskbar Clock Enhancer
- Bayden Systems - SlickRun
- Software - TreehouseTechnologies
- Bandwidth Monitor - Bandwidth Vista. Test your Bandwidth.
- In Windows NT, 2000, and XP, how do I lock my workstation without logging off? - Knowledge Base
- SystemTools Software - Windows NT/XP/200x System Management Software
- Pointdev - Windows NT Tools - IDEAL Administration - NT/2000/2003 Domain Administration
- Download:
- AdvancedRemoteInfo Remote Control
- Startup Control Panel
- Datagram SyslogServer - the Windows syslog server logging solution for your enterprise!
- 156 Useful Run Commands
Networking tips
Disconnected Network drive - Netzwerkverbindung unterbrochen
- Google Suche: Netzwerkverbindung unterbrochen
- Google Groups: Ansicht Diskussionsthemen "Netzwerkverbindung unterbrochen"
- MCSE Forum - XP - Netzlaufwerke verschwunden
- Windows NT/2000 Hide "Map Network Drive" and "Disconnect Network Drive"
- 138365 - How Autodisconnect Works in Windows NT and Windows 2000
- 128167 - Server Service Configuration and Tuning
- 127018 - How To Enable Ghosted Connections in Windows NT
- 142692 - Minimizing WAN Traffic
- 297684 - Mapped Drive Connection to Network Share May Be Lost
- Das Ereignisprotokoll von Windows NT (Antworten Teil 1)
- c't 24/2001, S. 136: Heimnetz: Fragen & Antworten
- Netzwerk unter Windows 95/98/ME/2000 und XP
- LSP-Fix - a free program to repair damaged Winsock 2 stacks
- Windows 2000 service pack
- Downloads: Updates für Windows
- Die deutsche WINFAQ
- Direct Boot Into WinNT/Win95/DOS
- DOS Network Boot Floppy
- Tips zu Windows 95/98, Windows 2000 und Overclocking
- Die Microsoft NT Option Pack Dokumentation
- Microsoft Company Information
- Free Tool Downloads
- - The Most Activated Windows Resource
- osFree - Building an opensource OS/2 clone
Sun Solaris / SunOS
- Sun System Handbook - Systems List
- Sun BluePrints Program
Solaris Documentation
- Sun BluePrints Program
- Sun BluePrints Publications
- Sun BluePrints Series
- Sun BluePrints OnLine - Archives By Date
- Sun BluePrints OnLine - Scripts and Tools
- System Administration Guide: Basic Administration
- EFI labeled disk
- System Administration Guide: Basic Administration
- How To Get Started with
- Sun Java System Portal Server 7 - Solaris 10 x86 VMWare
- Installing Solaris 9 - Step by Step : Step 0
- SUMMARY 1: Partition a big disk under Solaris 9?
- How to Install Solaris 10
- Open Boot PROM (OK Prompt) - ITtoolboxWiki
- Mounting and Unmounting CD-ROM on Solaris
- Sun: Solaris - how to backup a s
- Indy backup using 'dd' or 'xfsdump/xfsrestore'.
Unicode / UTF
- Solaris Internationalization Technical Articles & Tips
- Unicode Support in Solaris
- UTF-8: What Is It And Why Is It Important?
Solaris DHCP
- Solaris DHCP Administration Guide
- A P P E N D I X B - Setting up DHCP to Configure the IP Addresses for Solaris Blades
Solaris Packages
- Solaris Package Companion at
- Freeware for Solaris
- Creating pkgadd Software Packages under Solaris
- Creating your own Sun Solaris packages using perl script: make_package
- Index of
- Index of
- Index of
Solaris Packages -
- CSW - pkg-get quick install page
- CSW - List of packages
- Download and Installation Instructions
- - An OpenSolaris Community Site
- TextDrive Community Forum / HOWTO: Blastwave and Package Updates
- CSW - Community Software Packages for Solaris
- How To Get Started with
- Adding Service Management Facility (SMF) to packages
Solaris Security
- SunSolve
- Solaris Fingerprint Database Tools at
- - UnixAdminTalk - ls Will Not Show File - What Gives?
Solaris patch system
Solaris: ssh can hang after remote command has exited
- #114356-12: SunOS 5.9: /usr/bin/ssh Patch
- #112908-31: SunOS 5.9: krb5, gss patch
- Patches and Updates
- SunSolve Patch Access
- Sun Patch Manager 2.0
- Patch Check Advanced for Sun Solaris
Solaris DHCP and PXE Boot
- C H A P T E R 4 - Installing Linux From a PXE Boot Install Environment
- Solaris DHCP and PXE Boot
- HOW-TO: Installing Solaris with PXE/DHCP - Solaris 10: tips and tricks for system administration
Solaris zones
- Bob Netherton's Weblog
- Solaris Operating System - Solaris Containers How To Guide
- System Administration Guide: Solaris Containers-Resource Management and Solaris Zones
- BrandZ at
Sun Certified
- Solaris Certification
- Brands - Logos
- Solaris x86 - Documents
- Installing Sun Solaris Intel 9 UNIX For x86 PC Installation
- JumpStartDHCPServer < Infrastructure < TWiki
- PXE/Jumpstart problems b72
- Solaris forum - discuss Sun solaris unix tech problems here
- Open Boot Parameters
- Index of
- Tuning Your TCP/IP Stack
- Home at
- Unix Portal:Nexenta OS - Nexenta GNU/OpenSolaris
- Solaris: Root-Passwort vergessen? Nicht so schlimm... -
- Helpful UNIX/Solaris Tips -
- Solaris Tips and Tricks
- suntype
- Solaris 10 Installation Guide: Basic Installations
Unix allgemein ...
- UNIX-Lehrtext
- Unix is a Four Letter Word
- Lokale UNIX-Software
- The K Desktop Environment
- XFce - XFce Desktop Environment
- Daemontools - a collection of tools for managing UNIX services
- Windows Software Updates and Downloads – VersionTracker
- The FreeBSD Project
- bochs: The Open Source IA-32 Emulation Project (Home Page)
- Garbo shareware programs library link page
- SymbOS Amstrad CPC Multitasking Operating System
- Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
- ReactOS Website
- Visopsys - Visual Operating System
----- OS / Betriebssysteme -----
- Debian -- Packages
- Debian Etch on a Dell Inspiron 6000
- Opera - Debian Wiki
- Debian GNU/Linux Anwenderhandbuch
- Debian Reference - Network configuration
- Debian-Referenz - Netzwerk-Konfiguration
- Disabling daemon services - Securing Debian Manual - Before and during the installation
- c't Projekte - c't-Debian-Server
- :: Thema anzeigen - Wlan-Problem mit USB RTL 8187 Stick
- the debian user » Howtos
- sequenz :: Netzwerk in Debian (/etc/network/interfaces)
- Making services easy to migrate: Virtual Addresses
- Tips for a Debian GNU/Linux System Administrator.
- Debian notes
- All about Linux: Enabling and disabling services during start up in GNU/Linux
- farbige Bash |
- screen - Fenster horizontal teilen |
- Debian 3.1 "Sarge" on a Compaq Armada 1700 - Linux on Laptops
- Network profiles for a laptop
- Debian Referenz
- - Frequently Asked Questions
- - FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, MacOS X, Darwin, Linux, BSD Unix forums, message boards, discussions and news. - fluxbox on freebsd 6.2
- DebConf
- Debian Linux Kernel Handbook
- Simple encryption via encfs
- NTFS-3G Questions at Tuxera
- Short Tip: Get UUID of Hard Disks « /home/liquidat
- [SOLVED] How do you find UUID? - Ubuntu Forums
- UUID › Wiki ›
- Microsoft Technical Security Notifications
- Index of
- Symbolic Link On Windows
- NTFS Link - ntfslink
- Native Win32 ports of some GNU utilities
- Icon Grabber - FlyDragon Software Inc.
- The Microsoft Layer for Unicode on Windows 95/98/Me Systems
- Download details: Platform Software Development Kit Redistributable: Microsoft Layer for Unicode on Windows 95, 98, and Me Systems, 1.1.3790.0
- Windows-unattended
- - Create Install CD for Windows XP, 2000, NT4
- Windows-CDs "entdongeln"
- Recovery Cd --> Vollwertige Windows Xp-cd - WinFuture Board
- Windows 2000 SP5
- Install Windows 2000 Without Supplying the CD Key
- How to create a Windows 2000 boot diskette
- Paul Thurrott's SuperSite for Windows: The Windows 2000 CD-ROMs: What you get, A Windows 2000 technology showcase
- 48-Bit-LBA-Unterstützung für ATAPI-Laufwerke in Windows 2000
- Security Task Manager: Windows XP Prozessviewer
- Customizing Folders with Desktop.ini
- DESKTOP.INI Documentation and Utilities - PeatSoft
- TClockEx - Taskbar Clock Enhancer
- BgInfo
- RocketDock - About RocketDock
- NetSetMan - Network Settings Manager | Freeware & Professional
- File Checksum Integrity Verifier
SUS - Software Update Service
- Automatic updates may not be successfully downloaded from a computer that is running Software Update Services
- User policies are not applied when you log on to a computer that is running Windows 2000 SP4
- WSUS Forums > Troubleshooting SUS 1 Issues
- Welcome to the Miscellaneous Section
- Use BITS for your own downloads
- Geheimtransfer
- c't 21/2004, S. 186: Hotline
- BITSAdmin Tool
Remote access
- UltraVNC
RAID-Stufen und SQL Server
- RAID-Stufen und SQL Server
- SQL Server 2005-Onlinedokumentation
- Download details: SQL Server 2005 VHD
- LitePC: LitePC Technologies
- Singularity RDK - Home
- Desktops - Windows Sysinternals
- Virtual Desktop
- geProduct Key Finder Freeware download and review - recover product registration keys from SnapFiles
Reverse Engineering
- More Wifi Finder Reverse Engineering
- More Wifi Finder Reverse Engineering
- ZyXEL AG-225H / Linksys WUSBF54G WiFi Finder Reverse Engineering
Compaq Armada 1700
- Compaq Armada 1700 Notebook PC series - HP Business Support Center
- Index of /cdimage/release/current-live/i386/usb-hdd
- Linux for a compaq armada 1700 -
- Debian User Forums :: View topic - Where can i find a CD image with a kernel newer than 2.6.18?
- Debian 3.1 "Sarge" on a Compaq Armada 1700 - Linux on Laptops
- TuxMobil: Linux With Laptops, Notebooks, PDAs, Mobile Phones, PMPs & GPS
- Brother: DCP-7030: Downloads: United Kingdom
- Brother DCP-7030
- HP PartSurfer
- HP Parts Store - HP Computer Parts - HP Printer Parts - Compaq Parts
IBM ThinkPak T23
- ThinkPad – Wikipedia
- Lenovo Support & downloads - Overview - ThinkPad T23
- Lenovo Support & downloads - Drivers and software - ThinkPad T22, T23
- Lenovo – ThinkPad Notebooks
- Lenovo Support & downloads - Hard drive removal and installation - ThinkPad T20
- Lenovo Support & downloads - Unknown Devices after installing Windows XP with SP2 - ThinkPad SL300, SL400, SL500, R400, R500, T400, T500, W500, W700, W700ds, X200, X200s, X200 Tablet and X301
- laptop keyboards,
- Security Forums :: View topic - [FAQ] IBM ThinkPad Unlock Supervisor Password
- Service Forum :: View topic - 24RF08 Tools and PC8394 Tools. CRC/TCPA recovery service
- Service Forum :: View topic - Download IBMpass - eeprom dump decoder/editor
- ALLservice-Download Center
- Tools zum unlocken von IBM Thinkpad Hardware Passwörtern - gulli:board
- Reset IBM ThinkPad BIOS Password
- Apple - iTunes - Hot Tips
Netgear WG511T
- WLAN unter Debian GNU/Linux und FreeBSD
- Netgear WG511T - ndiswrapper
Synology Diskstation DS 101
Hack DS-101
Debian on DS-101
- Installationsanleitung - Die NSLU2 Community****wenns ums speichern und streamen geht****
- Index of /
- nslu2-linux : Message: Booting native big-endian Debian ARM (Was:Debian for big-endian ARM)
- NSLU2-Linux - DS101 / HomePage
- ds101-linux : Message: Finally. A *working* ds101 (non-g) bootstrap!
- ds101-linux : Message: Bootstrap script released!
- NSLU2-Linux - DS101 / DS101BootStrap
- NSLU2-Linux - DS101 / SetupIpkg
- NSLU2-Linux - Unslung / MySQL
- NSLU2-Linux - Unslung / Packages
- hacking Synology DS-101
- hacking Synology DS-101
- hacking Synology DS-101
- NSLU2-Linux - DS101 / CopyTheFirmware
- NSLU2-Linux - DS101 / FirmwareMap
- [Topic ] Serveur NAS SOHO Synology DS101 et DS101 G+ et la concurrence - Stockage/Sauvegarde - Windows, Software & Réseaux - FORUM
- [Topic ] Serveur NAS SOHO Synology DS101 et DS101 G+ et la concurrence - Stockage/Sauvegarde - Windows, Software & Réseaux - FORUM
- ds101-linux : ds101-linux
- hacking Synology DS-101
- NSLU2 Linux - Unslung/OpenSlug package search engine
- PHPterm :: The PHP Shell Terminal
- Migrating from x86 to PowerPC, Part 3: Kuro Box Linux up close
- Downgrade der Synology-Firmware – Synology Wiki
- How to Reset the Synology System - SynologyWiki
- Synology Inc. - NEW NAS Experience - Support :: Download Center
- Synology Inc.
- Index of
- Synology DSM 3.1 :: Download Station
- Synology Disk Station
- Synology Disk Station - Download Station einrichten in fünf Schritten
- Synology Inc. - Firmware update
- PCP.CH - Qnap Turbo Station TS-409 Pro
- QNAP Produktevergleich
- Debian Installation On QNAP - QNAPedia
- Debian on QNAP Turbo Station
- OpenVPN auf QNAP installieren - NAS Wiki
- • Thema anzeigen - HTTPS / SSL mit Firefox 3
USB NAS adapter
- ARP mini NAS Server, RJ45, USB 2.0
- Review: Addonics USB NAS adapter
- NAS Adapter from Addonics
- Addonics' USB-to-NAS adapter: all your external HDDs, now network accessible -- Engadget
- Addonics NAS Adapter |
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- NAS 2.0 Adapter from Addonics
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- ZyXEL Product & Solution - AG-225H (US)
- ZyXEL AG-225H Wi-Fi Finder and USB Wireless Adapter Review (pics, specs) - Notebook Forums and Laptop Discussion
- USB2-WLAN-Adapter unter Windows und Linux. heise online-Kiosk - c't-Archiv, 4/2005, Seite 138
- ZD1211 USB WLAN Linux Driver
- ndiswrapper
- zd1211 » home
- Another USB wireless driver for Linux: ndiswrapper - Network World
- wireless usb-adapter, help | debianHELP
- Getting Zyxel G-202 (wireless USB) to work - Linux Forums
- - Informationen zum Thema wireless. Diese Website steht zum Verkauf!
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- DesktopSmS Automatisches Senden - Swisscom Support Community
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- PC Engines IDE to CompactFlash adapters
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- Nokia Deutschland - Mobiltelefone - Nokia 7110
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- Welcome - Synergy
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- Google Search: logon map printer batch
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- Windows 2000: Logon script to map network drives
- Windows 2000: Looking to streamline my logon script
- - home of KiXtart
- - official site: Label network drive
- - official site: InContainer() - Determines if the current account or computer is in a container
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- Windows 2000 Tips & Tricks: Professor Windows, January 2002
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- Common UNIX Printing System
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- cups-install.html
- Printer Sharing from MacOSX
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RAM disk
- RAM-Disk - Wikipedia
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- Baustelle/Eine Ramdisk erstellen - ubuntuusers Wiki
- bolug :: archive :: BoLUG
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- Windows 2000: Ramdisk einrichten - SOFTWARE - TIPPS&TRICKS - PRAXIS - PC-Welt -
- Windows wie neu - SOFTWARE - PRAXIS - PC-Welt -
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- Nortel Networks: Home
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- Willkommen bei
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- Cache - FirefoxWiki
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- tinderbox: SeaMonkey-Branch
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- Mozilla 1.0 Support
Add on / Extensions
- Downloads - Applications - Preferences Toolbar -
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- Mozilla Logo: Schaffhausen
PGP in Composer
- - enigmail: index
- - enigmail: usage
- GnuPG (The GNU Privacy Guard)
- MIT distribution site for PGP
- The International PGP Home Page
- c't - Krypto-Kampagne
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- - aboutconfig: index
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- - livehttpheaders patch
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- - optimoz: gestures/index
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- Mozilla Update :: Extensions -- More Info:User Agent Switcher - All Releases
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- Google Groups: Ansicht Diskussionsthemen "removing attachments"
- Bug 134492 - Print list of attachments / List of attached files in printed E-Mails
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- about:buildconfig
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FAQ, Tips, Tricks, Download, ...
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- - Create Mozilla Profile without .slt directory
- - Mozilla - How to keep two Mozilla profiles in sync
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- Mozilla Help: Browser FAQ
- MozTips - A Pathfinder's Guide to Mozilla and the Open Source Universe
- Mozilla Tips :: Fun tips for your favorite browser
- Importing and exporting your mail - MozillaZine Knowledge Base
- Mozilla Profile Migration Links
- Installing Mozilla on a system with Netscape 6.x or 7
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- Index of
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- - a collection of extensions for Mozilla Firefox (and a few for Mozilla Thunderbird and/or Mozilla 1.x)
- mozilla list archive: By Thread
- Getting Involved with
- Ex Mozilla
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- Netscape Products at
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- Netscape Browser Archive
- Netscape Browser Archive - Early Netscape - SillyDog701
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- Netscape Unofficial FAQ
- thomas w. [tips/netscape]
- Disabling Netscape Activation/Registration
- Plug-in Guide
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- - Netscape 6 / Mozilla Tips
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- Web Center Features - SVG - Manual Download
- Web Center Features - SVG - Manual Download
- SVG enabled Mozilla/Firefox
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- PluginDoc: Home
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- Netscape Plug-in Manager
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- Maxthon Browser
- Orca Browser :: Home
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- Dillo Web Browser :: Home Page
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- Mozilla Sunbird - DE
- Portable Sunbird Calendar/Scheduler (USB Drive-Friendly) :: Mozilla Stuff ::
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Chat / IM
IM - Instant Messenger
- Home | Pidgin
- Gaim
- Jive Software: Spark IM Client
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- Main Page - SIM IM
- Skype. Take a deep breath
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- Internet Relay Chat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Download center
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Download manager
Teleport Pro
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- Bug 2920 - Delete attachment from msg in folder
E-Mail Setup Documentation
Netiquette for E-Mail
- Netiquette - Wikipedia
- EMail-Netiquette
- Net4Domains Support :: Email client configuration
- Email Setup Documentation
- Netinfo and Interchange - Change Your Email Setup
- Netinfo and Interchange - Secure Email
- Netinfo and Interchange - Comparing POPS and IMAPS
- Konfigurationsanleitungen für Produkte von TIC
Thunderbird - Mozilla Mail
- Mozilla Thunderbird Help: Themes
- Thunderbird Mail Project Page
- Mozilla Thunderbird DE - Startseite
- URL Dispatching on Linux
- - mailredirect: installation
- AusDilecce Extensions - Attachment Tools
- - abzilla: index
- Importing and exporting your mail - MozillaZine Knowledge Base
- mailnews.mark_message_read.delay
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Microsoft Outlook
- Export Thunderbird to Outlook (mbox to pst)
- Talk:Export mail into Outlook (Express) or Apple Mail - MozillaZine Knowledge Base
- 262631 - OL2000: Information About the Outlook E-mail Security Update
- Index of
Archive Public Folders
- How do I Manually Archive Items from my Outlook Account
- Archiving Email in Microsoft Outlook 2000
- SOHOLogics » View Article
- Komprimieren von PST- und OST-Dateien in Outlook, um gelöschte Elemente zu entfernen und Speicherplatz freizugeben
- microsoft.public.outlook: Re: Outlook XP fails to archive old emails
- microsoft.public.outlook: Re: Archive Old Messages
- Autodesk - Discussion Groups - Archiving Project Corresponednce (MS Outlook)
pst to mbox
- libpst Utilities - Version 0.5.4
- Index of /debian/pool/main/libp/libpst
- Debian GNU/Linux -- readpst
- Project Info - Outlook to unix mail converter
- MS Outlook to Unix Mailbox Conversion mini HOWTO
- Project Filelist: LibDBX, LibPST, k-dbx
- UniAccess product information
- Downloading of the MailNavigator, AlphaBrowser and Download Analyzer
- Alioth: Project Info- MS Outlook Personal Folders converter
ms-tnef (winmail.dat)
- MS-TNEF degenerator (Web-based service)
- The CPAN Search Site -
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- Yerase's TNEF Stream Reader
- Decoding Internet Attachments - A Tutorial
- Santovec's TechHelp Files Page
- - lookout: index
- LookOut :: Add-ons for Thunderbird
- :: Mac Development :: TNEF's Enough
- 241538 - Auswirkungen des Nachrichtenformats auf Internet-E-Mail
- Auswirkungen von E-Mail-Nachrichtenformaten auf Internet-E-Mails in Outlook
- Attachments are not compressed by Outlook 97
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Outlook converters (mail, contacts, ...)
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- Aid4Mail - Convert, Export, Migrate, and Archive all your Email
- Aid4Mail and MailBag Assistant - MozillaZine Knowledge Base
- :: Outlook Code Samples :: Basic Outlook :: PST2TXT
Unsafe Attachments (.exe)
- Attachment File Types Restricted by Outlook 2003 - Office 2003 Resource Kit - Microsoft Office Online
- Opening Attachments Blocked by the Microsoft Outlook E-mail Security Update
- Allow Potentially Unsafe Attachments to be Downloaded in Outlook Express 6
Personal Address Book
- How to import your Personal Address Book to Outlook 2007
- How to copy your Personal Address Book to another computer
Recover Microsoft Outlook E-Mails (.ost & .pst)
- Email Recovery Software: Mail Recovery and repair for Outlook and Outlook Express
- Email Recovery - Recover Deleted or corrupt Emails from OST, PST, DBX, & MBX Files
- Outlook recovery tool, restore Outlook, Outlook PST recovery tool.
- Outlook Corrupted Data Recovery, Corrupt .pst Mailbox Repair, Fix Email Folders
- Recover My Email for Microsoft Outlook Download - Backup Utilities
- Email Recovery Tool - Recover corrupt DBX, MBX, OST, PST file - Deleted Email Recovery
- Recovery Software
Backup and restore Microsoft Outllook Mailboxes
- Copy the Outlook folder structure to another computer - Outlook - Microsoft Office Online
- Reconnect your old Outlook data file - Outlook - Microsoft Office Online
- Backup and Restore | HowTo-Outlook
- Outlook and Exchange/Windows Messaging Backup and Dual-Boot
- 195398 - OL2000: How to Filter Junk and Adult Content E-mail
- Help Prevent Junk E-Mail Messages with Outlook 2003
- Alt-N Technologies: Outlook Connector for MDaemon
- The Add-In 'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\Xcolext' could not be installed" error message when you start Microsoft Outlook 2000 or Outlook 2002
- OLEXP: Outlook Express Error Codes
- Outlook Express Error Codes
POP before SMTP
- 289945 - OL2002: Unable to Send Mail By Using Yahoo After Upgrading to Outlook 2002
- Directory of /pub/pgp/6.5/6.5.1int
- Der GNU Privacy Guard - Download
- Download PGP
- GnuPG - Der GNU Privacy Guard
- Sichere E-Mails dank PGP - TweakPC - Hardwaretests, Previews, Overclocking, Tipps und mehr
- - open pgp worldwide public key repository
- PGP Global Directory
SPAM / Junk
- - bayesjunktool: index
- Deutsche Hilfeseite für SpamPal für Windows
- X-Face - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Faces Archive
- Online X-Face Converter
- X-Faces
- eml2mbox - Ruby eml to mbox converter
- ROT13-(De)codierung
- ROT13 @
Encoding (Base64, yEnc, ...)
- - yenc: index
- yEnc - Broken Tools
E-Mail Probleme
- RE: Broken pipe and timeout errors
- Google Answers: Incoming emails are converted to an attachment (ATT00????.txt), MS Exchange 2000
- Hotmail Popper
- PopTray Mail Notifier
- Pegasus Mail
- Blat! a WinNT SMTP mail client
- AK-Mail Homepage
- grepmail homepage - Search for emails in a normal or compressed mailbox using a regular expression or date constraint
- MsgView - view mbox mails
- Restore Netscape or Mozilla Deleted Mail •• Only Under Specific Conditions, Page 2.
- X-Mozilla-Status
- Gordano Messaging Suite : Collaboration and email server software
- POP Peeper - Email Notification
- FileZilla - The free FTP solution
- FileZilla Homepage
- WinSCP :: Freeware SFTP and SCP client for Windows
- Captain FTP (Macintosh)
- Ipswitch, Inc. - Home of WS-FTP
- Using WinSSH - SSH Secure Shell
- Core FTP - Free FTP client, secure file transfer software
- FTP Client through a virtual drive – WebDrive FTP Client
- EmFTP FTP Client - Fast, powerful and easy-to-use FTP/SFTP Client!
P2P: edonkey, emule, WinMX, KaZaA, Grokster, Gnutella, Morpheus, LimeWire, BearShare ...
- The Official BitTorrent Home Page
- Azureus : Java BitTorrent Client
- - Official eMule Homepage. Downloads, Help, Docu, News...
Protocol analyzer / Sniffer / Network analytics / Monitoring
- LAN-Analyzer
- Wireshark: The Network Protocol Analyzer for Everyone
- SampleCaptures - The Wireshark Wiki
Ethereal -> Wireshark
- Ethereal: A Network Protocol Analyzer
- Ethereal: Sample Captures
- OmniPeek - WildPackets
- WildPackets - OmniPeek Personal- Features & Benefits
- Packetyzer™
- Packetyzer
- Offene Ports mit netstat finden
- :: The bad packets stop here!
- MSXFAQ.DE - Packetyzer
- EtherDetect Packet Sniffer, Protocol Analyzer
- IPTraf - An IP Network Monitor
- NetScanTools Pro USB Version
- Advanced Network Monitor (HostMonitor)
- Replicator - an auxiliary application for HostMonitor
- : Port Scanners/Sniffers
- PortQryUI - User Interface for the PortQry Command Line Port Scanner
Network tools / network analytics / Monitoring
- Disable APIPA in Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/2003
- GNOME Network
- Network Packet Analyzer over Ethernet and WLAN
- Network Security Technology Guide Map Poster
- Network Protocols Handbook
- WildPackets - IP Subnet Calculator - Overview
- The GNU Netcat -- Official homepage
- WildPackets - EtherPeek - Family Overview
- - Network Monitoring and Management Solutions
- IPTraf - An IP Network Monitor
- netstat-nat
- arpalert uses ARP address monitoring to help prevent unauthorized connections on the local network
- ENUMresolver
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Remote: Management / Access / Desktop / Connection
- Remote-Desktop per VNC mit Debian »
- UltraVNC
- TightVNC: VNC-Based Free Remote Control Solution
- RealVNC
- SecurityFocus HOME Infocus: Remote Desktop Management Solution for Microsoft
Remote Desktop on Linux
- Linux Remote Desktop For Controlling Windows XP / Vista / Server 2003 ( rdesktop )
- Remote Desktop unter Debian Etch & Lenny mit NXServer und KDE | Chris im Netz - Software, Hardware, Tutorials und mehr..
- Remote-Desktop für Debian - RR:Board
- RDP auf Debian | FreeMatrix
- Debian -- Informationen über Paket gnome-rdp in lenny
- Debian -- Informationen über Paket rdesktop in lenny
- Terminal Services 32-bit Client
- Remote Desktop Connection Software Download
- rdesktop: A Remote Desktop Protocol client
- StarNet Communications - X-Win32
- Netviewer | Ad hoc Desktop-Sharing und Web-Conferencing
- Desktop And Server Management - ScriptLogic
- DeskShare - Desktop Sharing & Remote Support - ohne Installation
- net-solution: DeskShare
- TonyChan.Org Blogs - Remote Desktop on your Windows Vista Home Premium
Software Firewall
- Sygate Personal Firewall - Award Winning Technology Within!
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- TINY Software -
- Freeware downloads Security-Privacy - Personal Firewalls -, we download it before you do!
- Home PC Firewall Guide
- Kerio WinRoute Firewall - Corporate Network Firewall
Software packages (RPM, DEB, ...)
- Rpmfind mirror
- RPM Search
Shells / Console / Terminal
- MobaXterm - The free multitab Unix browser for Windows
- CusterSSH -
- PuTTY: A Free Telnet/SSH Client
- PuTTY for Symbian OS - Download
- MindTerm - World-class Java SSH2 Client
- MindTerm |
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- Console is a Windows console window enhancement
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- Farbe in der Konsole - LinuxClub
- Skype. Atmen Sie tief durch
- VoIP / Internettelefonie mit sipcall
- - Firefox version 3.6.17
- dig, a DNS query tool for Windows and replacement for nslookup
- The dig Manual Page
- What's running on that server?
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- Microsoft Time Zone Utility
Webcams under Linux
- Connectix QuickCam VC Linux Driver
- WebCam under Linux
- Linux driver for Logitech Quickcam Express with HDCS1000/PB0100 image sensors
- Logitech Quickcam QC-USB driver for Linux
- Logitech Quickcam -
- Wireless LAN einrichten
- GNU/Linux und die Wireless-Kommandos | Openwireless Überall...
- Debian / Ubuntu und Ad Hoc einstellen | Openwireless Überall...
- Übersicht Recht | Openwireless Überall...
- Korrespondenz Recht | Openwireless Überall...
- Zusammenfassung / Unabhängige juristische Einschätzung | Openwireless Überall...
- Telefonische Abklärungen mit KOBIK | Openwireless Überall...
- Telefonische Abklärungen mit DBA | Openwireless Überall...
- Telefonische Abklärungen mit BAKOM | Openwireless Überall...
- Persönliche Abklärungen mit der Staatsanwaltschaft St. Gallen | Openwireless Überall...
- 17.8.2006 - BAKOM - Anfrage Fachkontakt per Email bezüglich ISP Status von Privatpersonen und Strafrechtliche Verantwortlichkeit | Openwireless Überall...
- QEMU - coreboot (BIOS)
- BIOS Intern - Der Weg ins BIOS
- BIOS Kompendium ©
- BIOS Intern - Der Weg ins BIOS
- iX 7/2003, S. 48: Open-Source-BIOS I
- PC Engines tinyBIOS open source BIOS for embedded PC applications
- PC Engines PCI / ISA bus test tools
- BiosCentral - Award BIOS Beep Codes
- Boot Disks
- Bootdisk.Com - Free Windows Bootdisks, Free DOS boot disk
- Create Setup Boot Disks for Windows XP
- WebHome < DULG < DENX
- Boot-Loader – Wikipedia
- GRUB – Mandriva Community Wiki
- GAG, the Graphical Boot Manager
- BootImages
- No native BIOS support - Syslinux Wiki
- UGH Burner | Download UGH Burner software for free at
- DAEMON Tools Homepage :: Download
CD brennen unter Linux
- CHIP Online - Workshop: Kopierschutz knacken mit Linux
CD recycling
- Alte CDs zu schade für den Müll
- Gebrauchte CDs – für die Mülltonne viel zu wertvoll
Clone / Recorder / ISO
- Partimage
- Clonezilla
- SlySoft Virtual CloneDrive
- rawwritewin, dd, ...
- dd for windows
- InfraRecorder » Welcome
- The Official ImgBurn Website
- Clonezilla-SysRescCD - Welcome
- ISO Recorder v 2
- Copy a iso file to a USB stick
- Norton Ghost - Backup, Wiederherstellung und Schutz von Daten | Norton Deutschland
- Acronis True Image 2012 - Festplatten-Backup-Software, Datei-Backup und Disk Imaging, Wiederherstellung von Anwendungseinstellungen, Backup von Musik, Videos, Fotos und Outlook-Mails
- Disk-Imaging-Software für umfassendes System-Deployment
- Diff Merge Tool
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- FTP Directory:
- ImageMagick - Image Processing and Display Package
- ImageMagick - Image Processing and Display Package
- FTP Directory:
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- TIFF Software
- Buddycom Graphics Web Guru graphic converter review
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- ImageMagick - Image Processing and Display Package
- Gold-Software Development. Original Graphics Software.
- Yellow Forest - FreeImageEditor
- German SuSE Linux Discussions: Re: Umlaute konvertieren.
- Re: Has anyone written a procmail filter to remove vcards?
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- Solid Converter PDF - Convert PDF to Word
- PDFTOHTML - an open-source PDF-to-HTML converter
- Using html2ps
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- The html2ps home page
- Convert HTML to PDF |
- /pub/tex/utilities
- All About LaTeX2HTML
- HTMLDOC converts HTML files into PDF and PostScript
- GNU Enscript - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)
- Man, FAQ, Mail Filters
- The MTeX File Format
- HTML converters
- FTP Directory:
- FTP Directory:
- Hany's Home Page - software - hcc
- Converters and Calculators
- Memory and Storage Converter
- MHonArc - mail to HTML converter
- Dependency Walker (depends.exe) Home Page
- CFF Explorer - PMODE (Protected Mode)
DTP - Desktop publishing programs
- Scribus :: Open Source Desktop Publishing for Linux, Mac OS® X and Windows®
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- :: iCalamus :: Sie kennen iCalamus noch nicht?
- Serif ¦ Desktop Publishing, Graphic & Web Design, Digital Video & Photo Editing
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- Deutsch | Produkte | VivaDesigner
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- DVD Genie - Documentation -
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- DVD+RW/+R for Linux
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- DVD2one - DVD2one - Das ultimative DVD Kopierprogramm
- InterVideo, Inc. The Digital Entertainment Company
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- CHIP Online - Test - Vergleichstest: DVD All-in-One-Tools
- - Computing - PC-Hilfe
- - Computing - Downloads
- List of text editors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- gedit
- Download Linux Text Editor | UltraEdit
- Freeware Hex Editor XVI32
Doku Deutsch
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Docu English
- Unix is a Four Letter Word: Vi editor
- Unix is a Four Letter Word: Vi editor
- Unix is a Four Letter Word: Vi ---> Display commands
- Vi - Text Editing
- vi
- The VIM (Vi IMproved) Home Page 020107
- Vi Reference Guide
- Vim-HOWTO.html
- Vim: Sample .vimrc
- Re: .vimrc
- Multiple-window editing
- Adobe - PageMill : For Windows : PageMill 3.0.1 Update for Windows
- Adobe - PageMill : For Windows
- HoTMetaL Pro HTML Editor - SoftQuad
- WDVL: VL-WWW: HTML_Editors
- WebDwarf V2: Free Visual Web Page and SVG Editor
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- Softpress Freeway > Freeway
- EditML Pro - Reviews and free downloads at
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- Evrsoft 1st Page 2000. The world's free HTML editor.
- HTML-Editor - Wikipedia
- HTMLPad 2007 - powerful HTML editor, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, ASP, Perl, XHTML editor
- Peter's XML editor
- XMetaL - XML Authoring, XML Editor, Collaboration Software
- Download details: XML Notepad 2007
- Pine FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
- Vi vs Emacs
- ConTEXT - Programmers editor
- Homepage of Crimson Editor - Free Text Editor, Html Editor, Programmers Editor for Windows
- EditPlus Text Editor, HTML Editor, Programmers Editor for Windows - Welcome!
- NoteTab: Home
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- TextPad - the text editor for Windows
- UEStudio / UltraEdit / UltraCompare / UltraSentry - Text Editor, HTML Editor, HEX Editor, PHP Editor » News
- WinPTE - Professional Text Engine for Windows
- Bluefish Editor : Home
- Weaverslave - Home/News
- .:: NOTEPAD++ ::.
- BabelStone : Software : BabelPad (Unicode Text Editor for Windows)
File extentions - Dateierweiterungen
- FILExt - The File Extension Source
- File Extension List (C's) - including rar, wps and file extensions for data, audio and more
- Beliebte Dateierweiterungen
- File format extensions
- File Extensions
- Dateierweiterungen
- Rechnungswesen, Controlling, Betriebswirtschaft
File / Filesystem / Partitions
File system definition(s)
- Filesystems HOWTO
- Category:Computer file systems - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- File Allocation Table - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Cluster (file system) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Comparison of file systems - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- FAT - OSDevWiki
- Briggs Softworks: Directory Snoop
Checking and repairing file system/partitions / Data recovery
- The most GNU/Linux on 1 floppy disk - tomsrtbt home page
- Linux-Community - Howto: MBR auf Diskette sichern
- Disk Related Tools in Linux, Tools
- SuSE Linux Forums -> HowTo: Find a backup superblock
- checking and repairing file system with fsck
- gpart - Guess PC-type hard disk partitions
- CONVAR & PCinspector Data Recovery Datenrettung recupero dati datarecovery récupération données
- GetDataBack - Data Recovery Software for all Windows File Systems
- Fix PC Problems - Smart PC Solutions!
Partition editing
- GParted - Gnome Partition Editor
- GNU ext2resize - an ext2 filesystem resizer
- Creating an ext3 File System
- Google Groups: alt.os.linux
- Cmos, LILO, NT passwords - Data recovery
- TestDisk, PhotoRec, NTFS Driver
- TestDisk - CGSecurity
- dd for windows
- Parted - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)
- Parted User's Manual
- Rescue-System über eine Rescue-Partition - Hetzner Wiki
- Zweite Platte - Hetzner DokuWiki
- Explore2fs HomePage
- RawWrite
- Gilles Vollant software - WinImage
- Gilles Vollant software - BootPart
- Undeleting files under Windows XP/Vista/2000/NT/Me/98/95
- m0n0wall - physdiskwrite
Partition saving (imaging)
- Partimage
- Partition Saving: point d'entrée | entry point
- Debian -- Details of source package ddrescue in etch
- 7tools System Utilities
Disk / File encryption
- TrueCrypt - Free Open-Source On-The-Fly Disk Encryption Software for Windows XP/2000
- TrueCrypt Forums :: View topic - Until Linuxversion comes - what now?
MC - Midnight Commander
- GNU Midnight Commander File Manager
- Midnight Commander File Manager
- GNU Midnight Commander User's Guide
Windows / Total Commander @
- Total Commander - home
- Windows Commander - Download Europa
- Windows Commander - Zubehoer
- Secure FTP Plugin (ssh/sftp) for Christian Ghisler's Total Commander (also known as windows commander) - Hans Juergen Petrich
- Club Total - Total Commander Users Club
- Total Commander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Tux Commander Homepage [News]
- Welcome to SFTP4TC
- Total Commander SFTP4TC: INI file description
- Total Commander - TOTALCMD.NET
- Vic Plugin manager - Total Commander
- Tweak Total Commander 6.0.3 SR3 - Total Commander
- FileInfo 2.07 - Total Commander
- LAN Seeker 0.31 - Total Commander
- Wincmd Directory Menu Customizer (widimec)
- Total Commander :: Thema anzeigen - Fragen zu den Bars
- Buttonbar - TCWikiDE
- Filelist icons - TotalcmdWiki
- TBeu's Software
- Total Commander stuff
- ShellDetails 1.09
- Plugins Total Commander
- Florian Heidenreich - Total Commander Plugins - pdfview & anytag
- Total Commander :: View topic - Any need for an Outlook FS plugin?
- Total Commander :: View topic - (TIP) Creating symbolic links on NTFS
- Total Commander :: View topic - Packen mit Passwortschutz
- Total Commander :: View topic - unpacking .zip file
- Total Commander :: View topic - Fehlermeldung "Datei nicht gefunden"
- Windows Commander, Far, Sevant Salamander
- Servant Salamander File Manager - Homepage
- Index of
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- freeCommander - freeware Dateimanager für Windows
- Commander Homepage
- SpeedCommander
- JCommander's Home
- File Splitters, freeware and multi-platform: HJSplit
- GSplit - File Splitter - Split Any File - Split Text and Log Files
- FreeFileSync
Magnetic cards / Magnetkarten
- Stripe Snoop - magstripe card snoop
- is a suite of research tools that captures, modifies, validates, generates, analyzes, and shares data from magstripe cards
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- North & South - PC - Old Games
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- ScummVM :: Home
- Abandonia - Home of abandonware DOS games
- Firaxis Games: Games: Sid Meier's Pirates! PSP
- Sid Meier's Pirates: PSP® Official Site
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- ActionCube - Official Website
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Graphic - Icon
- -=:[ Fotomontage mit Gimp zum Vermischen der Bilder und Fotos ]:=-
- The GIMP Homepage
- GNU Image Manipulation Program
- GIMP Portable | - Portable software for USB drives
- Installers for GIMP for Windows
- Tor Lillqvist--GTK+ and GIMP for Windows--Downloads
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- GIMP - Windows installers
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- WinErrors - Supinfo Paris - La solution à vos erreurs Windows
- - Links
- TechSmith Corporation - SnagIt - Screenshot Software für Windows PC.
- Picasa
- Beneton Software - Beneton Movie GIF
- Welcome to The Document Foundation! - The Document Foundation
- Home » LibreOffice
- DatenbankErzeugen -
- OpenOffice Base - Handbuch
- Tipps zur Textverarbeitung Writer | Andreas Borutta
- A4-Querformat Seite in mein A4-Hochformat Dokument
- TabellenGedreht -
- CalcFunktionenDatum/Wochentage -
- CalcFunktionenDatum/RechnenMitDatumUndZeit -
- CalcFunktionenDatum/Feiertage -
- Wochentag aus Tabellenwerten erzeugen - OpenOffice Calc
- • Thema anzeigen - [gelöst]Wochentag aus Datum ermitteln
- Embedding spreadsheets in Writer – Wiki
- Ein Inhaltsverzeichnis erstellen – Wiki
- VerschiedeneVerzeichnisse -
- SchnellesInhaltsverzeichnis -
- InhaltsVerzeichnis -
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- Description of the numbering scheme for the product code GUIDs in Office 2000
- Office 97/2000/2002/2003 - Tipps - Add-Ins - Vorlagen
- Office Binary (doc, xls, ppt) Translator to Open XML
- Information about using 2007 Office suites and programs on a computer that is running another version of Office
- Microsoft Office Binary (doc, xls, ppt) File Formats
- Optimierung von Word 2003, Word 2002 und Word 2000
- Fehlermeldung "Keine Dateiformat-Information in der Registrierung gefunden" beim Start von Photo Editor
Multiple office versions
- How to tell which software version your computer is using
- Working with Multiple Versions of Office
- Information about using 2007 Office suites and programs on a computer that is running another version of Office
- Information about running multiple versions of Office with Office 2003
- How to run multiple versions of Office on one computer
- How to run multiple versions of Office on one computer
- Office 2003 Product-ID ändern
- Office XP Product-ID ändern
- Office 2000 Product-ID ändern
- Access Datenrettung - Selbsthilfe
- Corrupt Microsoft Access MDBs FAQ
- CHIP Online - Forum Office - access 97 - fehler 3197 - mehrbenutzer-umgebung - 1
- wer-weiss-was - "Access Datenbankmodul" (aus Forum-Archiv "Access / SOHO-Datenbanken")
- 182867 - ACC: Jet Database Engine 3.x Error Messages Due to Corruption
- Invalid use of Null - Microsoft Office Developer Forum
- 302498 - ACC97: "Disk Error -- Reserved error (-1601)" When You Open an Access Database
- Microsoft Access 97 Error Search Tool
- How to install Access 97 and Access 2000 on the same computer
- Access 97 and Access 2000 on same machine
- Bernd Held, Held-Office, Excel Fragen/Antworten, Excellinks, Excel-Tools und Add-Ins, Excel-Geheimnisse, Publikationen, Artikel, Makros, VBA-Programmierung, Projektmanagement, MS Project, Projekte, VBA-Kurs
Funktionen / Funktionsbeschreibungen
- Excelformeln - FORMELN - Übersicht - Excel4-Makrofunktionen (17) - Formate auf System- bzw. Ländereinstellung abstimmen
- Excelformeln - FORMELN - Übersicht - Datum/Zeit (1) - Weihnachtsspecial - der multisprachbegabte Kalender 2006
- Excelformeln - FORMELN - Übersicht - Datum/Zeit (1) - Datum des Montages einer vorgegebenen Kalenderwoche
- Excelformeln - FORMELN - Übersicht - Datum/Zeit (1) - Text und Datum in einer Zelle darstellen, Datum von Text trennen
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- Excelformeln - FORMELN - Übersicht - Excel4-Makrofunktionen (17) - Formate auf System- bzw. Ländereinstellung abstimmen
- Excelformeln - FORMELN - Übersicht
- Excelformeln - FORMELN - Übersicht - Datum/Zeit (1)
- Diverse EXCEL-Funktionen
Microsoft Excel function translations
- Microsoft Excel function translations
- fonctions XL en 9 langues
- Google Groups : microsoft.public.excel.worksheetfunctions
- Language, other than US English
- Globalization and Localization of Office Solutions
Arbeitszeit erfassen
- PCtip 02/03 - Excel Tabellen-Vorlage - PCtipp-Downloads
- Excel Arbeitszeittabelle - PCtipp-Downloads
- Excel, Anwendungen, Excel-Lösungen, Excelvorlagen, Auvista, Hops
- Arbeitszeit mit Excel erfassen
- Thema: DatumZeit
- Microsoft Office Templates: Employee timecard (daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly)
- Zeiterfassung und Urlaubsverwaltung von Bees Technologies GmbH - Home
- living-e - Produkte - timeEdition - Übersicht
- Date Calculations
- Date & Time in MS Excel
- Excel - Wochenenden farbig
- Herbers ExcelServer
- Herbers Excel-CD-ROM - Einzelplatz
- Bertis Homepage und
- MS EXCEL Tipps & Tricks © 2003 Klaus-Martin Buss
- Excel Formelsammlung
- Excel Tabellen
- Excel VBA Makro Sammlung
- Excel - My Excel Pages
- Ein- oder Ausblenden der Textformatierung - PowerPoint - Microsoft Office Online
- Word Vorlagen : Urkunden - Geburtstag - Einladung - Hochzeit Vorlagen
- Microsoft Office-Unterstützung: Überprüfen von Rechtschreibung und Grammatik in einer anderen Sprache in Word 2003
- Microsoft Office Assistance: How to check spelling and grammar in another language in Word 2003
- WD97: Spelling, Grammar Not Available in Word Running on Window 2000 or Windows XP
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- 7-Zip
- PeaZip - Free file and archive manager - 7Z TAR RAR ZIP...
- .deb
- Freeware
- Welcome to PKWARE - Downloads
- Index of
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- Index of
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- Tar & Gzip: Tar Pipes
Live CDs
Bootable USB flash drives
- Avira Rescue System von einem USB-Stick aus starten
- Hiren's BootCD From USB Flash Drive (Pen Drive) -
- Bootable USB Key - Wiki
- Bootable USB Drive
- Bootable USB Memory-Stick & SN45G - funktioniert's ? [Archiv] -
- Software and Drivers - download HP Drive Key Boot Utility, 7.30.3790.0
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- : Installez Linux sur votre clé USB !
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- BartPE: Windows XP von einem USB-Stick oder einer SD-Card booten
- Start []
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- Ultimate Boot CD - Overview
- LiveXP
Codec / Audio & Video converter and player
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- TMPGEnc Net
- AsfTools Home
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- offeryn: tools for digital video
Screen recorder
- AutoScreenRecorder Product Comparisons
Stream save
- How to save Streaming Media
- SmartSniff: Packet Sniffer - Capture TCP/IP packets on your network adapter
- How to save SWF file?
- FFmpeg
- FFmpeg for Windows Help
- Multiformat stream recorders: How to download/save/capture/record streaming Windows Media, Real Media, Real Video, Real Audio, Quick Time Videos (.ASF, .WMV, .WMA, .ASX, .WMX, .WVX, .WAX, .RA, .RM, .RAM, .SMIL, .RMVB, .MP3) [RTSP, HTTP or MMS protocols]
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- Flash Downloader For Firefox - Free Flash Save, Flash Download
Video edit/ join
- Join video files
- Cuttermaran Homepage
- - DVB Digital TV - Info, Aufnahme und Bearbeitung
- The VideoLAN Forums • View topic - Image module in v. 1.0.0
- How to create thumbnails - VideoLAN Wiki
Video save
- KeepVid: Download and save any video from Youtube, Dailymotion, Metacafe, iFilm and more!
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Video screenshots grabber
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- DAB - Roberts
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- - Digitalradios & Receiver - DAB - DAB+ - Internet Radio
Media Player
- FLV Player
- MPlayer - The Movie Player
- SMPlayer - General Info
- Player Project: Welcome Page
- The XAnim Cinepak Page
- xine - A Free Video Player
- OpenQuicktime - Download
- Quicktime for Linux
- The Almost Definitive FOURCC Definition List - Video Codec List
- libmpeg2 - a free MPEG-2 video stream decoder
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- DVD unter Linux
- KMPlayer - Ein Player für alle(s)! - DivX, MPEG, DVD, SVCD
mpeg / mpg
- TMPGEnc Net
- Information on t1lib
- GQview
- Geeqie Image Viewer
- Gwenview | Screenshots
- gthumb - GNOME Live!
- :: Thema anzeigen - Flash auf U3
- gPhoto - gPhoto Digital camera software for linux
- Windows Useful Programs
- Useful programs for mirrors
- MultiTail
- Open Source Windows - Free, Open-Source software for Windows
- Windows Clipboard Software/Freeware and Clipboard Viewer - if you ever use CTRL-C, you need ClipMagic!
- Taskbar Meters - Home
- Free ProcessMan
- FaberBox - Faber Toys
- Replacer
Treiber, DLL, ...
- Regsvr32 - Register a DLL
- .::fox-box::. `·.¸¸.·´¯`·-> treiber-index
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- Windows Guide Network at
- DLL Help Database
- Windows DLL Library
- Decode Encode DLLs - Funduc Software
- u3_tool - Tool for controlling U3 drives
- U3 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- freepdf xp u3 - Google-Suche
- Notepad++ Portable | - Portable software for USB drives
- Portable | - Portable software for USB drives
- InfraRecorder Portable | - Portable software for USB drives
- TeknoHog / U3 Linux hacking
- TeknoHog / U3 Linux hacking
- Sunbird for U3
- Cygwin on U3
- Cygwin on U3
- Community :: View topic - Installing Textpad to Flash Drive for use on public computer
Window managers for X
- Window Managers for X
- Main Page - Sawfish
- .:F L U X B O X:. - Welcome to fluxbox
- BAKOM - Strafrechtliche Verantwortlichkeit der Internet-Provider
- BAKOM - Meldung als FDA
- SR 780.1 Bundesgesetz betreffend die Überwachung des Post- und Fernmeldeverkehrs
- Digital Daze® Virtual Server Extensions
Bilder- und Videoverwaltung (Gallery)
- Pictures and video gallery
Movie manager
- :: VideoDB - Features
- avimanager
- |[ Apache::Gallery -> Information ]|
- phpGraphy Official Site - Full featured photo gallery PHP script
- Gallery :: your photos on your website
- - Image Gallery Software
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- - blog posting script
- Roller: free and open source Java blog software
Booking systems / Raumreservationen
- -> webdesign & networking
- MRBS (Meeting Room Booking System): Index
- - RoomReservation
Bug / issue tracking systems
- Mantis Bug Tracker
- Bugzilla Project - What is Bugzilla?
- JIRA - Bug Tracking, issue tracking and project management software
- MySQL AB :: Eventum Issue / Bug Tracking System
- Edgewall Software: Trac
Calendar - WebCalendar
- WebCalendar
- Hula Project - Hula
chroot / jail
- Makejail
CMS - Content Management Systems
- SELFHTML Link-Verzeichnis / Content Management Systeme (CMS)
- Content Management Systems (CMS) Directory: Browse: Products:Free systems
- Re: was für ein käse (heise online iX-Artikelforum)
- iX 12/2001, S. 152: Perl-Know-how
- TYPO3 CMS: Leistungsmerkmale
Typo3 Bücher
- Document Library
- TYPO3: Buchempfehlungen
- Praxiswissen TYPO3: Bücher: Robert Meyer
- TYPO3 Kochbuch: Bücher: Christian Trabold,Jo Hasenau,Peter Niederlag
- Das TYPO3-Anwenderhandbuch. Websites erstellen, gestalten und verwalten mit Version 4: Bücher: Joscha Feth
- TYPO3 4.0. Das Handbuch für Entwickler: Bücher: Kai Laborenz,Thomas Wendt,Andrea Ertel,Prakash Dussoye,Elmar Hinz
- Open Source Press: Shop - Single Product
- TYPO3 Kochbuch
Zentrale Installation für mehrere Kunden
- ::leeres Projekt anlegen::
- Documentation: Der Einstieg (Der Einstieg)
- Installation von Typo4 für mehrere Websites? -
- Eine Typo3 Installation - mehrere Websites -
- PLUG|ONE: Mehrere Domains im selben Typo3
- Typo3Lab: Using subdomains with Typo3
- Typo3 Tutorial: unterschiedliche Startseiten je nach Domain/Subdomain einrichten
- - Zentrale Installation auf 1 & 1 Server für mehrere Kunde
- Typo3 Installation mit TemplaVoilà
Typo3 Tipps & Tricks
- sk-typo3: Geschützte Seiten
- sk-typo3: JSMENU / JavaScript JumpMenu
- sk-typo3: Menü dynamisch in 2 Teile aufteilen
- sk-typo3: CSS-Datei einbinden
- Meta Tags - TYPO3 Templates Suchmaschinenoptimierung Webdesign Online Marketing
Bedingungen (if then else)
- Typo3 Tutorial: Beispiele für Bedingungen [...] und das if-Statement in Typoscript
- Typo3 Tutorial: Inhalt auf mehreren Seiten
Docs / Dokumentationen
- Deutsche Dokumentation
- Dokumentationen
- Videos
- podcast
- Typo3: Infos zum Open Source Content Management System
- Typo3 Tutorial: Suchmaschinen Optimierung mit SimulateStaticDocuments
- Typo3 Tutorial: unterschiedliche Startseiten je nach Domain/Subdomain einrichten
- Typo3 Tutorial: XHTML
- Inside TYPO3: Additional security measures you can take:
- - Das deutsche TYPO3-Portal:Literatur zu TYPO3
- [TYPO3-german] Zeitpunkt simulieren für Preview im Admin Panel - - Das TYPO3 Mailinglist Archiv
- Documentation: Moderne Templateerstellung, Teil1 (available formats)
- Documentation: MW Imagemap (MW Imagemap)
- Documentation: Drop-Down Site Map (available formats)
- [TYPO3] dropdown_sitemap: multilanguage problem - - Das TYPO3 Mailinglist Archiv
- - Das deutsche TYPO3-Portal: Forum
- Typo3-Forum: Index
https / ssl access
- EXT: Page HTTPS (SSL) Enforcer: Configuring the Extension
- Typo3-Forum: Thema anzeigen - Keine Installation von Typo3 auf nur SSL Server möglich?
- Typo3-Forum: Thema anzeigen - Zentrale Installation auf 1 & 1 Server für mehrere Kunde
- Typo3-Forum: Thema anzeigen - Typo3-Login und SSL
- Typo3-Forum: Thema anzeigen - Probleme mit der Installation auf ssl Server
- Typo3-Forum: Thema anzeigen - Seiten über SSL aufrufen
- Typo3-Forum: Thema anzeigen - ssl login auf backend "url not found" typo 3.61
- Typo3-Forum: Thema anzeigen - formular per ssl
Security Bugs
- TYPO3 Security Blog
- 0000318: <meta name="generator" content="TYPO3 3.6 CMS" /> is hardcoded - TYPO3 bugtracker
Upgrade ...
- Upgrade - TYPO3Wiki
- Update von Typo3 3.6.0 -
- Deutsche Dokumentation
- Typo3-Forum: Index
- Redaktionssystem - Sinn oder Unsinn
- - Bilder global ersetzen
- Repository
- Debian -- Package Search Results -- typo3
- snowflake - Die Schweizer TYPO3 Agentur
- TYPO3 - Tino Undeutsch
- phpWebSite
- phpWebSite DEMO Online! - phpWebSite
- phpWebSite Manual
- phpWebSite Support Forums
- CGX AG - OpenCms Uebersicht
- Weblication® CMS - Content Management by Scholl Communications
- PHP-Nuke
- Barrierefreies Open Source Content Management System - Contao Open Source CMS (vormals TYPOlight)
- phpwcms 1.3.9 (r150) | open source content management system
- Joomla!
- bitCMS | Herzlich willkommen | Content Management by bitsolution
- Worldsoft AG (WM-Account) CMS website -
- AMC:MüLLER GmbH - Content-Management
- Internetmarketing, Content Management System, Webdesign und Hosting
- CMS Intellisite Content Management System macht den Unterschied
- Worldsoft CMS
- Openscope - Content Management System
- Magnolia Content Management (CMS) Community Page
- Artikel von Thomas Ell
- WordPress › Blog Tool and Weblog Platform
- Bricolage
- - Metadot's Open Source Community site for the Portal Server Platform
- Day - Commerce
- HYPERWAVE - Hyperwave Information Server
- I Week: Content-Management: Content-Management im Wandel
- InterRed - Content Management auf höchstem Niveau mit Knowledge Management, Live Reporting und Community
- Content Management (CMS) - RedDot Solutions AG
- MS Site Server 3.0 Content Management
- O'Reilly Open Source Software Convention 2002
- OpenCms
- Plone: A user-friendly and powerful open source Content Management System —
- Slashcode: Slash Open Source Project
- Thunderstone: Home
- WebGUI - Plain Black Software, makers of WebGUI
- Callisto CMS - Home
- PostNuke CMS :: Free PHP Content Management System :: Open Source
- - Home
- Zulu Website Assembler
- The Ciel Web Page Editing System
- newswriter sw | news management system
- CMS LiFEBUILDER – Das perfekte Hightech Content Management System für Sie!
- TinyMCE Javascript Content Editor by Moxiecode Systems AB
-|com - Artikel: Konzepte zur Datenhaltung für Webseiten in einem Web-Content-Management-System
- Fabric - Enterprise Content Management (CMS)
- Web Content Management and Portal Solutions - Bitrix Site Manager
- c't 11/2007, S. 88: CMS-Übersicht
- CMS Contenido - Welcome to the new Contenido portal - Open Source Content Management System | four for business AG (4fb) | Offenbach
CVS - Concurrent Versions System (SVN SubVersion Control)
- Concurrent Versions System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Subversion (Software) - Wikipedia
- ViewSVN - web interface for viewing subversion repositories
- rapidsvn
- subversion: Subversion Links
- CvsGui
- JSVN - A Java Subversion Client
- ViewCVS: Repository Browsing
- ConTEXT Programmers Editor - home
- The DHCP Handbook
- DHCP-Protokoll
- Domain Name System
- Traditional DNS Howto | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
Reverse DNS
- How Reverse DNS Works
- 164213 - Description of DNS Reverse Lookups
- DNS Reverse lookup ... for email
- dns reverse lookup for dns hosting
- wichtig
- DNS-Reverse-DNS - Hetzner DokuWiki
- DNS Reverse Lookups im Detail - Hetzner DokuWiki
- BIND 9 Manual Pages (DNS, BIND Nameserver, DHCP, LDAP and Directory Services)
- Secure BIND Template v5.9 29 OCT 2007 Rob Thomas
- Determining/hiding BIND version number
Bind / DNSSEC Tools
- Configuring DNSSEC in BIND « Dustin D. Trammell
- The Dnssec-Tools Project
- DNSsec Zone Key Tool
- PKCS#15 Smartcard DNSSEC Key Signer
- Implementing & Maintaining DNSSEC On Bind9 Nameservers ~ Mattias Geniar
- Index of
- denied_updates - Process denied DNS update requests
- Tools to manage DNS
- DNSSEC - DNS Security Extensions
- Chapter 8 - PTR Record
- :: FAQ fuer technische Fragen zu dedizierten Servern - Wie konfiguriere ich meinen eigenen Primary Nameserver?
- Quick HOWTO : Ch18 : Configuring DNS - Linux Home Networking
- 246804 - How to enable or disable dynamic DNS registrations in Windows 2000 and in Windows Server 2003
- GRC's | DNS Nameserver Performance Benchmark
Domain Keys
- DomainKeys Public/Private Key-pair Generation
- DomainKey Selector Record Tester
- DomainKey Policy Record Tester
- How To Implement Domainkeys In Postfix Using dk-milter | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
- Set Up DKIM For Multiple Domains On Postfix With dkim-milter 2.8.x (CentOS 5.3) | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
- DomainKeys - Exim Wiki
- mod_mbox - Mailing list archives browser - The Apache HTTP Server Project
autoresponder / vacation
- Vacation - Automatische Beantwortung von Mail während Abwesenheit
- Vacation
- Tips und Tricks für den Forschungsrechnerbereich
- - SpamCop FAQ: Why are auto responders bad?
- SpamCop Discussion -> New Feature Request
- - autoresponder w/ procmail quick howto
- Postfix Virtual Domain Hosting Howto
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Pavo's Postfix Page :: VDA Autoresponders
- Yaa! (Yet Another Autoresponder Homepage)
- Master Autoresponder
- goldfish - the PHP autoresponder for postfix
Anti SPAM / RBL Lists
- start [Sieve.Info] - filtering e-mail messages
- Configuración de un completo servidor de correo seguro con Postfix, Cyrus y MySQL administrado desde OpenMailAdmin
- Cyrus Patch for Sieve
- Postfix 0508: Re: sieve
- Postfix 0508: Re: sieve
- Experiences - Antonio Larrosa -
Tools to reject spam / Anti spam software
amavis / SpamAssassin
- amavisd-new documentation bits and pieces
- Chapter 1. Integrating amavisd-new in Postfix
DCC - Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse
- Distributed Checksum Clearinghouses
Razor (Vipul's Razor)
- Vipul's Razor: home
- Fachschaft Informatik :: Thema anzeigen - razor
- Fighting Spam - Setting up Postfix+Amavisd+Spamassassin+Razor+Clamav
- Installation von Razor2 und Einbindung in SpamAssassin
- Razor and Spamassassin config RedHat 9.0
Konfiguration / Configuration
- Konfiguration von amavis-new
- Re: howto configuration question
- amavisd-new
- MARC: msg 'Re: [AMaViS-user] error?'
- - SpamAssassin and Postfix
- SpamAssassin: Welcome to SpamAssassin
- Index of /full
- FrontPage - SpamAssassin Wiki
- SpamAssassin
Configuring SpamAssassin
- Fairly Secure Anti Spam Wiki - Fairly-Secure Anti-Spam
- Fairly-Secure Anti-SPAM Gateway Using OpenBSD, Postfix, Amavisd-new, SpamAssassin, Razor and DCC
- Fairly-Secure Anti-SPAM Gateway Using OpenBSD, Postfix, Amavisd-new, SpamAssassin, Razor and DCC
- Configuring SpamAssassin at UW
- ImportantInitialConfigItems - Spamassassin Wiki
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf - SpamAssassin configuration file
- Old: Fairly-Secure Anti-SPAM Gateway Using OpenBSD, Postfix, Amavisd-new, SpamAssassin, Razor and DCC
- Bypass amavisd-new scanning HOWTO
- FuzzyOcr - Trac
Rule sets
- WritingRules - Spamassassin Wiki
- SARE - SpamAssassin Rules Emporium -
- SARE - SpamAssassin Rules Emporium
- Jennifer's Sets
SpamAssassin: change DB from old to new
- DbDumpAndLoad - Spamassassin Wiki
- BayesNotWorking - SpamAssassin Wiki
- SiteWideBayesSetup - SpamAssassin Wiki
- AutoWhitelist - Spamassassin Wiki
- exports and imports bayes DB into/from a text file
- [Maia-users] Pear Error?
- check_whitelist
- Linux/SpamAssassin - mobbing-gegner
- MailZu
- SpamAssassin - Linux Enterprise - Professional Linux & Open Source Solutions - Buch-Tipps
- Gentoo Linux Documentation -- Gentoo mailfiltering gateway guide
- Fighting Spam - Setting up Postfix+Amavisd+Spamassassin+Razor+Clamav
- Gentoo Linux Documentation -- Postfix + Amavis/ClamAV + DSPAM, Mailfilter Gateway
- EasyLinux - einfach, klar, benutzerfreundlich - EasyLinux 04/2004: Spam-Schutz
- :: Spam- und Virenfilter mit amavisd-new
- SecurityFocus HOME Infocus: Fighting Spammers With Honeypots: Part 1
- SecurityFocus HOME Infocus: Fighting Spammers With Honeypots: Part 2
- Spam
- 'Re: [AMaViS-user] dspam/spamassassin HOWTO?' - MARC
- Zwei auf einen Streich - Mail-Logging
- Nuclear Elephant: The DSPAM Project
- Stopping spam with the Anti-Spam-SMTP-Proxy (ASSP)
- MailWasher Server Open Source Site
- RBL.JP - Japan's own black list database system
- a script to use and reject spam
- SnertSoft - We Serve Your Server with milter
- DebianAntiSpamGatewayEmailServer
- sleepy geek: Mailserver howto
- Welcome to SpamProbe - A Fast Bayesian Spam Filter
- eleven - Schutz für E-Mail-Kommunikation und -Infrastruktur
- Port25: E-mail Authentication
SPAM / Junk
- Setting up spam scanning under postfix/Debian (Linux Reviews)
- Fighting Spammers With Honeypots: Part 1
- GMX - E-Mail ohne E-Müll! – Bis zu 98% weniger Spam!
- Spam Links - spam stats
- Spam Links - the anti-spam portal
Postfix Anti Spam
- Postfix Monitoring With Mailgraph And pflogsumm | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
- Postfix with dkfilter (DomainKeys Implementation) | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
- Greylisting with Postfix (and other antispam stuff).
- How To Fight Spam Using Your Postfix Configuration | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
- Enhance Your Mail Server With ASSP (Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy) | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
- Server Side Solutions | eWall SMTP Proxy | Overview
- Greylisting: The Next Step in the Spam Control War
- Multi-RBL check
- Category:Blacklist - Openrbl Wiki
- Return codes for ?BL
- Blacklists, Blocklists, DNSBL's, and survival: How to survive as a non-combatant in the Spam Wars.
- iXhash - Spamassassin Wiki
- iX - NiX Spam filtert auf dem Mailserver
- nixspam.cachematches
- iXhash - Spamassassin Wiki
- Howto: Postfix, SpamAssassin Plugin Install und Test? | iX 11/2003, S. 123: E-Mail-Filterung | iX-Artikel-Foren
DNSBL - DNS Blackhole List
- Spamhaus DNSBL Data Feed Service (Spamhaus Datafeed)
- DNSBL Data Feed Service (Datafeed)
- Comparison of DNS blacklists - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
DNSWL - DNS Whitelisting
- (DNS Whitelist) - Protect against false positives
- - Links to other whitelist projects/sources
- - SpamAssassin Configuration
NJABL - Not Just Another Bogus List
SORBS - Spam and Open Relay Blocking System
- SORBS (Spam and Open-Relay Blocking System)
SURBL - Spam URI Realtime Blocklists
- SURBL -- Spam URI Realtime Blocklists
SPF - Sender Policy Framework
- Sender Policy Framework (SPF) - Wikipedia
- Sender Policy Framework (SPF) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- rfc4408.txt - Sender Policy Framework (SPF)
- DNSstuff: SPF Testing
- SPF Query Tool
- SPF: A Sender Policy Framework to Prevent Email Forgery
- The SPF Setup Wizard
- Setting Up SPF DNS Records
- draft-ietf-marid-protocol-00.txt
- HOWTO - Define an SPF Record
- SWITCHmirror - Internet-Drafts & RFC
- Julian Mehnle / Mail-SPF-Query -
- Sender Policy Framework (SPF) for Authorizing Use of Domains in E-MAIL, version 1
- SMTP+SPF: Sender Policy Framework
- SPF - Sender Policy Framework with tcl
- SPF Mechanisms / Syntax
- Sender ID Framework SPF Record Wizard
Domain keys (Yahoo)
- Yahoo! Anti-Spam Resource Center - DomainKeys
- DomainKey Library and Implementor's Tools
- DomainKeys Public/Private Key-pair Generation
- Mail::DomainKeys - DomainKeys library suite in perl
- DomainKeys filter for Postfix
- Email Service Provider Coalition
- Browsing Download Server: /domainkeys
CBL - Composite Block List
- Possible Mail Server Configuration Issues
- Mail Server Naming Problems
- The CBL
- Naming issues with Linux and xBSD
RBL - Realtime Block List
- Distributed Server Boycott List
- Multi-RBL check
- Address Block Lookup Utility
- Spam Database Lookup -
- - Beware of cheap imitations
- DNSBL database check
- Blars Block List
- 510 Software Group
- Road Runner Security
SBL - Spam Block List
- Crynwr spam blocking resources
- rblsmtpd.html
- Spamhaus - Effective Spam Filtering
- The Spamhaus Project - SBL Latest Issues Resolved
- The Spamhaus Project - SBL Latest Listings
- Spamhaus - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Spamhaus - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Spamhaus - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
XBL - Exploits Block List
- The Spamhaus Project - XBL
Information online
- Spam (electronic) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- E-mail spam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Email - Junk Mail & Spam - University Wiki
- Information zum Thema Spam
- Was ist Spam?
- Spam and Spam filtering in HSS
- Fight Spam on the Internet!
- Information about spam
- The SPAM Problem: Moving Beyond RBLs
- What is spam? - A Word Definition From the Webopedia Computer Dictionary
- Philadelphia Daily News | 10/25/2006 | Got spam? Don't answer it
- Bluewin Services - Sicherheit - Spam
- iX - NiX Spam filtert auf dem Mailserver
- nixspam.cachematches - spam checksum fight
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::iXhash
- Häufige Fragen zu Spam im Allgemeinen - SPAMfighter
- Spam - Antiflux Wiki
- Gentoo Linux Documentation -- Postfix + Amavis/ClamAV + DSPAM, Mailfilter Gateway
- - blowback.html
- What is Web beacon? - A Word Definition From the Webopedia Computer Dictionary
-|com - Artikel: Wie man sich vor SPAM schuetzen kann
- EmailDirect | Anti-Spam Policy
- DNS Block Listing (DNSBL) - help:connecting:dnsbl [AfterNET]
Email Problem Form
- Bosch: E-Mail problem form
- Email Problem Form
- Email Problem Form
- FileFactory. Contact Us.
- Dovecot
- The IMAP Connection -- Message Access Paradigms and Protocols
- The IMAP Connection -- Products Supporting IMAP
- Cyrus IMAP Server
- Cyrus IMAP Server Release Information
- Cyrus IMAP Server: Overview and Concepts
- UW IMAP software--IMAP Information Center
- Cerebus the Pope - IMAP Secure Mail Server
- Mobile Gateway - OTA Management - Push-IMAP
- Death to IMAP Clients (by Jeremy Zawodny)
- UW IMAP software--IMAP Information Center
qpopper and TLS/SSL
- Quickstart Guide - Qpopper on FreeBSD
- Sendmail / Qpopper TLS
- Eudora SSL Help
- Sendmail / Qpopper TLS
- Quickstart Guide - Qpopper on FreeBSD
- Installing your SSL Server Certificate on CPPop (cPanel Mail Server) and other Stunnel based Mail Servers
- Qpopper
- Quickstart Guide - Qpopper on FreeBSD
- Re: I/O error flushing output to client
- Re: I/O error flushing output to client
- Re: I/O error flushing output to client
- Essential Internet Protocols - POP3
- The FreeBSD Diary -- stunnel - another way to avoid plain text passwords
- Dovecot
- FrontPage - Dovecot Wiki
- Teapop - POP3-server
Mail relay
- Open Relay Database - Lookup
- Spam Links - Anti-Spam Tools - Open Relay Tools
- MAPS TSI: Anti-Relay: Is My Mailer Vulnerable?
- Mail relay testing
Mailing lists
- Majordomo
- Majordomo-Users: Re: sending bounces to sender
- MajorCool: A Web Interface To Majordomo
- : phplist is an open-source newsletter manager
Mailbox Formats: mbox/mailbox to Maildir
- MailboxFormat - Dovecot Wiki
- Postfix: Support for maildir-style mailboxes
- Converting from UNIX mbox/mailbox to Maildir - postfix, procmail, Squirrelmail, uw-imap and cyrus-imap
- Re: Zu blöde für procmail
Microsoft Exchange Server
- How to use Exchange Server 5.5 or Exchange 2000 Server to recover items that are not first transferred to the Deleted Items folder in Outlook
- Deleted items are not available after you use "Recover Deleted Items" in Outlook 2003
- XCLN: Understanding Deleted Item Recovery
- XADM: Clients Cannot Recover Items After Item Recovery Is Enabled
- XADM: How to Determine the Size of Recoverable Items in the Information Store
- Outlook - Recovering "Hard" Deleted Items from Outside of the Deleted Items Folder |
- Build numbers and release dates for Exchange Server
Archiving Historical Email
- EMA® E-Mail Archive Appliance®
- MailStore
- Steven Engelhardt’s Weblog » Email - Archiving Historical Email Using Procmail
- ESS Zusatzsoftware E-Mail-Archiv - ETES GbR
- Athena Archiver - Why should I use Athena Archiver Solutions
- SuSE Linux english discussion: Re: [SLE] save mail sent
- postfix "save sent" mail - Google Search
- The Postfix Home Page
- Postfix manual - postsuper(1)
- Postfix -- the Sendmail Replacement
- Postfix and Email Resources
- Postfix FAQ
- HOWTO: Mailserver mit Postfix, Dovecot, Antispam und PostgreSQL Backend |
- Postfix Autoreplies
- Troubleshooting with Postfix Logs [Jan. 22, 2004]
- Archived Weblog Entry - 05/30/2003: "Ok, the last of the spam lessons"
- Postfix manual - pipe(8)
- Postfix Frequently Asked Questions
- Creating a backup mail server
- Neohapsis Archives - Postfix Discussion - #1029 - Re: Postfix content_filter timeout? - FIXED (thought don't know exactly how)
- Postfix sends no "delayed mail" notices
- Das Postfix-Buch von Ralf Hildebrandt und Patrick Koetter
- :: Postfix Konfiguration
- Ralf Hildebrandt: /postfix/postfix_busy.shtml
Postfix spam filtering
Postfix: greylisting
- Postgrey - Postfix Greylisting Policy Server
- Statistiken des Mail-Relays
- TU Chemnitz : URZ : E-Mail : Abwehr unerwünschter Mail : Gre...
- Postfix SMTP Access Policy Delegation
- Postgrey - Postfix Greylisting Policy Server
- Index of /tools/postgrey/pub
- Killing That Spam With Postgrey And Postfix | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
Postfix SPF
- Postfix Add-on Software
- ACL Policy Daemon - Summary [Gna!]
- ACL Policy Daemon for Postfix (apolicy)
- SPF: Implementations
- Policy Daemon
- Spam Filtering @ Monkeys.Com
- drbcheck: dr. Jørgen Mash's DNS database list checker
- Postfix Backscatter Howto
- SpamAssassin: Welcome to SpamAssassin
- spampd - Spam Proxy Daemon
- Fairly-Secure Anti-SPAM Gateway Using OpenBSD, Postfix, Amavisd-new, SpamAssassin, Razor and DCC
- amavisd-new
- postfix-anti-UCE.txt
- (DNS Whitelisting) - How to use
- list.postfix.users | Google Groups
- Spam Filtering
- - Postfix Configuration
Content filter
- README.postfix
- Postfix/TLS - Configuring and
- Neohapsis Archives - Postfix Discussion - are two or more content filter possible? - From
- Neohapsis Archives - Postfix Discussion - Re: are two or more content filter possible? - From
- Arschkrebs Inc.
- Ralf Hildebrandt: /~hildeb/postfix/postfix_valid_sender.shtml
- Ralf Hildebrandt: /~hildeb/postfix/postfix_mailhub.shtml
- Einrichten eines Mailservers mit Postfix - Tuxfutter
- Neohapsis Archives - Postfix Discussion - #0430 - Re: Blocking mails that has only images as body
- Ralf Hildebrandt: Postfix and sender address verification
- Postfix Address Verification
- Security Sage :: Support Guides
- Security Sage :: Support Guides
- Security Sage :: Support Guides
- the Anomy mail tools
- Advosys Consulting: Fighting malware and spam with Postfix
- Ein paar Fragen zu einem Inet-Server -
Log analyse
- Installing, Configuring, and Using Logsurfer 1.5 To Analyze Log Messages on Systems Running Solaris 2.x
- DFN-CERT: Logsurfer Homepage
- SEC - free and platform independent event correlation tool
- JIMSUN - Postfix Contribs
- Index of /~dws/software/mailgraph/pub
- Exit0 SpamAssassin Wiki - Mikes Stat Script
- MRTG for postfix
loops back to myself
- Postfix Virtual Domain Hosting Howto
- notes on postfix configuration - mail for loops back to myself
- [IMGate] Re: Help Please on this local delivery error - driving me nuts.
- Postfix FAQ
virtual user
- Google Search: virtual user
- virtual.5.html
- Postfix Configuration - Address Manipulation: Virtual address aliasing
- The FreeBSD Diary -- Postfix - virtual domains
- Delivering some users locally while sending mail as user@domain
- Commands, mailing lists, and /file/name destinations don't work in virtual domains
Webmail Server
- Postfix + MySQL + Cyrus-SASL + CourierIMAP + Apache + PHP + SquirrelMail + Amavis + SpamAssassin + C
- Instalasi Postfix + Amavis + ClamAV + Spamassassin + MailGraph
- Webmail server guide - qmail, vpopmail, mysql, courier-imap, squirrelmail, qmail-scanner, clam antivirus, spamassassin
Postfix: TLS/SASL authentication
- Postfix TLS Support
- Postfix SASL Howto
- The Perfect Rails/Debian/Lighttpd Stack...
- Dieter's Digest
- Postfix-SMTP-AUTH-4-DUMMIES.html
- Debian Grimoire: Authenticated SMTP
- Jimmy’s weblog » Postfix and SASL (Debian)
- Neohapsis Archives - Postfix Discussion - #2235 - Re: Followup on SASL PLAIN
- [Postfixbuch-users] cannot connect to saslauthd server: Permission denied
- ISP-Server Setup - Ubuntu 5.10 "Breezy Badger" - Page 4 | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
- » Blog Archive » Installing and configuring a mail system for Debian Sarge
- debian:mail_system [ev-15 Wiki]
- [Postfixbuch-users] saslauthd II
- 16. SMTP Authentication for Mail servers
Postfix scripts
- Index of /postfix/scripts
- Ralf Hildebrandt: /~hildeb/postfix/scripts/Welcome.shtml
- policyd-weight - A policy daemon for postfix
- Downloads zum Postfix Buch
- Ralf Hildebrandt: /postfix/postfix_busy.shtml
- Postfix Add-on Software
- Ralf Hildebrandt: /~hildeb/postfix/Welcome.shtml
- smtpptox --- simple efficient SMTP proxy in perl
- Ralf Hildebrandt: /~hildeb/postfix/postfix_mythen.shtml
- Postfix and NFS
- Howto: ISP-style Email Server with Debian-Etch and Postfix 2.3
- qSheff - Opensource Antivirus & Antispam and content filter solution for qmail
SMTP error messages
- rfc3461 - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Service Extension for Delivery Status Notifications (DSNs)
- 101PORTAL - ERRMSG: 451 Could not complete sender verify callout
- 101PORTAL - ERRMSG: 501 5.7.1 ... Sender refused by the DNSBL
- qpsmtpd - Develooper LLC
- SAGATOR - an antivirus/antispam gateway
- exim Internet Mailer
- Building a fully fledged mail server with Exim, Cyrus-IMAP, SASL, TLS, MySQL and Debian
- Installing and Configuring Exim4
- happy mailing : Blat online
- Alt-N Technologies: MDaemon Email Server
- MailEnable - high performance mail server software
Verschlüsselung / Encode
- SEPP (Secure E-Mail PGP Proxy) - Internet Security Produkte von Onaras AG
- Open WebMail Project
- Index of /openwebmail/download/redhat/rpm/release
- Open WebMail
- Open WebMail OpenWebMail
- OpenWebMail Hilfe
- OpenWebmail tips - CobaltFAQs
- IMP Webmail Client - Horde Project Webmail Client
- Horde Groupware Webmail Edition Documentation
- [imp] Re: Timeouts/Content Advisor
- Postfix Add-on Software
- IMP Screenshots
- neomail-compose.jpg (JPEG Image, 796x556 pixels)
- Camas.Caudium.Net : Screenshots
- @Mail Support
- SmartPost
- RoundCube Webmail Project
- SquirrelMail - Webmail for Nuts!
- SquirrelMail - Webmail for Nuts!
- Litepost
- UNIX man pages : aliases (5)
- IMail Server - Web Messaging
- Mail Services
- qmail mirror selection
- NeoMail
- 289945 - OL2002: Unable to Send Mail By Using Yahoo After Upgrading to Outlook 2002
- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol from FOLDOC
- Open source e-mail server for Microsoft Windows - hMailServer
- FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet
FAQ system
- phpMyFAQ - open source FAQ system for PHP and MySQL, PostgreSQL and other databases | welcome
- Squid Users Guide
- Squid Users Guide - 28th September 1997
- Firewall Handbuch für LINUX 2.0 und 2.2
- Firewall Handbuch für LINUX 2.0 und 2.2: Hackers Guide oder was man über Cracker wissen muß: Angriffe auf den TCP/IP-Stack
- Firewall Handbuch für LINUX 2.0 und 2.2: Hackers Guide oder was man über Cracker wissen muß: Beispiele: Angriffe auf Firewalls
- m0n0wall - an embedded firewall
- pfSense is a open source firewall derived from the m0n0wall operating system platform
FTP Protocol Documentation
- File Transfer Protocol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Active FTP vs. Passive FTP, a Definitive Explanation
- Active FTP / Passive FTP - Aktives und passives FTP
- File Transfer Protocol, active ftp, passive ftp
- Getting passive FTP connections to work through a firewall properly : Tweaks :: :: Your online resource
- FTP Security Extensions - RFC 2228
- Internationalization of the File Transfer Protocol - RFC 2640
- 3.3 FTP-Server
- ftp-Server mit Auswertung
- Standard-Dateimodus für FTP-Server
- WU-FTPD Mailing Lists
- Frequently Asked Questions about wu-ftpd
- The WU-FTPD Archives: By Thread
- The WU-FTPD Archives: Re: System doesn't see /etc/ftponly file -
- The WU-FTPD Archives: Re: System doesn't see /etc/ftponly file -
- Controlling Uploads and Downloads on the FTP Server
- Re: chroot setup for wu-ftpd
TLS auth
- :: human knowledge belongs to the world
- vsftpd.conf(5) - Linux man page
- Manpage of VSFTPD.CONF
- Quick HOWTO: Linux FTP Server Setup
- Visual Basic Internet Programming - MS Winsock Control - Secrets of FTP
- NcFTP Software
- Raw FTP Command List
- Titan FTP Server
- net2ftp - a web based FTP client
- Transfertool - Send large files easily, fast and reliably
- YouSendIt - Send large files - transfer delivery - FTP Replacement
Foren / Boards / Groupware / Portal
- TOFU (Zitierstil ) - Wikipedia
- Ikonboard 3.0 Services
- UBB.classic - Introduction
- phpBB: A forum that's free
- XOOPS Official Site - News
- Invision Power Board: Forum Software Free to Use
- WoltLab® GmbH | Burning Board®
- MyBB - Free PHP and MySQL Forum Software
- MercuryBoard
Gratis - FREE
- Hypermail Development
Gute Foren (grafisch)
- PunBB
- Infopop: Ultimate Bulletin Board
- Burning Board
- vBulletin - The ultimate community forum software
- YaBB - Links
- YaBB Chat & Support Community - German Support & Chat
- Forum Software for the Web (Discussion Forum, Groupware, and BBS / Message Board Software)
- The CGI Resource Index: Programs and Scripts: Perl: Bulletin Board Message Systems
- Welcome / News
- Conferencing Software for the Web (Discussion Forum, Groupware, and BBS / Bulletin Board Software)
- Linux email servers offer scalability and flexibility | Scalix
- Collanos Software Home
- Inverse groupe conseil: SOGo
- PHProjekt :: an open source groupware suite
Portals / Portale
- uPortal Home Page
- Changing the uPortal Look and Feel - uPortal - JA-SIG Wiki
- myETH - Build with uPortal
- UB2k?
- eXtropia | WebBBS
- Das Tag -4- Tag Supportforum
- Discus and Discus Pro - Discussion board software
- Gossamer Threads Inc. - Gossamer Forum - Funktionen
- Debian Reference - Network configuration
- Debian-Referenz - Aufsetzen eines Gateway mit einem Debian-System
- Debian Linux Networking and Network Tutorial On How To Set up A Linux Network
Guestbooks / Gästebücher
- Cougasoft - Evolutionary Programming 'Guestbook'
- ViPER Guestbook
Help desk and task management
- Help Center Live
- OneOrZero Open Source Task Management and Help Desk Software : PHP MySQL SQLITE
- Kayako SupportSuite » Support desk software (ticket, e-mail, live chat, self-help)
- Web Help Desk Software - BridgeTrak Web Online / Browser based solution
ims: Instant Messenger Service
- Jabber: Open Instant Messaging and a Whole Lot More, Powered by XMPP
- Open-source XMPP server comparison chart
- jabberd project
- jabberd/jadsm/xdb_file.c
- JabberStudio: Script Repository
- Build Your Own IM Server with Jabber
- Jabber, Inc. Enterprise Instant Messaging Software Platform
- Linux-Magazin - Instant Messenger
- Ignite Realtime: Openfire Server
- Ignite Realtime: Server To Server HowTo's
- NetKey & Client-Management & DBS AG
- h-inventory | Download h-inventory software for free at
- H-Inventory
- itelio GmbH - DocuSnap 4.0, Inventarisierung, Visualisierung, Rechteanalyse, Lizenzmanagement
IP tables
- netfilter/iptables project homepage - The project
- Iptables Tutorial 1.2.2
- Linux Security: iptables port forward
- Re: iptables and forwarding port 80
- Linux Example Firewall Scripts (ipchains and iptables)
- IPTables Firewall Scripts for Linux
- Easy Firewall Generator for iptables
- Pro-Linux: iptables - Die Firewall des Kernels 2.4
- LinuxGuruz Netfilter IPTABLES Firewall Page
- Linux Firewall - How To Set Up An IPTABLES Debian Linux Firewall Server
- Installation of IPTables-firewall on Debian
- Port Forwarding
LAMP - Linux Apache MySQL Perl/PHP
- - apache-webserver leicht gemacht
- Codename: LAMPxxl/1.4 (17.07.2001)
- LAMP - Tutorial: Unter Linux Apache, Mysql und PHP installieren
- LAMPS - Tutorial 1.1 : Unter Linux Apache, Mysql, PHP und SSL installieren
- LinuxTutorialWebSiteConfig.html
LDAP - Address book
Mutt - A Mailreader
- Mutt mailreader
- Manpage of mutt_ldap_query
- lbdb: The Little Brother's Database
- mutt and more
Miru Directory Server
- Net::LDAPapi - Perl5 Module Supporting LDAP API -
- Net::LDAP::Examples - PERL LDAP by Example -
- ocean.local - Ocean admin:miru
- directory_addressbook_moz.php
- Index of
- FreeBSD package Management (ports pkg_*) Basics
- みる Miru directory server - DeveloperNet
- みる directory server - DeveloperNet
- Ocean Web Interface - DeveloperNet
- HOWTO: Mozilla Thunderbird Address Book - DeveloperNet
- HOWTO: miru directory server VMware LTSP demo - DeveloperNet
- HOWTO: Configure Ubuntu for Active Directory Authentication - DeveloperNet
- Miru Limited
- Miru Directory Server in Launchpad
- AddTo Miru Directory Server :: Firefox Add-ons
- Shared address book server - MozillaZine Forums
- Thunderbird (Configuration) - Sw
Thunderbird synchronisation
- Mozilla Calendar
- Sharing address books - MozillaZine Knowledge Base
- Calendar - Frequently Asked Questions
- Addressbooks Synchronizer :: Thunderbird Add-ons
- Thunderbird extensions
- LDAPMigrationTools - Debian Wiki
- LDAP Account Manager
- Centralized LDAP Authentication HOWTO - Solaris9
- OpenLDAP, Title
- OpenLDAP, Software, Man Pages: slapd
- OpenLDAP 2.1 Administrator's Guide: A Quick-Start Guide
- some notes on linux LDAP software
- Perl-LDAP Homepage
- Linux Center - Infocenter
- AddressBook::DB::Text - Backend for AddressBook to print entries in a simple text format
- ldap-abook homepage
- global ldap address book using referral
- Address Book Sync Client Design
- LDAP HOWTO: Aditional Informations and Features
- Address Book API Specification
- Sharing an Address Book via an LDAP Server
- Secure LDAP for Solaris
- What is LDAP
- Computer Services: Documentation/How To's
- Using OpenLDAP on Debian to serve System Users
- LDAP Client Login Authentication
- Postfix LDAP Howto
- Linux LDAP Tutorial: Deploying OpenLDAP - Directory Installation and configuration (V1.2 and 2.x)
- | Using LDAP for mail contacts
- Authenticating with LDAP using Openldap and PAM
- Ape Tools
- LDAP Browser/Editor
- phpLDAPadmin: LDAP browser to manager your LDAP server
Man pages / Manual sites
- Manual Pages: Index Page
- Man-cgi home page
- Univention: Managementsystem
- Univention: Corporate Server
- Univention: Groupware Server
- Univention: Corporate Desktop
- Spiceworks - Free Systems Management and IT Management Software
NAS - Network Attached Storage
- FreeNAS: The Free NAS Server - Home
- Synology Disk Station - NAS
- Disk Station DS-106, DS-106e - Synology Inc.
- pSeries and AIX Information Center
NTP - Network Time Protocol
- Meinberg NTP Software Downloads
- NTP Time Server Monitor
- ntp-server.conf
- man pages section 1M: System Administration Commands
- Expert GPS CLOCK unter Linux
- Steffen's Workspace
- Configuration of xntp
- Synchronize the System Time with a Time Server
- Notes on Xntpd Configuration
- Registry entries for the W32Time service
- ntp-Zeitserver
- automachron
- KLOTH.NET - SNTP get date and UTC time
World Time Zone
- The World Time Server - correct, current, local
- The official U.S. time
- Home of the Network Time Protocol
- Public NTP Time Servers
- International Standard Date and Time Notation
- NTP: Network Time Protocol
- The NIST Time and Frequency Division Home Page
- Configuring the Windows Time Service
- Konfigurieren eines autorisierenden Zeitservers in Windows XP
- How to configure an authoritative time server in Windows Server 2003
- How to configure an authoritative time server in Windows 2000
- Windows Time Service Tools and Settings: Windows Time Service
- Windows Zeit-/Datumsabgleich konfigurieren (Deutsche Server)
- Windows als NTP Client / Server
- NetTime
- Project Info - NetTime
Peer to Peer Programs (P2P)
- The Official BitTorrent Home Page
- - Official eMule Homepage. Downloads, Help, Docu, News...
- Home - - eMule das Filesharingprogramm für das eDonkey2000 Netzwerk
Photo Gallery
- Gallery :: your photos on your website
Project management systems
- activeCollab - open source project management and collaboration tool.
- - Home
- Doodle - Online scheduling
- Squid Web Proxy Cache
- squidGuard - An ultrafast and free filter/redirector/access controller for Squid
- squid-users: RE: [SQU] Re: Zero Sized Reply
- FrontPage - SquidWiki
- Linux: Setup a transparent proxy with Squid in three easy steps
- Paranoid squid proxy settings
- Can I make Squid go direct for some sites?
Port addresses / Portadressen
- IANA | Protocol/Number Assignments Directory
- Internet protocol suite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- List of TCP and UDP port numbers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- TCP/IP model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Ports is a searchable database for official and unofficial port assignments
- IP Numbers
- Well Known Port Numbers
- Registered Port Numbers
- Port forwarding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- SSH: Port Forwarding
- SSH Tunnelling (Port Forwarding)
- Port forwarding - AzureusWiki
- FreeRADIUS: The world's most popular RADIUS Server
Search Engine
- Alphabetical List of SearchTools Product Reports
- Comparing Open Source Indexers
- Glimpse -- a UNIX Search Engine
- Webglimpse - Search Engine Software
- WebGlimpse home page
- Glimpse & Webglimpse ongoing development
SSI for ht://Dig - German (Deutsch)
- Suchen mit ht://Dig im Datenbestand der Universität zu Köln
- Benutzerdefinierte Formulare und Vorlagen mit ht://Dig
- ht://Dig Suchformulare mit SSI
- Ergebnisse der Suche(none)
- ht://Dig Frequently Asked Questions
- ht://Dig: Configuration file attributes
- Installing and configuring the ht://Dig search engine
- ht://Dig: Configuration file attributes
- ht://Dig 3.x list archive: Re: [htdig] wildcard matching, 8-bit
- 1999-02: Re: [htdig] asterix
- ht://Dig: Configuration file attributes
- ConfigDig: An administration tool for ht://Dig
- HtDig::Site - Perl extension for managing a single ht://Dig configuration
- ht://Dig - Konfiguration in Deutsch
- RZUW: Suchmaschine
- Website search with ht://Dig
- ht://Dig 3.x list archive: Re: [htdig] Can't get my search to u
MS Word
- - htdig-general - [htdig] Re: htdig et doc MS WORD
- Xpdf: Download
- PDFTOHTML - an open-source PDF-to-HTML converter
Multi language
- ht://Dig Frequently Asked Questions
- ht://Dig Frequently Asked Questions
- htdig-general
- Suche im Webangebot der Universität zu Köln
- International Ispell
- testlocale.c
- Solaris 7 European & American Locale Packages
- Re: Please do not use en_US.UTF-8 outside the US
- index.html
- ht://Dig -- Internet search engine software
- ht://Dig: htmerge
- ht://Dig: How it works
- ht://Dig 3.x list archive: [htdig] Pb running the 'rundig' scri
- Index of /htdig
- 1997-11: Re: htdig: Porting to Windows 95/NT
- Index of /files/binaries
- ht://Dig Frequently Asked Questions
- FTP Directory:
- ht://Dig 3.x list archive: Re: [htdig] Can't get my search to u
- ht://Dig Suchformulare mit SSI
- Untitled Document
- htdig patches
- cvs: htdig
- Swish-e :: Home Page
- Perlfect Search 3.31 - Free site indexer and search engine script.
- mnoGoSearch - Internet search engine software
- mnoGoSearch - Internet search engine software
- DataparkSearch Engine 4.46 reference manual
- A Standard for Robot Exclusion
- Harvest Web Indexing
- AGREP, an approximate GREP
- AltaVista Search Products - Search v2.3A - Product Overview
- Search Engine
- About ICE
- dtSearch -- Text Retrieval / Full Text Search Engine [1024]
- Thunderstone Home Page
- SearchTools Site Search: Live Examples
- The Web Robots FAQ
- Trellian Software - Download Page
- PLWeb Turbo
- Alkaline Search Engine
- Harvest Web Indexing
- Namazu: a Full-Text Search Engine
- A Simple Web Site Search Facility
- Ultraseek Enterprise Search
- Apache Lucene - Overview
- Welcome to Nutch!
- eurospider - Solutions
Shop / e-commerce / ...
- Startseite -
- osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions
- xt:Commerce Shopsoftware VEYTON 4.0
- PhPepperShop - herzlich willkommen
- MyOOS Shopsystem Webshop
- - FileCABINET shopping cart
- Shopsoftware, Onlineshop, Webshop, Shopsystem, Internetshop, Software
- Welcome to VirtueMart
- phPay - webshop or catalog based on SQL and PHP
- phpshop - A Simple Shopping Cart - Google Project Hosting
- FishCart: an Open Source E-Commerce Solution
SMS - Short Message Service
- Short message service - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- email2sms - an e-mail to SMS filter
- mail2sms - convert a mail to short text
- Happy coding » Blog Archive » How to send SMS in Linux using Skype
- WebSMS – einfacher und kostengünstiger SMS Versand über das Internet
- Internet-Dienstleistungen - SMS - SMS Internet - Swisscom - SMS am PC - SMS über Computer - SMS Internet versenden
SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol
- Net-Policy, network management system for SNMP
- fpschultze : Network Management Site
- Open Source Network Management and Monitoring Software | Hyperic
ssh / sftp / scp
ssh tunnel -> Tunnelling
ssh security / knockd
- SSH Login Attacks - Soloport Corp.
- How to safely connect from anywhere to your closed Linux firewall | MDLog:/sysadmin
- fwknop: Single Packet Authorization and Port Knocking
- Single Packet Authorization with Fwknop
sftp logging
- sftp logging patch for openssh
- sftp logging patch for openssh: README
- OddGeek -- Code -- Open-SSH Patches -- Jason A. Dour
chroot with ssh
- Chroot in OpenSSH
- Chroot patch for ssh
- How to setup chrooted sftp
- Building a Secure User Environment with SSH ChRoot
- chroot sshd/sftp
- Centralized Development - Welcome to our Arch Wiki
- Project Info - OpenSSH Chroot Patch
- Howto : configure openssh with the chroot patch
- SSH in einer chroot Umgebung
- SUMMARY: Chroot'ed Sendmail but no more Syslog
- :: HOWTO: Debian + chroot-SSH-Userzugang /w Busybox
- Building a Chrooted sftp Environment
- - SSH and Change Root
- Chroot Umgebung für OpenSSH und sftp
- chroot sshd/sftp
- chroot+sftp-server.patch
- OpenSSH - - Linux Wiki und Freie Software
chroot / sftp logging docs
- HP-UX Secure Shell A.03.91.002/003 Release Notes
- Knowledgebase :: openSSH
- chroot login HOWTO
jail chroot secure ftp (sftp)
- VShell 2.2 - I Need to Log SFTP File Transfers
- JMC Research - Juan M. Casillas Web Site
- Project details for Jail Chroot Project
- jail-main
- [Dulug] OpenSSH, sftp-server, and exploding logs
- schtroot - Cecilia Data AB
- | Red Hat, Inc.
- Chroot-BIND HOWTO: Preparing the Jail
- How to setup chrooted sftp
- Userbegrenzung mit JAIL und QUOTA auf Linux
- Manual Pages: sftp-server(1)
- ScanSSH - fast SSH server and open proxy scanner
- Debian -- rssh
- rssh - restricted shell for scp/sftp
- Setting up a chroot jail for rssh
- rssh: chroot() failed - rssh-discuss
- scponly homepage
- [scponly] couldn't chroot to /home/scp
- Chroot-SSH SFTP/SCP only
ssh: Public Key Authentication
- Public Key Authentication Problems
- Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for directory
- Glue Logic LLC - chressh
- Sftp for win32
- GFnet - Security - SSH
- Main Page - Fail2ban - block server attacks
- DenyHosts - a script to help thwart ssh server attacks
- freeSSHd - free SSH server
- SSH Frequently Asked Questions - SSH connection hangs when exiting
- High Performance Enabled SSH/SCP [PSC]
- SSH ohne Passwort -- eine kurze Anleitung
- OpenSSL: The Open Source toolkit for SSL/TLS
- Download OpenSSL for windows — OpenSSL 0.9.8e WIN64/WIN32 binaries
- OpenSSL for Windows
- Shining Light Productions - Win32 OpenSSL
- DFN-PCA: Das OpenSSL Handbuch
sync - synchronice - mirror
- rsync
- rsync
- rsyncd.conf
- rsync examples
- Using Rsync and SSH
- solaris - snoop (1)
- rsyncd.conf
- Setting up backups for your PC
- Rsync tutorial
- Rsync mirroring howto and FAQ
- Rsync mirroring howto and FAQ
- Everything Linux - A Tutorial on Using Rsync
- rsync user instruction for RFC Editor Repository documents
- Installing rsync on a windows machine
- Cool Solutions: Synchronize Directories with rsync
- 2net FTP client - rsync for DOS
- DeltaCopy - Rsync for Windows
- Using rsync to update Mandrake-Linux ISO Images
- How to use rsync for transferring files under Linux or UNIX | nixCraft
- rsync-incr
- sitecopy
- Easy Automated Snapshot-Style Backups with Rsync
Perl mirror script
- Mirror - a Perl script to synchronize websites
- mirror
- RCSB FTP Mirror Procedure
- How To Mirror Sparemint
- NetBSD Mirror FAQ
- 27.2 Debian Mirror
- biomirror.japan
- Automatically Downloading Data from the ARM Archive Using Mirror
- GNU Wget - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)
- wget.txt
- Linux-Magazin - Mirror
- Linux Tips and Stuff
- Debian -- debmirror
- weex
- Project Info - Synk - Mirroring tool for KDE
- Synchronizing FTP Files with Perl | Linux Journal
- fsync
- ftpsync
- SFTP Sync
- LFTP - sophisticated file transfer program
- zsync
- Unison File Synchronizer
- Synchrofile - All your files and only your files everywhere and anywhere right now
- rdiff-backup: Main
- Data Transport Between Different Machines (Syncronization)
- FullSync - a universal file synchronization and backup tool
- Easy Automated Snapshot-Style Backups with Rsync
- OpenSync - Trac
- Dimio's Tools - DSynchronize
Ticketing systems
- VisionOne Incorporated
- ShoWare Product Site
- PK19 Informatikberufe - Zimmerreservierungssystem
- Ticketsystem - SCRJ Lakers - Reservation
- Best Practical Solutions, LLC: RT: Request Tracker
- TFTPD32 : a free TFTP server and a free GPL DHCP server for windows
ftp over ssh
- PureFTPd - A fast, standard compliant, production quality FTP server.
- vsftpd - secure, fast
- Linux-Community - Benutzerrechte bei vsFTP
- Index of
- Google Search: tunnel "ftp over ssh"
- TACC > Using FTP through a SSH tunnel
- Server Configuration
- Re: ftp-over-ssh
- Securing Windows legacy FTP applications by using SSH port forwarding
- SafeTP: Secure FTP Transparently!
- SSH-Tunnels
- WH-Netz Knowledgebase - SSH-Tunnel
- OpenSSH chrooted SFTP (e.g. for Webhosting) « #!/bin/blog
- OpenSSH SFTP chroot() with ChrootDirectory
- ECE SSH Tunnel Howto
- The FreeBSD Diary -- stunnel - another way to avoid plain text passwords
- Zebedee: Secure IP Tunnel
- AS8758 IPv6 Tunnel Broker
- OpenVPN - An Open Source VPN Solution by James Yonan
- Re: Logrotate & OpenVPN
- SSL-Explorer: The World's First Open Source SSL VPN Solution
- SSL-Explorer Installation on Debian Etch
- ..:: [icER | Support | Dokumentationen | IPsec / FreeS/WAN pre 2.0, Host-Host-Verbindung] ::..
- Openswan:
Web Desktop Environment
- eyeOS Home | Web desktop - Web OS - Web office - your data and applications everywhere
Webserver / WWW
- Web Server Comparisons
- Books written about Apache
- net-point - Professional Books
- Apache - Das umfassende Referenzwerk
- Apache 2 - Sascha Kersken
- Apache GUI's
- Apache GUI
Virtual host
- Dynamically configured mass virtual hosting
- Name-based Virtual Hosts
- Apache Week: Using Virtual Hosts
- htaccess HTTP USER AGENT restrict Apache Web Server forum at WebmasterWorld
- .htaccess Security
- Erweiterungen der HTACCESS-Datei für mehr Möglichkeiten
- Apache TOOLS
- Apache's Handler Use
- Apache Konfiguration
- Server-Dienste
- Das SSL-Apache Handbuch: http.conf - Beispiel-Datei
- Covalent Technologies, Inc. - Comanche
- Michael Holve - Everything Linux - Mohawk
- Controlling RAM And CPU Usage - H-Sphere Administrator Guide - Positive Software Corporation
- Apache Tips & Tricks
- httpd.conf - die Konfigurationsdatei für den Apache-Webserver deutsch
- httpd.conf - die Konfigurationsdatei für den Apache-Webserver deutsch
- Mit dem Apache XHTML-Seiten ausliefern
- Konfigurationsanweisungen in httpd.conf
- Apache HTTPD Debugging Guide - The Apache HTTP Server Project
- mod_perl guide: Controlling and Monitoring the Server
- Cool Tricks With Perl and Apache
- mod_perl: Cute Tricks With Perl and Apache
- Cute Tricks With Perl and Apache
- Hour 12: Parameters: Options and Arguments
- Stopping myself
- Apache
- apachectl - httpd: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory - Startup Script
- How to 'chroot' an Apache tree with Linux and Solaris
- How to 'chroot' an Apache tree with Solaris (2.6)
- Apache - A chroot example
- Hacking Apache HTTP Server at Yahoo! - Michael J. Radwin talks
Analyzer / Log analyzer / Statistics
Grapher / Plotting arbitrary
- ag0ny's homepage: Status for
NRG - Network Resource Grapher
- The NRG Home Page
- Linux: Utilidades Network Resource Grapher (NRG)
- RRD TOOL -- DNS Query Rate Graph
- RRD TOOL -- Nameserver query stats (BIND 8/9, tinydns and dnscache)
- MRTG: The Multi Router Traffic Grapher
- MRTG: The Multi Router Traffic Grapher
- OrcaWare Consulting - Orca Home Page
- NetStats
- Nate Campi's Home Page - DNS Graphs
- Analog: WWW logfile analysis
- Report Magic
- > Analog for Sun Solaris
- Web Statistics for
- http-analyze 2.0 Licensing & Pricing
- http-analyze 2.0 Download Area
- AWStats - Free log file analyzer for advanced statistics (GNU GPL).
- Access Log Analyzers
- W3Perl - Softs - Homepage - Frame
- Site*Sleuth: Logfile Statistics Analysis: Electronic Commerce Software from WebGenie
- Site*Sleuth: Logfile Statistics Analysis: Electronic Commerce Software from WebGenie
- A different perspective
- The Web Robots FAQ
- The Web Robots Pages
- Index of /pub/spong/docs/HTML
- eXTReMe Tracking
- pisg - Perl IRC Statistics Generator
- Project Info - AWStats
- cronolog - flexible web log rotation
- Rotating Apache log files without killing the server - zwrotlogs
- FAQ.html
- ApacheToolbox
- Join the Apache-Users Mailing List
- Apache Mailing List Archives: Sponsored by Covalent Technologies, Inc.
- Apache Mailinglist
- Apache Directory Project - Apache Directory Project
- Apache Server Frequently Asked Questions
- LDAP authentication module for apache
- z_auth (NIS)
- mod_auth_nis, mod_auth_msql, mod_auth_anon, mod_auth_cookie
- webNIS (LDAP) auth
- mod_auth_pam: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- mod_auth_any
- mod_auth_sys
- mod_auth_samba - Apache Authentication Module
- mod_auth_yp.c
- mod_perl: Protecting Your Site
- Apache::AuthenNIS - mod_perl NIS Authentication module
- Apache::AuthzNIS - mod_perl NIS Group Authorization module
- Net::NIS - Interface to Sun's Network Information Service
- Apache::AuthenPasswd - mod_perl /etc/passwd Authentication module
- Some useful hints for Apache 2.0
- Linux-PAM modules etc. page
mod_dav - WebDAV
- mod_dav - Apache HTTP Server
- mod_dav Installation and Configuration
- Cadaver, command-line WebDAV -
- DAV Explorer
mod_evasive - prevent from HTTP DoS, DDoS attack or brute force attack
- Nuclear Elephant: mod_evasive
- Linux-Magazin - sysadauf
- Apache gegen DDoS schützen -
- :: mod_evasive
- Apache Core Features
- K + Apache memory usage - alternative solutions
- Apache module mod_include
- Apache Tutorial: Introduction to Server Side Includes
- Apache module mod_setenvif
- Apache module mod_setenvif
- SSI - Server parsed html: so wird's gemacht
- Apache - Server Side Includes
mod_gzip / mod_deflate
- mod_gzip Test
- mod_gzip - Auslieferung komprimierter Inhalte durch den Apache-Webserver
- Komprimierung von HTTP-Inhalten durch Content-Encoding
- Welche Browser können mit 'Content-Encoding: gzip' umgehen?
- Andere Quellen
- mod_gzip
- [Mod_gzip] a handful of questions about directives, syntax, and function
- mod_gzip Info Page
- » Verwendung von mod_gzip
- mod_deflate - Apache HTTP Server
- How To Save Traffic With Apache2's mod_deflate | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
- Farid Hajji: Perl: Einführung, Anwendungen, Referenz (2/e) [Einführung in
- mod_perl: Apache::PerlSections - Default Handler for Perl sections
- Apache/Perl Integration Project
- mod_perl: Download
- mod_perl: A Reference to mod_perl 1.0 to mod_perl 2.0 Migration.
- mod_perl: ModPerl::PerlRun - Run unaltered CGI scripts under mod_perl
- mod_perl: ModPerl::Registry - Run unaltered CGI scripts persistently under mod_perl
- mod_perl guide: Server Configuration
- mod_perl: Netcraft's mod_perl statistics
- mod_perl: mod_perl Related Software
- The Everything Development Company
- - Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C
- Chapter 9: Perl API Reference Guide
- Mailing list archives - Weird mod_perl & interaction (Bug?)
- Mailing list archives - Weird mod_perl & interaction (Bug?)
- Mailing list archives - Weird mod_perl & interaction (Bug?)
- Caching Issue
- Re: Caching Issue
- mod_perl: CGI to mod_perl Porting. mod_perl Coding guidelines.
- mod_perl: Controlling and Monitoring the Server
- mod_perl: mod_perl Configuration
mod_speedycgi / SpeedyCGI / PersistentPerl
- CGI::SpeedyCGI - Speed up perl CGI scripts by running them persistently
- SpeedyCGI Download
- ModSecurity (mod_security) - Open Source Web Application Firewall
- ModSecurity - Download
- Got Root : mod_security rules
- Apache::SizeLimit - Because size does matter. -
- Secure Your Apache With mod_security | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
- mod_ssl: The Apache Interface to OpenSSL
- mod_ssl: Example, Installation
mod_rewrite / redirect
- mod_rewrite
- Fünfmal Redirect
- Apache 2 - Direktiven - Redirect - Sascha Kersken
- mod_dav Installation and Configuration
- CGIWrap
- mod_put, hacked
- Apache Modules from Snert - Anthony C Howe
Performance Tuning
- apache2-mpm-itk
- Apache :: ASP :: TUNING
- mod_perl: Performance Tuning
- Performance-tuning Apache
CA - Generate CAs
- Generate the CA's certificate
- FAQs
- DFN-PCA: SSL-Apache/OpenSSL/SSLeay Handbücher
- DFN-PCA: Das SSL-Apache Handbuch
- DFN-PCA: Das SSL-Apache Handbuch: http.conf - Beispiel-Datei
- httpd.conf: SSL configuration
- httpd.conf: example config for SSL and Non-SSL hosts in the same config
- Apache-SSL
- Apache 1.3.12 and SSL --- strange
- - Universal SSL Wrapper
- apache error-log messages
- sitecopy
- htaccess - Crypt
Uptime / Watchdog
- Controlling and Monitoring the Server (watchdog)
- ApacheTop - Trac
Virtuelle Server auf Win32
- bananajoe's
- The Apache Software Foundation
- Index of /dist/httpd
- Using mpm-itk To Secure A Shared Server - Stuart Herbert On PHP
- Apache Week
- FTP Directory:
- The Solaris Security FAQ
- Der Apache WebServer
- Apache memory usage - Spry Forums
- Anleitung zum Absichern von Debian - Chroot-Umgebung für Apache
Clickable image support
- Clickable image support in W3C httpd
- Kurze Beschreibung zu HTIMAGE
- The World Wide Web - Beneath the Surf
Client Überwachung mit Perl - Totale Kontrolle
- PERL-Projekt
- WWW Homepage Access Counter and Clock
German umlaute in URLs
- Umlaute in URL: .htaccess-Einträge, Codierung UTF-8
- - mod_rewrite mit Umlauten
- mod_rewrite mit Umlauten? [Archiv] - Flashforum
- Server Side Includes: Echo Command,
- SSI Commands
- ServerSideInclude (SSI) auf unterschiedlichen Webservern
- Libraries-Wide Information System
- Server-side programming tricks for client-side programmers
- Server-Side Includes
- Apache module mod_include
- NCSA HTTPd Tutorial: Server Side Includes (SSI)
- Using XSSI and ErrorDocument to configure customized international server error responses
-|com - Realm of CGI: SSI Beispiele
IIS - Microsoft Internet Informations Server
- 318380 - IIS Status Codes
- Server-Side Includes
- include bei ASP Dateien
- Häufig gestellte Fragen
- CGI Script and Server Setup Notes for Windows / IIS
- cwd under Perl on IIS
- Creating a Self-Signed Certificate using OpenSSL for use with Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 5
- 187498 - Disable PCT 1.0, SSL 2.0, or SSL 3.0 on IIS
- 224389 - Err Msg: HTTP Error 403, 403.4, 403.5 Forbidden: SSL Required
- Disabling SSL (port 443) on IIS 5.0
- Anleitung für Server-Zertifikate
WebDAV Security
- SecurityFocus HOME Mailing List: FOCUS-MS
Monitoring / Uptime checker
- Website Monitoring
- InternetSeer Web Site Monitoring Service
webalizer: analyze only specified site(s)
- webalizer : Message: Re: Generate reports for special one page
- webalizer : Message: Re: [webalizer] Limit Webalizer to a spec subdirectory
- webalizer : Message: Re: [webalizer] Limit Webalizer to a spec subdirectory
- webalizer : Message: Re: [webalizer] Stats for individual folders possible?
- Home of The Webalizer
- webalizer : Support newsgroup for webalizer
- FTP Directory:
- Homepage von Tobias Schwarz
- Webalizer Quick Help
- The weblog
- Why Browserstatistics lie ...
- Frei Software Development - HTTP 404 Error Not Found-Extension for the Webalizer
- HTTP 404 Error Not Found-Extension for the Webalizer
- nginx - HTTP server and mail proxy server
- Main - Nginx Wiki
- nginx.conf.txt
- Boa Webserver
- thttpd
- mini_httpd - small HTTP server
- Tiny HTTPd in Java
- :: lighttpd :: my home
- AIDeX Mini-Webserver 2010 - Freeware Download
- Jetty Java HTTP Servlet Server
- Top Monthly Web Sites (Single Month)
- Top Monthly Web Properties (Single Month)
- Reports
- Monitoring of HTTPS, Mail, FTP, Telnet, News, DNS Servers and Other Network Devices
- Internet Webserver Best practices
- WN -- a server for the HTTP
- WASD VMS Hypertext Services Package v8.0
- AOLserver
- Welcome to
- Snert . Com - Software - Hibachi/2.11
- Omnicron Technologies Corporation
- DWebPro Is The Best Stand Alone Web Server On The Market!!!
- Small HTTP server
- p5httpd
- HTTPi: "the little 100% Perl webserver that does tiny things"
- HTTP Statuscodes
- BSI veröffentlicht Sicherheitstudien zu Webservern
- Galileo Computing : Buch : Webseiten programmieren und gestalten
- SELFWML - WML-Seiten selbst erstellen
- WAP (heise online iX-Artikelforum)
- Confluence - Enterprise Wiki Software
- Using Apache with mod_proxy - Confluence - Confluence
- Where Is My ConfluenceHome Directory? - Confluence - Confluence
- Start Confluence automatically on Linux & Unix - Confluence - Confluence
- Hilfedatei – wiki2xhtml @
- dokuwiki [DokuWiki]
- wiki:dokuwiki [DokuWiki]
- Donate/de – Wikimedia CH
- Monobook for DokuWiki - Tatewake
- MoinMoinWiki - MoinMoin
- Wikia - Wikia Central
- TWiki - the open source wiki for the enterprise
- Bill Weinman · BW Whois
- List of backup software - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- NetVault®: Backup - BakBone Software
CVS (Concurrent Version System) / SVN (SubVersion Control)
- CVS - Open Source Version Control
- CVS (Concurrent Version System) - RCS (Revision Control - $ID: ... $)
- SmartSVN - The Smart Subversion-Client
- rapidsvn: Documents & files: Windows
- VisualSVN - Subversion plugin for Visual Studio
- The Trac Project - Trac
- Trac Hacks - Plugins Macros etc. - Trac
DB - Databases / SQL
Extract Transform Load (ETL)
- JasperSoft | JasperETL
- JasperForge - Home
- SourceForge : Project Home
- C and C++ (MySQL & mSQL)
Berkeley DB
- Berkeley DB Reference Guide (Version: 4.6.21)
- Berkeley DB Reference Guide: Building with multiple versions of Berkeley DB
- Berkeley DB: db_dump
- Berkeley DB: db_load
- Subversion Users: Re: Error 4047: Log file currupt?
- How to write flexible INSERT and UPDATE statements in MySQL - Xaprb
- MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual :: INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Syntax
- MySQL Forums :: Transactions :: Update a row or insert if don´t exist
MySQL: Stored Procedures
- MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual :: SHOW TABLE STATUS Syntax
- MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual :: 17 Stored Procedures and Functions
MySQL: How to's and problems
- MySQL AB :: MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual :: 5.8.8 Causes of Access denied Errors
- How Do I Enable remote access to MySQL database server? | nixCraft
- Externer Zugriff auf die MySQL-Datenbank: comment skip-networking out
- Reset MySQL Root-Passwort
- MySQL AB :: MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual :: 10.6.2 CONVERT() and CAST()
- phpMyBackupPro - the MySQL backup tool :: Features
- Jimmy’s weblog » Accessing mysql through ssh tunnel
- MySQLDumper - Sichern von MySQL-Datenbanken (z.B. Foren, Gästebücher und Onlineshops)
- SkySQL » Welcome to SkySQL, the alternative source for software, services and support for the MySQL® database!
- 321185 - HOW TO: Identify Your SQL Server Service Pack Version and Edition
- Microsoft SQL Server - SQL Server Versions -
- PostgreSQL Download Mirrors
- DBDesigner (
- DBTools Software - DBManager Professional
- DTM ODBC Manager, Free simple and easy-to-use ODBC DSN manager
- Navicat - About Navicat - Navicat is the World's Best Oracle, SQLite, MySQL & PostgreSQL database conversion tool - Download Now! Support database migration, Access to MySQL, Excel to MySQL, MySQL editor, MySQL administrator, MySQL frontend, MySQL manager, phpmyadmin, MySQL management, MySQL administration, MySQL front, MySQL for Toad, MySQL query builder, MySQL download, MySQL migration, MySQL control centre, MySQL client and MySQL report builder
- Database Fishing Tool
- lf247, SystemAdministration: Einen Windows NT/2000-Server mit Linux und Samba ersetzen
- SAMBA file- and print service
- Informatikserver Graz - Active Directory: Samba 3 and Squid Walkthrough
- Linux Administration GUI - SAMBA: PDC, Active Directory Domain Member, File and Print Server
- Custom Policy Templates for use with Samba
- Documentation - Samba LDAP
- Samba & LDAP - SambaWiki
- Samba and LDAP
- Tech Stuff - Samba PDC + LDAP
- Squid & Active Directory -
- ldap-smb-howto
- smb-ldap-3-howto.html
- Samba/LDAP How-To using Samba v
- HOWTO LDAP SAMBA PDC - Gentoo Linux Wiki
- HOWTO SAMBA-LDAP Domain Controller (with Real Time antivirus) - Gentoo Linux Wiki
- Tech Stuff - Samba PDC + LDAP
- - NFS + NIS
- rsync
- NIS / NIS+ (servers/auth)
- » DS_Store im Netzwerk
- German SuSE Linux mailinglist: Re: /etc/logfiles oder logrotate?
- Log files and "cron"
- Notebook: Kein cronjob <code>aaa_base</code> im Batteriebetrieb
- Re: logrotate: three questions
- Re: logrotate: extension `date "+.%m-%d-%Y"`
- [Bulma] Rotando logs de Apache con logrotate
- logrotate
- logrotate - notes on usage
- Analog and web server logfile rollovers
- Apache Log File Rotation Perl Script
- Splunk > CentralSplunk
- Mailing list archives
- logrotate
- LOGROTATE(1) Handbuchseite
- syslog-ng-Index
- Syslog-Index
- Kiwi Enterprises - Kiwi Syslog Daemon Features and Benefits
- Debian -- syslog-ng
- Syslog-ng faq: Chroot socket usage
- Syslog-ng faq: Log archives take up too much space? How to compress it
- Central Loghost Mini-HOWTO
- Logging with syslog-ng
- Linux-Kompendium:_Syslog
- Einführung in syslog-ng
- syslog-ng.conf
- expanded-syslog-ng.conf
- [syslog-ng]syslog-ng 1.5.3 released
- syslog-ng mailing list
- cronolog - flexible web log rotation
- Rotate logs without killing Apache - zwrotlogs
- Informationen sammeln
- Logwatch - a customizable log analysis system
- Lire - log file analysis
- WebLog Expert - Powerful log analyzer
- Splunk > Welcome
- How to enable /var/log/boot log file?
Management / Administration
- Tasks to automate
- Webmin
- Microsoft Management Console Center
- VHCS - Virtual Hosting Control System
- Zero Touch Linux
Monitoring / Watchdog - Ueberwachung
- Serverüberwachung
- Nagios
- Configuring Nagios Commands
- Installing Nagios
- GroundWork Open Source: GroundWork Monitor Open Source for Nagios
- Monitoring the Server. A watchdog
- mon- Service Monitoring Daemon
- SWATCH: The Simple WATCHer of Logfiles
- WatchFull
- Network Monitoring with OpManager
- Munin - Munin the monitoring tool surveys all your computers and remembers what it saw
- du2rrd - Disk Space Monitoring
- phpSysInfo
- Opsview | Enterprise Network, Server, Application & Cloud Monitoring
SSO - Single sign-on
- opensso: Home
- ntop - network traffic analyzer
- Cacti: The Complete RRDTool-based Graphing Solution
- Cacti configuration - Linux-VServer
- OETIKER+PARTNER AG Open Source Projects - MRTG, RRDtool, SmokePing, OP Tools
- SmokePing - About SmokePing
- RRDtool - RRD World
- Projects - Big Sister System and Network Monitor
- Mailgraph Homepage
- RRD graph generation using rrdtool and rrd.cgi
- Serverauslastung/monitoring aehnilch Mrtg -
- Monitoring a SmartUPS3000
- [mrtg] Re: Monitoring (unsupported) hardware
- The MySQL Graph Collection - Version 2.0!
- SNMP MIB location software?
- mibDepot: MIB Summary
- Home | NetMRG
- dnsgraph - Home Page
- Ralf Hildebrandt: /~hildeb/postfix/couriergraph/Welcome.shtml
- Ralf Hildebrandt: /~hildeb/postfix/queuegraph/Welcome.shtml
- - Entwicklung - MRTG unter Linux
- Apache Idle Servers
- Apache Idle Servers
- Ports and Services
- Dienstübersicht und Netzwerkportanforderungen für das Windows Server-System
- Ports for mapping drive in Windows 2000 Active Directory
- How to find out which process is listening upon a port
- Linux / UNIX Find Out What Program / Service is Listening on a Specific TCP Port
- Garbo shareware programs library link page
- MARC: Mailing list ARChives
HA / High-Availability
- Linux-HA Project Web Site
Character tables
- Ascii Table - ASCII character codes and html, octal, hex and decimal charts
- CPTec GmbH Gefahrensymbole für Sicherheitshinweise
Internet & Network
- InterNIC | The Internet's Network Information Center
- Root Server Technical Operations Assn
Check uptime
- Netcraft What's That Site Running Results
- Netcraft: Web Server Survey Archives
Diagnostic Tools
- - NetSpeedMonitor
- WinMTR – Appnor's Free Network Diagnostic Tool
Domain Name Service DNS / Bind
- How the DNS system works
- Netzwerk-Tools | heise Netze
- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
- named.conf.secondary
- named.conf.primary
- Steve's RHCE Study Guide: BIND
- BIND & DNS - Part 4
- DNS BIND 'named.conf' Query Parameters
Recursive queries
- SkyPoint Communications - Internet Service Provider - ISP - Minnesota
- Computer and Internet Security Forum - Protect your DNS against cache spoofing attacks
- Running the BIND9 DNS Server securely
- BIND 9 Security Considerations
- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
- Internationalized Domain Names IETF Working Group
- -- Welcome
- DNSstuff: SPF Testing
- DNSstuff: DNS tools, WHOIS, tracert, ping, and other network tools.
- DNS Report
- IPv6 Tools: IPv6 tools, tracert, ping, and other network tools.
- DNS Tools - Wie ist meine IP - Ping - Traceroute - DNS Records
- IPv6 DNS settings
- Recommendations for DNS SOA Values
- DENIC eG - FAQs für Domainanmelder
- DENIC eG - FAQs für Domaininhaber
- AERAsec - Network Security - Internet-Dienste - BIND
Domain register / check
- - Die ccTLD Landkarte
- Web Naming and Addressing Overview (URIs, URLs, ...)
- - Webhosting, E-Commerce, Webdesign - ab 7.90
- - International domain extensions and ccTLD domain registration
- SWITCH Internet Domains - whois
- Traceroute Gateway
- SWITCH Looking Glass
- InterNIC: Whois
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- Nic.Net
- NIC.COM - Meta-Whois Universal International WHOIS Server
- Uwhois
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- tcptraceroute
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- The Prefix WhoIs Project - WhoB & Layer Four Traceroute (LFT)
IP Addresses
- robtex - swiss army knife internet tool
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- RFC 1466 - Guidelines for Management of IP Address Space
- RFC 1918 - Address Allocation for Private Internets
- RFC 3330 - Special-Use IPv4 Addresses
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- SWITCH - Swiss SunSITE
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Telefonbücher - Phonebooks
- Directories - die Datenquelle
- - Das kostenlose Telefonbuch der Schweiz
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Speed test
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- Speed test - YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
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- Internet Performance Test
- Network Configuration - FileZilla Wiki
- Das Internet ABC
Newsgroups / Mailing lists
- Der Keiler UNIX: The source for the UNIX SysAdmin
- Newsgroups - comp.sys.* comp.unix.*
- de FAQs By Newsgroup
- de.comp.lang.perl.misc Newsgroup FAQs
- [de.comp.lang.perl.misc] Erst lesen - dann posten <20/06/2001>
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- Google-Suche: de.comp.lang.perl
- News.CIS.DFN.DE / News.FU-Berlin.DE
- ASPN : Mailing List Archive
Open Directory
- FOLDOC - Computing Dictionary
- Google Web Directory - Computers > Software > Globalization
- ODP - Open Directory Project
- Search
- ANSI Online
- IANA Home Page
- IETF Home Page
- "Internet Society" (ISOC): Welcome Internet Society (ISOC) Web Site
- ISO 3166 countrycodes
- - Neighborhood Internet Connection - Internet Access in New Jersey)
- RIPE NCC Homepage
- RIPE NCC Homepage
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Provider / Hoster
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- Top Ten Mistakes in Web Design (Alertbox May 1996)
- "Top Ten Mistakes" Revisited (Alertbox May 1999)
- Open Directory - Computers: Internet: Web Design and Development: Authoring: Guestbooks
Page ranking
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- Hilfe für Webmaster - Wie lauten die Richtlinien für Webmaster von Google?
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Webcam / WWW Kamera
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- : WebCam Lab : Make It Live!
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- Rheinfall Webcam at SIG-Group
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E-Mail netiquette
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- Linux Test Project - Documentation » Test Tool Matrix
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- TCP/IP Routing Basics for Windows NT
- Zeroconf – Wikipedia
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IP Calculator / IP Subnetting
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- Interfaces-Magie (/etc/network/interfaces auf Debian)
- RFC 1631 - The IP Network Address Translator (NAT)
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- SlySoft Virtual CloneDrive
- Solid State Drive – Wikipedia
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Password Safe
- KeePassX
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- Malware Protection Center - Entry: Win32/Conficker
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- Address Resolution Protocol – Wikipedia
- Bypass Firewalls - Preserve your online Anonymity, Privacy & Security - HTTP Tunnel Corp
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Internet / Online
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Firefox & Mozilla Information
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- Firefox Extensions
- Firefox add-ons and extensions
- Firefox Themes
- Firefox themes
- Firefox Discussions
- MozillaZine's Firefox discussion forums
- MozillaZine
- Index of
- :: Oregon State University Open Source Lab
- Browser.cache.disk.parent directory - MozillaZine Knowledge Base
- Extension Room
- PluginDoc: Home
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- Unread Tabs :: Mozilla Add-ons :: Add Features to Mozilla Software
- Locate in Bookmark Folders :: Mozilla Add-ons :: Add Features to Mozilla Software
- Enhanced Bookmark Search :: Mozilla Add-ons :: Add Features to Mozilla Software
- - webdeveloper: index
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- Extension Room :: Bookmarks Synchronizer (FTP)
- :: mozilla :: LiBF
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Search engines
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